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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Island Cave
EX Hidden Legends
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.5
Modified: 2
Limited: 2.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
X-Act |
Island Cave
Island Cave is a Stadium Trainer which is seeing a
little more play lately. Specifically, if you attach an
Energy card to your Active [W], [F] or [M] Pokemon, it
cures it of its Special Condition. This helps Jirachi
from Deoxys re-use its Wishing Star Poke-Power the next
turn if it had remained asleep, since Pokemon that are
asleep can’t use Poke-Powers. Since this Jirachi forms
the basis of the popular “T2L” decks, this gym is
sometimes teched in these decks as a precaution.
Otherwise, it’s not really needed in most other decks,
or if it is, those decks always have a superior gym that
they can use.
Unlimited: It might be semi-useful in Unlimited if you
play Blastoise/Suicune ex, so that your Suicune ex is
immediately freed of any special conditions whenever you
raindance energies to it, and as a counter to gyms like
Desert Ruins, but probably you’ll find other gyms in
Unlimited to be more useful than Island Cave. 1.5/5
Modified: Apart from the use I mentioned above, it is
usually topped by other, more useful, Stadium cards in
this format. 2/5
Limited: It is okay in Limited. Countering Special
Conditions in Limited is pretty neat, but there are
usually better cards that you can draft. 2.5/5
Prime |
Island Cave
(EX: Hidden Legends) #89/101
Hello everyone. I hope everyone is having a good day.
Today we will be discussing a stadium out of EX: Hidden
Legends named Island Cave.
Island Cave says that whenever a player attaches an
energy card from their hand to their water, fighting, or
metal Pokemon, that player can remove any special
conditions on that Pokemon.
Island Cave is a Stadium. Recently, there have been some
changes to the rules about Stadiums. One major change
was that a player cannot play a Stadium that has the
same exact name as a Stadium already in play. This means
that if your opponent lays an Island Cave, and next turn
you want to drop an Island Cave from your hand so you
can play Steven’s Advice, that isn’t going to work. Do I
see people playing less Stadiums? No. Even though they
might become useless in a Stadium mirror match, you
still need to be able to counter your opponent when it
matters and get out the Stadium when it’s needed, not a
few turns after.
It only affects water, fighting, or metal Pokemon, so in
other decks that run the other 6 types of Pokemon, this
card will be useless. Its affect is sort of nice.
There’s not that many Special Conditions floating around
in this metagame. Dunsparce and paralyzation is the most
popular Special Condition that you might run into on a
day to day basis. One card that does work well with this
Stadium is the Jirachi out of EX: Deoxys. Jirachi lets
you look at the top 5 cards of your deck and take 1 and
put it in your hand. Jirachi then puts itself to sleep.
Next turn, you could have Island Cave in play, attach an
Energy card from your hand to Jirachi, and he would wake
up automatically. You could then proceed to use its
Poke-Power again. Sometimes that is a waste of an Energy
card as Jirachi won’t be attacking that much. But in
some decks, like DragTrode (Dark Dragonite/Dark
Electrode), you can move the Energy card you attached to
Jirachi onto a Pokemon on the bench making the
attachment quite useful.
The Good:
- It’s a stadium. You can fit it into almost any deck.
- It can combo with cards like EX: Deoxys Jirachi and
- It can help if you ever get paralyzed by Dunsparce.
The Bad:
- It only affects Water, Fighting, and Metal Pokemon.
- There is not that much Special Conditions being used
in this metagame.
Unlimited - 1/5
I still don’t see that many Special Conditions being
played here. With no Special Conditions, this card is
Modified – 2/5
It has its perks and uses, but is really only useful in
decks like T2Lock and against Dunsparce.
Limited – 4/5
If you can get the Pokemon in your deck to be Water,
Fighting, and Metal, I think this card could work
awesome. Status Conditions are huge in limited because
people can’t deal out the huge amounts of damage they
can normally in a format like Modified or Unlimited.
This card is definitely useful here.
This is Prime signing out. Have a good day everyone and
a pleasant tomorrow.
~ Prime (Matt Riddle)
Travis |
Island Cave
Background: Well, it’s an ok stadium card. Whenever you
attach an energy card to one of your Water, Fighting, or
Steel Pokemon, you get to remove any special conditions.
Unless you really have problems with special conditions
in your metagame area, don’t bother using it. There are
better stadiums out there. Also, since it works on your
opponent’s pokemon as well, make sure they aren’t
playing one of the three types it affects.
Unlimited: 1/5: Don’t bother. Run another stadium here.
Modified: 2/5: Ok here, but more of a counter-stadium to
Battle Frontier or something rather than the focus of a
Limited: 3/5: Unlikely you will use it much, but the
general rule is to take any trainers you get. Also,
status conditions are slightly more common in this