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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
- Deoxys
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2
Modified: 3.5
Limited: 4.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
2004 |
Grumpig (P)
80 HP
Stage 1 (Evolves from Spoink)
PokéBody: Carefree
Grumpig can’t be confused.
(P*): Hypnoblast (20)
The Defending Pokémon is now asleep.
(P**): Extra Ball (50)
If the Defending Pokémon is Pokémon-ex, this attack does 50
damage plus 30 more damage.
Weakness: P
Retreat: *
Well, from the looks of things, this week is going to focus
on new cards that will make an impact on the future of
gameplay. The first card this week is Grumpig (DX).
Top Stats: 80 HP for a stage on is pretty decent. It’s not
the greatest, but it works out well in most situations.
Spoink isn’t the greatest basic, but what one is that
evolves. If you sue this card, use any Spoink you’d like
with the exception of the Psybeam one from Dragon. It’s the
worst of the three, while the other two are on a more level
playing field.
PokéBody: Carefree: Well, Confusion isn’t a very often used
status effect in today’s modified environment, but
protection from ANY status can never be a negative, if not
always a slight positive on a card.
Attack No. 1, Hypnoblast: Nothing new here. We’ve seen
attacks like this for quite some time. Sleep is one of the
lesser status effects IMO, although it can be rather deadly
at times of your opponent is having a bad flipping day. 20
damage appears to be what this attack is normally set at, so
again, nothing new to see.
Attack No. 2, Extra Ball: This attack is the reason this
card will be making a big impact on the way we play today.
Being able to deal 80 damage to an ex more or less cripples
them if not KOs them. If they survive and you’ve planned
right, you should get the KO next turn for two prizes. And
50 for (P**) is almost steal too.
Bottom Stats: Weakness to (P) is to be expected from a (P)
Pokémon, as is no resistance. And (*) is good on any evolved
Comparison to other cards: Well, there only one other
Grumpig (Dragon, FYI) and it’s not great. So forget him.
However, I’m not sure if running a 2/2 line of Grumpig is
going to help you in any and every deck. Sure, he’s going to
cripple and OHKO most Pokémon-ex, but I’m not sure if he’s
your best candidate for –ex stoppage. Wobbuffet (SS) has
been stopping Pokémon –ex from hitting you for some time
now. And his pre-evolution can help you out a LOT early in
the game (i.e. Alluring Smile for some rather key TecH
pokémon such as Delcatty, Pidgeot, etc.). I’m not so sure I
wouldn’t run Wobbuffet over Grumpig. The only thing that has
the jury out for me on this is that Grumpig can OHKO the
ever evil Blaziken ex, but even it can stop Grumpig before
it gets to start. So I’m not so sure that Wobbuffet still
isn’t the best –ex stopper.
Point System:
Unlimited: 1.5/5
He’s a bit too slow here with a three energy attack. Try and
find other ways to stop Pokémon-exs, such as Ancient Tomb.
Modified: 3.5/5
It’s a fact he’s going to see play here. It’s a format
ridden with each deck running approximately 1 Pokémon-ex, if
not more. With the ability to OHKO Blaziken-ex, why not run
him? But I think his slow speed will be his eventual
downfall. I’d stick with Wobuffet (SS) personally, but I
play rather defensively.
Draft: 4.5/5
Protection from a status, ability to give a status, and very
little coloring in his attacks. This is almost a dream draft
pick. A definite first pick if drafting Psychic as either a
main type or supporting type.
ZachEX |
Name: Grumpig
Set: Deoxys
Number: 32/107
Combos: Try it with Gardevoir EX, Gorebyss or Metagross
Unlimited: 2/5
80 HP, stage one not bad. 3 for 50 is nice here but you
won't be getting much of the +30 for the EX.
Draft: 3/5
In the pre-release tourney, I wen't up against this and it
was pretty nice although again its bonus wasnt coming to
many times.
Modified: 3/5
We will see a lot of this card. Just my guess but GardyEX's
return may be halted by a wooping 160 damage to it from
Grumpig. ;)
-Zach "ZachEX" Reif

Johnny Blaze |
Grumpig – The answer to many ex problems such as Gardy-ex,
Vileplume-ex, and all the new Deoxys-ex. Grumpig has 80 HP
with a Psychic weakness and a retreat cost of one and each
of his attacks take only 1 Psychic and the rest colorless.
Grumpig also has a Poke-body called Carefree that makes him
immune to Confusion. Sounds like a pretty good card to
splash in for some fun depending on your area’s metagame.
Unlimited: 2.5/5 – Like I said before a great counter to
Vileplume-ex as it ohko’s Vileplume-ex in one shot.
Unfortunately a lot of good Plume decks also run ER so it
will be difficult to pull off but nonetheless very
Modified: 3.5/5 – I see this card making a nice impact on
the current Metagame. I mean 80 to any ex for only 3 energy
and lets not forget if you are behind on prizes, Scramble
Energy works great on Grumpig. Certain Psychic weak Pokemon
are ohko with Grumpig’s Extra Ball attack.
Hypnoblast with auto-sleep is a nice one too. But Extra Ball
and the ability to counter Confusion is what gets this Pig
in Hog Heaven.
Limited: 4/5 – With a huge amount of Psychic types in this
set for draft, Grumpig is actually good to use but also
susceptible himself. Hope that your oppoenet drafted and
played that Deoxys-ex and you will be in good shape.