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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Emerald
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.37
Modified: 2.55
Limited: 3.87
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Johnny Blaze |
- I like this card a lot but it really annoys me
that Swift doesn't apply weakness, therefore that
will effect my scoring this card. There could be so
many more options if it did.
3.5/5 - This card is actually very playable in
Unlimited. With Rain Dance being so popular,
resistance to Water is a good thing. Also when you
have more options with Breeder and the like staring
down at a 100 HP Pokemon that cant be effected by
status and is doing 30 for 1 Grass can be very
intimidating. It is enough to ohko babies and with
30 and then a Plus Power next turn for 40 it can ko
many BBP's that are used in Unlimited. Also you can
get a surprise 70 with 1G a Boost and a Plus Power
to ko any BBP's.
2.5/5 - The not applying weakness for Swift is a
very bad thing indeed. I know it is Swift but for 4
energy it should apply weakness. Imagine a ohko
against Sand Damage T-Tar for only 1G and a Boost.
At best this Sceptile can be used as a tech against
status. If it weren't for that darn Swift it would
be a 4/5.
4/5 - Very cheap attack in Razor Leaf and the
ability to not being inflicted with status and/or
that ability granted to your whole team is a good
Bullados |
Attributes: Out of the 3 Starters in this set, this one
has the lowest HP. Then again, it is also the only one
with a Resistance, and 10 HP isn't all that much anyway.
Weakness to Fire is expected, but be careful about
playing this because RS Blaze is still very popular.
Retreat of 2 is average, but still try and use a
switching card when getting Sceptile out of the Active.
Poke-BODY: "Green Essence"
Always nice to be immune from Special Conditions, but
those aren't all that big of a threat. Really, this Body
is more of a gimmick in the current metagame than
anything else.
Attack #1: [G] "Razor Leaf"
This is one of the most undercosted attacks in the
history of Pokemon. 1 for 30 straight up is simply
amazing. Still, it's not all that powerful, and won't
really get you anywhere fast.
Attack #2: [GCCC] "Swift"
And here is one of the most overcosted Swift attacks in
the game, especially when you consider that Swampert
from the other day does essentially the same thing, if
not better, and yet costs less energy for the same
amount of damage.
Unlimited: Energy intensive and relatively slow and does
not deal enough damage to really be a threat. Simply
put, not good enough.
Modified: Right now, more of a novelty act for Sceptile
decks. Once the format shifts, he will become much more
powerful, as Status type decks will begin to gain
popularity, especially with Dark Crobat having a huge
following. For now, I will give it a...
Limited: Could be a beast, but is just too energy
intensive to really make its mark here, especially
considering that both of the other starters have energy
costs of 3 to Sceptile's 4. Not good enough again.

Hinkbert |
The last of the new cards evolved from 1 of the 3
starters. Personally I always liked the originals more,
but Sceptile is my favorite out of the new ones, too bad
they seem want to give him underpowered cards
constantly. Let’s look at the stats: 100 Hp, a little
low the last holo Scepy had 120, but it’s serviceable,
bottom stats are expected, weakness to fire, water
resistance, retreat cost of 2. The retreat cost is lower
than the previous version which is nice and it makes it
a little less painful to pay for then. Now for the Body
and Attacks. His Poke-body keeps your actives free of
special conditions as long as they have grass energy,
and Scepy is in play obviously. Not a bad body, but more
of a supporting ability. The first attack continues the
trend of the evolved starters having an attack for 1
energy, Scepy’s does 30 damage. His second is the
typical Swift for 4 energy and it does 60 damage.
Like Swampert, the new Sceptile combos well with his
familiars. If you throw one of these in a Sceptile deck
you don’t have to worry about special conditions which
is always a bonus, and it can become especially annoying
as you’ll probably be dealing them out using the holo
R/S Scepy. His second attack is boostable, much like the
old holo R/S Scepy. Rare candy is also his best friend
as you could conceivably do 30 damage first turn, then
boost second turn and do 60 damage. Ultimately he’s
relegated to the ranks of casual/league decks. For some
reason grass decks just aren’t powerful enough right
now, but Muk seems to be causing a stir. His Hp is a
little too low, and his attacks are a little to
underpowered, and his body is too “conditional” (excuse
the pun) to be exceptional.
Unlimited 2/5 As already covered rare candy first turn
for 30 damage, but there are easier ways to do this,
like the new Deoxys that was a previous COTD. But he
does make Vileplume ex less powerful since it’s special
conditions won’t be problem. He just isn’t powerful
enough for long enough to be great.
Modified 2.5/5 Fewer cards here make him a little more
powerful, but you can’ change the fact that his Hp is
still low, and his attacks are a little too costly/weak
in the long run. At least Dunsparce isn’t a problem.
Limited 4.25/5 By my calculations there are only 2
pokemon in limited that OHKO him, Blaze and Camerupt ex,
so that’s good. All the other fire Poke’s would only do
80 damage (40 base, doubled) and there burn special
condition would be negated, so Scepy gets to survive
longer. Plus his ability to basically nullify any
special condition is amazing in limited, and the rare
candy first turn, 30 damage still applies. But Swift is
expensive with not boost, and his 100 Hp still makes him
easy 2HKO bait, so no illustrious 5 for him.
Scyther 21 |
Today we have the newest version of sceptile from the
emerald series. This card while not a definite for a
sceptile deck is good. I have seen this card go into
sceptile decks that could not get mutiple copies of
Sceptile ex. Of course it did not take the place of the
Sceptile ex, but if they were both on the field green
heal and green essence kept the pokemon strong and the
energy trans version kept everything moving around. In
short sceptile decks are beginning to pick up speed.
They may even make top apperances at worlds. However,
just like Blaze decks after worlds they will lose an
important player.
An HP of 100 is about average for a stage three although
higher can be found. With 100 HP this card either keeps
all stats clear or he is dealing damage to those water
types. The HP is decent.
The poke body Green Essence is always as all others.
This means no activation is needed and all of your
pokemon are holding green energy to go with the energy
trans scep., right? This ability is good but in my
current enviornment there are few status problems
floating around. Like with my last review a poke body
never hurts to have so it is fine with me.
The first attack, Razor Leaf deals 30 points of damage
for one grass energy. Pretty simple cut-and-dry. A solid
attack that is good for the finisher if needed or out of
energy. Which should not be a problem since that energy
trans is keeping this attack going.
The second attack, Swift deals 60 unchanging points of
damage for one grass and three colorless energies. This
attack should easily be used if you have the energy
(using energy trans and even a boost energy). Making for
a solid attack that puts the hurt down on the def. pkm.
A weakness of fire is expected from a grass type and
causes a problem with all of the Blaze maniacs giving
Firestarter one more go 'round before worlds is over.
The resistance is nice because of the water being played
and any rest. is better than none. And finally the
retreat cost of two is not hardly bad. Could be lower
but if running a Scep. deck your are most likely to have
Scep Ex attacking.
Unlimited: 3.0 it is a solid pick for this set
Modified:2.7 if running a grass and 3.3 if running a
scep. (if you have the room)
Limited:3.5 this card is great if you can pull the evos
for it and can hold those grass babies healthy
Scyther 21 out