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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
- Deoxys
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.85
Modified: 2.5
Limited: 3.15
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
ZachEX |
Name: Slaking
Set: Deoxys
Number: 15/107
Combos: I can't think of a big combo for this guy right now
=/. DX Grumpig?
Unlimited: 2/5
OK here. Nothing special, nice HP and it's attacks could be
nice especially with Double Colorless.
Draft: 1/5
I wouldn't use him here. 4 energy is a lot in a draft, it's
Body won't see much use. It is also a stage 2 which means it
is hard to use unless you get about a pair of Slakoth and a
Modified: 2/5
Helpful pokebody. Amnesia will help a lot against pokemon
that only have one attack. Slaking will not be used in the
upcoming big tourneys as far as I see.
2004 |
Slaking (C)
120 HP
Stage 2 (Evolves from Vigoroth)
PokéBody: Lazy Aura
As long as Slaking is your Active Pokémon, any damage done
by attacks from your opponent’s Pokémon-ex is reduced by 30
(before applying weakness and resistance).
(**): Amnesia (20)
Choose one of the defending pokémon’s attacks. That pokémon
can use that attack during your opponent’s next turn.
(****): Lazy Headbutt (70)
Slaking is now asleep.
Weakness: Fighting
Retreat: ***
Well, this is our second format changing card for the week.
Let’s delve into this thing quickly, shall we?
Top Stats: Colorless is great versus the many rampant
dragons in today’s modified. 120 HP is the best you can get
on a current Stage 2 without it becoming an ex Pokémon. On
top of everything else, its stage 1 and basic forms are both
very well rounded. So, at least we know he looks great on
the top.
PokéBody: Lazy Aura: Reducing damage before weakness and
resistance is good thing for this card since it doesn’t have
a resistance to anything. But damage is only reduced when
attacked by Pokémon-ex. Now, normally Pokémon-ex will do
more than 30 damage, so you’re not preventing all of it. But
preventing some is usually a good thing. It’s a decent power
overall, not great and not bad either.
Attack No.1, Amnesia: At first, this attack doesn’t look to
great. 20 damage is expect here due to the cost, but
preventing an opponent from using an attack doesn’t seem
overly great. That is, until you consider that many pokémon
today have one attack and a Pokémon Power of some sort. This
attack not only shuts down many Exs with a power and attack,
but shuts down such staples as Blaziken, Dark T-Tar (Sand
Damage), and Gardvoir (still around some). A very
situational attack, but it comes in handy when facing
pokémon such as those listed above or when you know your
opponent can’t possibly be able to use any attack other than
a certain one next turn.
Attack No.2, Lazy Headbutt: 70 for ****=Good. And sleep is
one of those conditions you have a high probability of
getting out of. To be exact, you have a 25% chance of being
asleep the next time your turn rolls around if your opponent
does decide to use another status on you. And not many will.
On top of this, his PokéBody keeps working even after he’s
asleep. Sleep is a great sacrifice here for 70 damage to
anything, 140 versus dragons and other colorless weak types.
Bottom Stats: Weakness to (F) is expected here and I’m still
mad after all this time that many (C) pokémon do not have
(P) resistance. But after all this settles, the common three
colorless retreat cost on high HP pokémon remains, as has
been seen on other Slaking. Which leads me to…
Comparison to other Cards: Is Slaking (DX) a viable card to
play on its own. In my humble opinion, no. While a deck
based around taking down Pokémon-ex sounds tempting at
first, its not really viable. Someway or another, these ex-centrtic
decks will get their non-ex parts up and running and thrash
you. Now, should this card be played at all, yes. In a
Slaking deck, I think TecHing one of this card in and some
Surprise! Time Machine could make for a nasty twist in some
rouge Slaking deck (which can work quite well). However, if
you’re trying to counter Pokémon-ex, there are better cards
out there (Ancient Tomb, Wobuffet (SS) to name a few). While
this card helps a bit, I don’t think it helps enough.
Point System:
Unlimited: 1.5/5
Too slow here. The .5 is for the off chance that you need to
counter a Pokémon-ex in this environment where your should
have killed off whatever you feared anyway.
Modified: 2.5/5
I thing the Slaking decks in this environemt would only run
this guy as TecH, and even then he wouldn’t be a big player
in the deck. So he can partially stop Pokémon-ex. So what?
RS Slaking takes out most ex and Dragons in one hit. Not to
mention, he can keep dealing a constant 100 every turn when
played correctly. The DX Slakinig is only TecH, and not
great TecH at that.
Draft: 3/5
Better here, but not very high due to the fact that he’s a
stage two. But being colorless and having two solid attacks
are very beneficial if you could get him running. If only he
weren’t so difficult to get out…

Johnny Blaze |
Slaking – This new version of Slaking is playable in all
formats but mainly Modified and Limited is where it shines.
Like its R&S version, Slaking has 120 hp. This Slaking has a
nice Poke-Body Lazy Aura which reduces attacks by Pokemon-ex
by 30 damage that in combination with its 1st attack Amnesia
and you can have a nice lock on your opponents Pokemon-ex.
Unlimited: 2/5 – Watch out for Tyrogue, Unknown N, Energy
Removals, and Sprout Tower. After all that if you can get a
couple of Recycle energies on Slaking and then you can go to
work with Lazy Headbut and DCE. Just pack in a method for
Slaking to wake up after he uses Lazy Headbutt.
Modified: 3/5 – Nice combo is to use R+S Slaking and
Surprise Time Machine with this Slaking. Also Meteor Falls
with Slakoth that has Flail attack and Slaking can hit for a
surprise 90-110 a turn for only 1 energy!
Limited: 3.5/5 – With Dragon’s colorless weakness Slaking is
a good pull if you can draft the entire line. Also Amnesia
is just a great attack to stall and do 20 damage at a time
in draft because many Pokemon only have 1 decent attack