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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Swoop Teleporter
Ex Team Rocket Returns
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 4.5
Modified: 4.5
Limited: 4.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Patriarch |
Hi guys! After yet another long pseudo-retirement,
Patriarch is back, and this time, he's brought along a
buddy. Everyone on Pojo, this is Seena Ghaziaskar,
former 11-12 STS Champ, and now the current 15+ National
rpreisser27: ;D
rpreisser27: lol
Okay. Here's my review:::
Basically, discard one of your current Pokemon in play
for one from your deck (no, you don't lose the game if
you only have one pokemon out...hence, SWITCHING)...not
too complex, right? Wrong. Swoop! Teleporter is a TRR
Expansion trainer with a great amount of potential, and
is currently one of the format's most playable cards.
Mind you, I'm going to be out on a leg with this one; it
will get getting 5's in all formats...but...why, you
The consistency it brings to all formats-Cleffa...Dunsparce...Jirachi
(Deoxys)...both modified and standard have some sort of
Pokemon in the deck meant to up consistency. Well, if
you get a bad start, and play swoop, then it's suddenly
good! Example:::
You start with a lone slowpoke and a bunch of energy
while using your Sneasel/Slowking at league...BEFORE
swoop! teleporter, this would be an awful hand, but if
Swoop is in that hand, then you can get rid of the 'poke
for a cleffa, eeeeeeek away, and voila! You now have a
solid, consistent start.
Swoop! Teleporter is so good for this RS-on format
especially, because it is oversaturated with Supporter
Draw cards, thus making many decks inconsistent, or
otherwise slow. A perfect example of a deck made better
by just one or two tech Swoops would be Dark Tyranitar/Dark
Ampharos. Many considered this type of deck to be
inconsistent, but now that the best lists play swoop
teleporter, along with a multiple amount of dunsparce
and 1 tech Jirachi, it is VERY consistent, and one of
this format's best decks.
Swoop Allows you to make complex moves, thus increasing
the enjoyment and skill involved in this game-
Most of the time, swoop! teleporter pulls are brutally
simple, but other times, they are not. In the late
moments of the game, you sometimes are able to pull very
awkward, cool, and exciting moves only through swoop!
One time at a fun tournament, I was using Walrein. In
the finals, my opponent has board control, but if I pull
two prizes off of his attacking ex, then I win. So I
sent up by Spheel with two energy, attached a third,
used Swoop! Teleporter for a Slugma, evolved it to
Magcargo DX1, Smoothed Over, used a draw card to get my
smooth over, surprise! Time machine (the evolution
version of swoop, which is also VERY good) for magcargo
ex DRG, and did 100 for the win.
I NEVER write long reviews on cards, but Swoop! is an
exception. Usually, us reviewers give most
modified-legal cards (1/5) in Unlimited...that is
CERTAINLY not the case.
So I humbly give Swoop! Teleporter my vote of
confidence! :D
Unlimited (5/5): Oh god, simply outrageous.Find some
good combos for yourself, because I haven't found even a
tenth of them...so awesome =)
Modified (5/5): Swoop! Teleporter sometimes gives you
more consistency in a deck than an actual draw
card...it's just too amazing to NOT notice! Consider at
least one of these lil brats for your modified decklist,
especially if you plan to compete in the world
championships, or its "grinder."
Limited (5/5):...Do you like using Swoop! Teleporter for
a Shining Mudkip to surprise-win a close game? I know I
do. =P
Later, cats and G-dawgs =p

Hinkbert |
Swoop! Teleporter: Ex
Team Rocket
One of the new trainer cards introduced in Ex Team
Rocket, Rocket’s Secret Machine, Swoop! Teleporter is an
interesting card. For those that don’t know what it
does, you switch a basic (non-ex) Pokemon with a basic
(non-ex) Pokemon in your deck, the original is discarded
and all effects, damage, energy, etc stay. It can be a
very useful card in certain situations, and to combo
with it properly it helps to manipulate those
Since its inception players have been using to rid
themselves of their 1st turn Dunsparce to get something
more useful out. There’s a new strategy emerging where
decks can be created that allow more of this to happen
in different ways. For example in a Dark Slowking
“Litter” deck one can start with Rocket’s Meowth and
search for a tool or machine (the Swoop if necessary),
then next turn Swoop for a slowpoke, evolve and attack
for a mean and destructive 80 to 90 damage (if a dark
energy is used). The second option is used in “power
stopper deck” here the player starts with Jirachi from
Deoxys and use wishing star, then hopefully it’ll wake
up between turns allowing another wishing star to be
used, then Swoop for Meditite, Grimer, Makuhita, and
evolve into their respective Ex forms to shut down your
opponent early (Hariyama needs a stadium to work well)
and do some damage. Then by turn 3 you’ve disrupted your
opponent and your setup to do some big damage. With
Dunsparce being rotated out after Worlds I wouldn’t be
surprised if a strategy of Swooping like this replaced
the old way of starting with Dunsparce for quickness in
getting basics. If this combo becomes even more stable
it will become even more vicious when it works. That’s
the main issue for this idea right now, you need to have
the Swoop for the combo to work, and outside of a litter
deck, 3 or more Swoops become excessive and interfere
with the deck’s mechanics. So there’s some luck involved
in getting Swoop, but when you do it’s powerful.
