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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Vileplume ex
EX Hidden Legends
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 4.75
Modified: 4
Limited: 3.91
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Ash |
Woo today we'll have Vileplume ex for review. Well I
believe it's another re-review and I think it is REALLY
nice. I did have one but my friend Chu took it to Worlds
04 and traded it out...who got it? Mmm I believe it's
famous for its use in unlimited format, but anyway let's
read the spoiler:
Vileplume ex - 140 HP - Grass type
Stage 2 - evolves from Gloom
When Pokemon-ex is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2
Prize cards.
Poke-Body: Block Dust: As long as Vileplume ex is your
Active Pokemon, your opponent can't play Trainer cards
(except for Supporter cards) from his or her hand.
[2G] Special Formula (50) Flip a coin. If heads, the
defending Pokemon is now Asleep and Poisoned. If tails,
the defending Pokemon is now Confused.
Weakness: Psychic
Retreat Cost: 2
WOW I love it. Yes, we should put ALL of our focus on
Block Dust.
Remember Dark Vileplume's Hay Fever Pokemon Power?
Pokemon Power: Hay Fever: When this card is in play,
neither player may play Trainer cards. This power cannot
be used if Dark Vileplume is Asleep, Confused or
I can say they have similar uses, but Vileplume ex is
much better.
Why? Easy, because you can use Trainers / Supporters but
your opponent can't use them =/. Think about it. Think
about it DEEPLY. How important is trainers to a deck? I
can say that, no trainers, no deck.
Yes you may say that we can just use lots of Supporter
for some draws.
But I suppose you should have more non-supporter
trainers rather than supporters. For a Rock Lock -
Rocket's Tricky Gyms, ATM Rocks, for a Slaking deck,
switches / warp points, for a Medicham ex deck, more
Stadiums, Energy Removal 2, Swoop! Teleporter, anyway a
lot more. Now you understand how important are
non-supporters to a deck? You are almost trapped if you
can't use Swoop! Teleporter in a T2 deck lol.
If you use Vileplume ex in unlimited format, it is even
more than that.
Think about it again, how many Supporter will we use in
unlimited format?
Maybe just Prof. Oak's Research, Copycat or Mr.
Briney's Compassion. Wow so we can slash all stall decks
which wins by
(Super) Energy Removals...and if your opponent even
didn't add any trainers (normal), bye-bye.
ROFL a T2 Vileplume ex is EXCELLENT because you don't
have to worry about ATM Rock, and you can play a Battle
Frontier like Hariyama ex...
Combos: Boost Energy for T2 damages. That's cool isn't
it. And we can also add some Bellossom HL to keep it for
longer time, than Super Scoop Up it, and pump another
Vileplume ex, keep on stalling! (In my
opinion) LOL add a Strength Charm and Battle Frontier
for Rock Lock xD. Wow I just find it's a Rock Lock
For unlimited: just add as much Gold Berry / Berry as
you can to keep it for longer time, and yell I'm loving
For 2-on-2: Vileplume ex + Armaldo SS is a famous combo
to stop your opponent from playing trainers...what
should you do then?
Unlimited: 4.5/5 I've to say that it destroys everything
unless your opponent plays lots of supporters in his /
her deck to avoid Vileplume ex...GREAT. >.<
Modified: 4/5 Still not bad since it kills Rocket's
Secret Machines, Pokemon Tools, Technical Machines and
some stuffs like Rocket's Pokeballs.
Limited: 3.5/5 It's still not bad here since its attack
is nice and we can also block ATM Rock from HL (lol I
also use it in Pre-Release).
Overall: 4/5 Vileplume ex is our hero.
contact me ash.van.je@hotmail.com, I have something to
ask you. ;) BTW Welcome for suggestions and comments.]
Bullados |
Vileplume ex
Attributes: 140 HP is on the low end of the stage 2
Pokemon-ex scale, but it's enough to make Plume a tough
KO. That is, until you move on to the Weakness, and
notice that any Psychic type that can deal 70 damage,
and most of them can do that quite easily, has a OHKO.
Unfortunately, there is very little you can do to stop a
Psychic deck, considering that there is only a single
Psychic type that is weak to Grass, and Vileplume NEEDS
to be active in order to function effectively. A retreat
of 2 doesn't really matter, because, again, Vileplume
absolutely has to be active in order for it to work
Attack #1: [GCC] Special Formula
This is, at best, a very nice attack. It deals a decent
amount of damage, plus has the ability to deal Status,
which is huge in a Modified format that is completely
unprepared for status effects. However, it is slightly
overcosted for a Pokemon-ex, it would have been better
off dealing 60 damage or costing GG for 40, but it's
still very nice.
Poke-BODY: "Block Dust"
THIS is the core of this card. You can effectively lock
in a Low Pressure or Battle Frontier so that your
opponent will have fits trying to get it out of the way.
It's also better than its Dark counterpart in that it
still allows YOU to play YOUR Trainers.
