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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Rayquaza ex
- Deoxys
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
Rayquaza ex - 3.5/5 - The card is incredibly good with some
Like, Electrode ex - yay! But it doesn't work very well by
This card needs to be played with a purpose - and planned
carefully. After all, a Crystal Shard or a Colorless Pokemon can
take it out in one-hit.
You don't want to play it as a one-time wonder, but as a
game-winning card (well, it can be a one-time wonder).

Johnny Blaze |
Rayquaza-ex – We get 3
Quaza’s in this set and now our 2nd Rayquaza-ex over all in
current rotation. The Dragon Boost Rayquaza-ex is very
interesting. It virtually has identical stats to its Dragon
Rayquaza-ex except for its attacks of course.
Unlimited: 2.5/5 – Its virtually ER proof for one turn,
which is good, and you can do a quick 70 with a Plus Power
to ko any decent Haymaker Pokemon if there are 2 energies
out. Just play the basic L energy from your hand when you
put Rayquaza on your bench and then Energy Boost the 2 R
energies that are out and switch with the active. The
colorless weakness may pose a problem against Fable but
otherwise it resists Tyrouge and Water which are good things
to resist in Unlimited.
Modified: 3/5 – Again another Rayquaza that works extremely
well with Fire Starter Blaziken. It’s attack is extremely
cheap and surprising and can deal 100 damage with only 5
energies attached to it. Unfortunately Crystal Shard was
reintroduced in the current Modified format and along with
that Desert Ruins will keep this Rayquaza in check.
Limited: 3.5/5 – With only 4 prizes in Limited, Ex’s are
certainly shaky as when they get ko’d your opponent draws
their last 2 prizes. However, Quaza-ex can basically ohko
everything that your opponent has if played correctly.
Definitely if you draft Balloon Berry and then drop Quaza
and retreat your active, Dragon Boost then ko their main
Jaeger |
Rayquaza EX(Deoxys)
Weakness(Colorless): Theirs usually a few colorless Pokemon
in every deck, Pidgeot and Dunsparce are the most common but
there are many more, not to mention the recently re-released
Crystal Shard.
Resistance(Fighting/Water): Dual Resistance is always nice
to see there are a good number of Fighting and Water going
Retreat Cost: A retreat cost of two is reasonable and about
what you would expect to pay for a basic EX.
Hit Points: 100 Hit Points is not much for a EX, if your not
careful your opponent will KO Rayquaza in one hit, also
Desert Ruins and Crystal Shard's will devastates this card.
Pokemon Power: The good thing about this power is that it
lets you choose how many basic energy you want to move the
only downside to this power is that you can only use it when
you play Rayquaza EX from your hand.
Attack 1(Spiral Blast): The thing I don't like about this
attack is that you have to have alot of energy on it to do
alot of damage and most of time your going to spend time
powering it up and getting alot of energy on it so you can
do a lot of damage and your opponent will have it knocked
out in a turn or two
Summary: I don't think this Rayquaza EX(Deoxys) will replace
the Rayquaza EX from Dragons in a standard Blaziken/Blaziken
EX/Rayquaza EX deck for one main reason the idea of the
Rayquaza EX from Dragons is to do alot of damage quickly for
a little amount of energy and with Pidgeot it is quite easy
to set-up a Rayquaza EX with a Multi and a couple of fire
energy in one turn via Firestarter and Quick Search for the
needed stuff and hit for a 120 damage while the new Rayquaza
EX from Deoxys for three energy could only hit for half that
60, 40 if you were using a Multi or Rainbow energy.
I think Rayquaza EX(Deoxys) Stands a chance in a deck that
more based around it and not just an additional attacker
also since it basic energy and not just Fire and Electric
for the attack(after you pay the primary attack cost) that
gives you some more options.
With Pidgeot being played widespread and the occasional
Crystal Shard one of the main problems I see with this card
is that it won't be around long enough to make it worth the
time you spent getting energys on it, and is going to turn
into some easy prizes for your opponent. I do think you will
see this card being played in a verity of decks vartions of
Fire Starter most of the time but I do not believe that this
will replace the original Rayquaza EX from Dragons.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 3.5/5