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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Magcargo - Deoxys
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.5
Modified: 3.1
Limited: 4.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
- 4/5 (Modified) - excellent Poke-Power. There are many ways to
abuse its Poke-Power:
Smooth Over. Anything that can draw cards of the top of the
deck, like Steven's and TV Reporter can do it. However, it
doesn't work very well as an attacker.
5/5 (Draft/Limited) - it's broken in the Prerelease.

Johnny Blaze |
Magcargo #20 – I like the artwork on this card a lot.
Certainly an underpowered Magcargo compared from days past
when Magcargo/Entei decks were extremely fast and viable.
This Magcargo is made for Limited play only. Really its that
good in Limited environment.
Unlimited: 1/5 – Way too slow here. Doesn’t stand a chance
against Blastoise.
Modifed: 2/5 – Way too slow here. Doesn’t stand a chance
against Blastoise. Definitely needs Balloon Berry. The
Smooth-over Power does deserve an honorable mention as it
works extremely well with TV Reporter. But as a main
attacker Magcargo just doesn’t pack a punch.
Limited: 4.5/5 – Very very good in this environment. If you
are like me and draft 3 Balloon Berry at the pre-release
that goes extremely well with Magcargo. Also Professor Cozmo
is a good card with this if you are lucky enough to draft
both. Smooth Over is what makes this card so great in
Limited. Search your deck for any card and draw it next turn
is just so great. Get anything you need. Plus it works while
Magcargo is on the bench.
Jaeger |
Today's Card of the Day is Magcargo
Weakness: Water decks are becoming more and more common
which is really going to hurt this card so make sure to
balance your weaknesses and you should be fine
Hit Points: 80 Hit Points is decent for a stage one
Retreat Cost: Probably this card biggest downside a retreat
cost of 3 is just to high especially for a stage 1
Attack 1(Knock Over): The downside to this attack is it only
hits for ten damage the up side is that it only takes one
energy and it lets you discard any Stadium card in play and
any one that play a fire deck with Rayquaza EX/Blaziken EX
knows one of the most devastating cards is a well timed
Desert Ruins 10 damage a turn may not seem like much but it
adds up very quickly and besides Desert Ruins there are
other Stadiums that don't really hurt you but give your
opponent an advantage.
Attack 2(Combustion FCC) Not a whole lot to say pretty
standard 3 energy for 50
Poke-Power: Theirs up and downs to this power first off the
downsides the only real downside is that the card has to go
on top of your deck instead of into your hand but since this
is only a power and not a supporter then you could still use
cards like TV Reporter or Stephens Advice, Delcatty, etc. to
grab it. The upside of using Magcargo over Pidgeot for
example is that Magcargo is only a stage 1 which means that
it is easier to get out and is hurt less by ATM Rock
Summary: I think there are several reasons why Magcargo will
probably never replace Pidgeot first off the card you get
with the power goes to the top of your deck and not to your
hand. Second its retreat cost of three is just to high while
Pidgeot is a free retreater. And lastly Third is that
Magcargo is weak to Water and Pidgeot is weak to Lighting
which gives you a better chance if playing against a water
deck, but I do think this card is worth play testing.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: 3/5
Limited 4/5