Unlimited: A card that is better in Unlimited than in
MOdified? You don't say? Most of the Unlimited draw
power is not Supporter driven, and there are VERY few
Supporters played in this format. On top of that, your
opponent can't get it out of the way, AND there is very
little Psychic played here, because 4 out of the top 5
Pokemon in the format are Psychic resistant. The attack
is pretty good for the 60-70 HP range, considering that
it will OHKO those half the time, and could prevent them
from attacking about half the time (I didn't do the
exact math for all that, don't take my word on it). A
VERY solid Pokemon, and one of three stage 2s that are
actually viable in Unlimited (Blastoise and Feraligatr
being the others).
Modified: A little worse here, considering that Psychic
is a fairly popular type right now, tryig to combat the
Turn 2 Control decks that will be popping up over the
next month or so. In fact, you could put Vileplume into
that Turn 2 Control catagory if run with the right
engine. It hands RocLoc its packing bags, and is better
than average against DragTrode, two of the top decks in
the format. It might not be as fast as other Turn 2
Control decks, nor as stable, but it could work in the
Limited: Big HP with an attack that OHKOs most to all
Basics in the set with no drawbacks, plus has a fairly
easy to draft line that is good in its own right without
the Plume. Stopping most Trainers in the format, with
the exception of Steven's, and being able to deal HUGE
damage make this a powerful ally if you can manage to
first draft it (about one in every 3 boxes), and then
get it out consistently.

Hinkbert |
Vileplume Ex: Ex Hidden Legends
Vileplume ex is the card at which all my vitriolic
animus is aimed at currently. Granted it was my fault
for being uninformed going into PA state tourney, but it
is an incredibly annoying card, and when play skillfully
it’s very powerful. To the stats: Grass type, 140 Hp,
weakness to psychic, no resistance, retreat of 2. The
Poke-body Block Dust forbids your opponent from playing
any trainers, except for supporters, from their hand.
This is an immensely disruptive power and if your deck
isn’t ready to counter you are in for a difficult game,
one that you will probably lose. The attack for 1 grass
and 2 colorless energy does 50 damage and for flipping
heads you put the opposing guy to sleep and poison it,
and if you flip tails you still confuse the opposing
Pokemon. It’s a good attack that always inflicts some
status condition, and because of Vileplume’s body, it
makes it more difficult for you opponent to get rid of
those conditions if need be.
The general idea for Vileplume ex is to shut down your
opponent with a combination of Vile’s body and a good
stadium card, Battle Frontier is the most potent but Mt.
Moon still has its merits. You’ll want to get Vileplume
out first or second turn, the fact that it may not be
able to attack is irrelevant for the most part since the
main idea is to turn of Poke-powers and bodies and
prevent your opponent from playing non-supporter cards;
it is still a good idea to include some boost energies
though to help combat other speeds decks like Zapdos or
Dark Slowking. Crystal shard is also good to further
punish Dark Dragonite and other dragons, and to help
counter speed decks that use Jirachi, with a little luck
and a crystal shard you may be able to KO Jirachi before
you opponent can Swoop! and get their deck moving. There
are numerous variations with Vileplume ex, some choose
to use it by itself, or with Jirachi for speed, you
could use Pigdoet but then there are problems with
Battle Frontier, Magcargo also works to help create
consistency and to get the cards you want, or even
possibly a 1st turn Parasect to get the energies you
need to help power up Vileplume, finally Bellossom is
good since Gloom can evolve into 2 separate Pokemon and
healing dance is always helpful. That was a really long
sentence. Grumpig from Emerald may be good too, helps
combat weakness and as I mention in the Muk review,
Grumpig can be switched after attacking. Muk ex and
Medicham ex have their virtues too in combining with
Vileplume ex, your always shutting down your opponent in
some way or another, just be careful with ex intensive
decks. Anyway experimentation is also good to, that is
how new combos are discovered in the first place.
Since I really hate facing this card I decided to
include a few possible counters to it. Rocket’s Raikou
is a possible choice in dark decks like Dragtrode,
especially with new ruling on it. With R’s Raikou you
can make your opponent switch Pokemon, you opponents
gets to choose the new one, but if they only have 1
Vileplume it give you a chance to play a stadium and
such. Wobbuffet is good to since ex’s can hurt it and
Vile is weak to it, same with Dark Slowking just be
aware of your own weakness with Dark Slowking.
Unlimited 5/5 This is without a doubt the most
influential of the new modified cards on the unlimited
format. Most trainers used here are non-supporters (or
at least they use to be before Vileplume Ex), and
Vileplume ex completely prevent them from being played.
Combined with either Slowking (assuming you’re allowed
to play it) or chaos gym you can completely shutdown
your opponents trainer engine, and generally their whole
deck because of that.
Modified 4/5 This a great card no doubt, but the psychic
weakness is a problem. Plus decks that don’t rely on
powers that Battle Frontier and Mt. Moon shut down can
generally suffer Block Dust long enough to still get
moving and strut their stuff as it were.
Limited 4.75/5 Automatic status conditions are deadly in
limited, but so are the powerful psychic Pokemon in the
deck (to Vileplume at least). Your opponent won’t be
able to use Life Herbs though which is good.