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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Fire Red Leaf Green
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 3
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 3
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
X-Act |
Hello, I’m kinda back in the COTD section in Pojo. It’s
been a while, I know. I’m not dead yet.
Anyway, on to the card. Primeape from FRLG is an
interesting little bugger. 70HP is low for a final
evolution, but this is backed up by free retreat, which
is all too rare these days. Also, its first attack, for
[2], can deal almost limitless damage by discarding
Pokemon Tools and/or Technical Machines from your hand,
and, if you happen not to have them in your hand, you
can always resort to the second attack that does 40 for
[1F]. Thus, Primeape can solidly attack as from the
second turn in any format, which is pretty nice. The
problem with Primeape is finding a good way to recycle
the TMs/tools it discards.
Unlimited: In Unlimited, Primeape gets the help of
Traveling Salesman, which lets him search for 2
TMs/Tools to deal an extra 60 damage. It’s not too
SER-weak, and the attack that matters is colorless, so
Primeape can be splashed. Free retreat is always nice,
but its 70HP will give him a few problems. It helps that
Psychic isn’t played much in Unlimited, unless it’s in
the form of Pokemon Powers (Slowking). It could provide
some fun for the casual player, but don’t use it
competitively. 2.5/5
Modified: Here it’s okay at best. It can score you
OHKOes, even to huge ex’s, but then you need to recover
lost Tools/TMs, and only Rocket’s Wobbuffet enables you
to do that (and only for tools). It also doesn’t get
Traveling Salesman backup, so it basically needs to use
draw cards to get the tools/tm’s, or else resort to
Rocket’s Meowth (and again, only for tools). I’ve seen
Primetool decks do alright in tournaments, but don’t bet
on a Primetool deck to be in the Top 16 at Worlds. Top
32… maybe. 2.5/5
Limited: It’s a good pull in Limited, even if you don’t
get any Pokemon Tools. [1F] for 40 is a solid, rapid
attack, and free retreat is especially nice in Limited.
Get it. 3.5/5
Prime |
Primeape (EX: Fire Red / Leaf Green) #28/112
I’ll start from the top and work my way down.
Hit Points (HP) - Primeape has 70HP. That’s a little
below average but not that bad really. It won’t mean
that much if you run into your weakness. If you get hit
by 40 damage from a psychic pokemon, Primeape is knocked
out (KO’d) whether or not it has 70HP. Not bad, not
good, about average.
Attack 1: Toss – You can discard any amount of Technical
Machines and Pokemon Tools from your hand and the attack
does 30 damage times the number of cards you discarded.
Right off that bat, I notice that there is no limit on
the damage this attack does. This is one of the reasons
the deck can continue to one-hit-knock-out (OHKO)
pokemon over and over again. You do have to discard
though, which after time will be harder and harder.
Without a lot of good draw in the deck, you might be
left with a small hand and little to no damage coming
out of Primeape’s first attack. But, for two colorless
energy, which you can slap a Double Rainbow Energy down
on or a boost energy even, it’s definitely worth using.
Attack 2: Low Kick – [F][C] for 40 isn’t bad at all. If
you face a pokemon that is weak to fighting, you are
dealing 80 damage for just two energy. You can even
attach a crystal shard to Primeape and deal 80 damage to
the pokemon weak to colorless. This attack is not shabby
at all.
Weakness – Psychic weakness isn’t that bad right now,
but it could be a problem at Worlds. Right now, you have
the lone Deoxys ATK form in some Blaziken builds, Dark
Slowking, and Metagross floating around that can KO
Primeape. At worlds though, with Turn-2-Lock being much
more popular, I see even more psychic being played.
There are better weaknesses to have right now.
Resistance – None. What do you expect from a monkey that
throws trash at people?
Retreat Cost – None. Now this is really nice. Being able
to jump around on the field fits Primeape very much. I
still feel though, with 70HP, that jumping around won’t
help that much because Primeape will be getting OHKO’d
The Good:
-Toss can do unlimited damage.
-Free retreat is always good.
-Low Kick can deal 80 damage for just 2 energy.
The Bad:
-Psychic weakness isn’t that good right now and will be
worse at Worlds.
-Discarding cards each turn means that your hand will be
small unless you pack a good number of draw cards in the
Final Review:
I really like Primeape. It is one of the few pokemon
that can deal unlimited damage. It is a stage 1, which
makes it easy to get out on the field, and it has free
retreat. But because it is a stage 1, it is lacking in
Hit Points (HP), which will allow it to be
one-hit-knocked-out (OHKO’d) too easily. One great thing
about the card is that the tools and technical machines
you run with the deck to discard can be used on Primeape
too. With new interesting tools being released in the
upcoming set, EX: Unseen Forces, I see people giving
Primeape another try. This time around, you can give him
20 more HP and no weakness with tools. That should make
the deck work a little better.
Unlimited: 3.5/5 – Although it would be awkward, you
have a lot of draw in unlimited meaning that you could
possibly setup a turn 1 Primeape and a hand full of
tools. With many of the babies being weak to fighting
and Sneasel being weak too, this might actually work
Modified: 3/5 – It works, but I don’t see it working
well enough to win a big premier tournament though. It’s
too easy to OHKO a pokemon with 70HP, and there will be
a lot of psychic at worlds, which hurts Primeape quite a
Limited: 2.5/5 – I think it’s only good quality here is
that it has free retreat and can deal 40 for 2. You
won’t have a lot of cards to discard in this format.
Well this is Prime signing off for the day. Have a good
day everyone and a pleasant tomorrow.
~ Prime (Matt Riddle)