Unlimited 4/5 It’s very difficult to rate this card in
this format since this combo is new in modified and I
haven’t seen it in unlimited yet, but it’s powerful and
quick and both of those are good in unlimited. As I said
it’s a potent card in the right situation, and unlimited
is often based on using basics, so I see this card
working well for this format.
Modified 4/5 Ok, the card is kind of hard to rate in
other formats to. It’s one of those cards that’s
powerful in the right deck, and it can be used in pretty
much every kind of deck, but only in certain ones is it
really effective. I could easily see this card becoming
a staple soon, but all that depends on what Unseen
Forces brings, but for now try it out and see what
Limited 4/5 Most trainers are good in limited (unless
they are totally useless like getting a VS seeker with
no supporters), the main problem with this is if you get
when you don’t need it, but considering the number of
times I’ve had basics with energy attached in play, but
the improper evolutions in my hand makes this card
amazing to have.

Otaku |
If you find the review is too long, skip
straight to the Ratings and Summary!
Name :
Swoop! Teleporter
Set :
EX Team Rocket Returns
Card# :
Rarity :
Type :
Rocket’s Secret Machine
Card Text:
Search your deck for a Basic Pokémon (excluding
Pokémon-ex) and switch it with 1 of your Basic
Pokémon (excluding Pokémon-ex) in play. Any
cards, Special Conditions, and effects on it are
now on the new Pokémon.) Place the first Basic
Pokémon in the discard pile. Shuffle your deck
Today’s “re-review” is Swoop! Teleporter.
This Trainer was last reviewed on December 3rd,
2004. It is a Rocket’s Secret Machine, a definite
advantage, as it opens up some combo opportunities
I’ll list later. The most important thing is that
it is not a Supporter, making it a welcome
addition to many, many Modified decks. The only
real downside to this is all the Trainer denial in
Unlimited (mostly from Neo Genesis Slowking)
and against Vileplume ex in Modified. Pretty
small drawback in the long run, though.
So what does it actually do? It swaps a Basic in
play for one from your deck. Any cards attached,
damage counters, Special Conditions, and other
effects residing on the old Basic are transferred to
the new one. The old Pokémon is discarded. This is
a nice effect at its most basic level; if you have
one in hand, then whatever Pokémon you start with is
guaranteed to be the perfect one… unless all copies
of said “perfect” starter are in your Prizes. Or,
as the text states, if it either Basic you’d wish to
involve is a Pokémon-ex.
Uses and
Like so many Trainers in the game, what makes
Swoop! Teleporter are the combos that go with
it. Let us start with some of its set-mates.
Rocket’s Meowth can nab it from the deck using
its first attack. With 60 HP, Rocket’s Meowth
can be tricky to FTKO, meaning you will likely have
a chance to Swoop it out for the desired
Basic Pokémon. You can also use the opposite
approach: in just about any deck, once you’ve used
your opening Basic’s desired ability, you can switch
it out for Rocket’s Meowth and go suicidal
with Miraculous Comeback. Probably not the
best idea though.
Rocket’s Secret Machines can be discarded by Dark
Slowking to hit hard and fast, giving another
use, but it’s time to get down to it: this card
combos with something I said was horrible… and might
have been, had everyone been as oblivious to the
combos surrounding it as I was: EX Deoxys Jirachi.
Open with said Jirachi, use its Poké-Power at
least once, and then Swoop out to something
more useful. Now, in general, this wouldn’t be
enough; I could just open with Dunsparce, do
the same thing, and instead of hoping something
useful was in my top five cards, have dropped an
Energy card onto it and gotten up to three Basics I
needed. So what was it I missed? Well, the new
crop of decks, mainly. Most can set up turn two
quite reliably, especially with Jirachi and
Swoop! Teleporter. What drove it home is the
tournament winning potency of the “Jirachi/Swoop
Engine” as some call it, is its use with the recent
crop of control/disruption decks that set up by turn
two, usually thanks to this combo. Such decks
usually run just Jirachi and the Pokémon that
provide the control or disruption element. This
means they tend to start with either the Basic they
need to Evolve from, or with Jirachi. They
draw with Jirachi once or twice; attaching Energy on
their first turn, then on their second turn Swoop
out so they can Evolve into what they need to. Since
these decks are based around Pokémon with Poké-Powers
or Bodies that require they be Active in order to
function (Hariyama ex, Medicham ex,
and Muck ex) they don’t want too much of a
Bench. A Bench fuels Dark Hypno (all these
Pokémon I have seen are Psychic Weak) and makes the
lock easier to break. Or maybe its some reason I
missed – these aren’t my decks and I am only just
coming to know them better.
3.5/5-Its definitely got its uses here as well.
Since Baby Pokémon are so hard to damage, and Neo
Genesis Cleffa may be the ultimate opening Pokémon
(at least for setting up), Eeeeeeek a few times then
switch out to a Slowpoke or Squirtle
to Evolve into one of the few Evolutions that see
play here (Neo Genesis Slowking and Base Set
Blastoise, respectively). Or just into
another Basic: due to the Baby Rule, it is very hard
to injure “Baby” Pokémon, and thus they likely will
have no damage even after they have served their
purpose. Still, this is Unlimited, and there are so
many options floating around that can already help
with this, it becomes something to definitely use…
if you have room. And that is a big if.
4/5-Even though space is more limited here, it just
combos so much better. This format is built upon
Evolutions and an opening Pokémon whose sole purpose
is usually to set up. I rarely give cards a higher
score than this, and when I do, they tend to be
universally useful and often broken. This card
appears well made and balanced, and isn’t needed by
every deck… so it won’t break four.
Limited :
5/5-Even in a set full of great Trainers, this one
stands out. It can get that one Basic you really,
really need. More over, it’s one of the few
Trainers not restricted to use with Rocket’s
or Dark Pokémon.
A card I selected for review but missed out on last
time, Swoop! Teleporter has proven better
than I anticipated, and one of those cards you
really need to look for reasons to not run
it. It also gave me a chance to “correct” my Deoxys
Jirachi oversight, which will naturally be
remembered much better than those times I get things
right. ;)

Ash |
Swoop! Teleporter
Wow today we have Swoop! Teleporter for the
review...it's one of the best trainer in the world. ;)
And it's my babe...anyway I don't think you still don't
know the use of this card, but anyway let's read the
Swoop! Teleporter – Rocket's Secret Machine
Search your deck for a Basic Pokémon (excluding
Pokémon-ex) and switch it with 1 of your Basic Pokémon
(excluding Pokémon-ex) in play. (Any cards attached to
that Pokémon, damage counters, Special Conditions, and
effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.) Place the
first Basic Pokémon in the discard pile. Shuffle your
deck afterward.
Set: EX: Team Rocket's Returns
Rarity: Uncommon
OMG it's COOL! Why? Mmm before I explain its crazy uses
let's use an easy combo for example – you add Dunspace
SS to most deck yah, so what's the use after you've
searched for the full bench? Switch it to the bench for
the rest of the game? Use Sudden Flash until your
opponent kills it? The point is – you wasted the energy.
Energy for the first few turns is very important, in
order to do big damage in the first few turns...as my
friend John says, 'using Dunsparce is a waste of time.
It slows down the decks.' Exactly. So we may use a way –
use Dunny to search 5 benches, and swoop it and evolve
or swoop it to Jirachi DX / HL, whatever, to do some
For an experienced (even crazy) player, you must know
the real use of Swoop! Teleporter through games. But for
beginner, you may ask – why I'll need to replace it
instead of searching for 1 more Basic Pokemon?
It's easy – for the energies that have been attached. To
evolve it to recover special conditions. To evolve it.
That's it.
I think many players who are good at observing will
notice that – many one use it with 4 Jirachi DX. Why?
Well those kind of decks are probably Dark Slowking,
Medicham ex or Muk ex, or even Primeape, anyway speed
decks. First of all we need a Jirachi for a nice start,
to draw something that we want. Oh afterward it's
asleep, so it will slow down the deck? NO. Just evolve
it, and do damages. So Swoop!
Teleporter + Jirachi DX is the combo here.
There's also a famous combo. If you start with a basic,
a swoop and a Pidgeot, just swoop the basic (even it's
Dunsparce) for a Pidgey, then candy it to Pidgeot, and
search for a Dunsparce, retreat for free, do Strike and
Combos: Pokemon Retriever, Jirachi DX, or Dunsparce SS,
anyway it can combo with many thing. You'll just find
it's an excellent trainer while you need a Pokemon and
get rid of the crappy Dunny on your bench. If your deck
needs speed, how can it work without Swoop!
When you want to start with the basic that you need, you
can use Swoop! Teleporter to get it, and play Pokemon
Retriever to get back the Pokemon in the discard pile,
then blah...that's it!
Unlimited: 4/5 yeah it's excellent.
Modified: 4/5 excellent...
Limited: 4/5 excellent, since it can increase the speed
to get a set up.
Overall: 4/5 excellent... ;X sorry.