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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Emerald
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.8
Modified: 2.8
Limited: 2.9
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Bullados |
Attributes: Considering that this is a stage 1 with a
stage 2 evolution, it has to be good enough to stand a
couple of shots without dying, but also be able to get
out of there at a moment's notice. 70 HP is certaintly
enough to keep it going for a while, at least a couple
of attacks until your Gardy is ready. Weakness to
Psychic is expected, but very unfortunate, as there is
too much Psychic out there that is very powerful. A
retreat of 1 is good enough for this guy, low enough
that a Switch isn't warrented most of the time.
Attack #1: [PC] "Psypunch"
Another classic filler attack. Again, fairly standard
damage for the amount of energy put into the attack,
with no text to make the attack better or worse. Good
enough for the purpose.
Attack #2: [CCC] "Mind Shock"
Powered by a Boost or Scramble, and deals a straight 40
damage that is essentially not reduced is good, but the
not applying weakness part kinda sux, especialy when
going up against a classic Psychic Pokemon that would
easily OHKO Kirlia under most circumstances.
Unlimited: Unfortunately, the rating of this card is
directly tied in with its evolution's usefulness, which
is pretty much nill. Low energy costs and a plethora of
Psychic Resistances in the format make Gardy a weak
choice for this format. Mind Shock is nice on this card,
but costs too much, even with the Boost or PDCE
Modified: Again, this card's rating cannot be completely
on its own. It has to take into account the other stage
1s that it has to compete with, as well as the
usefullness of its evolution. Fortunately, Gardy is
still a top deck. However, I believe that there is
another Kirlia that is better suited for the deck than
this one is. By far, this is the second best Kirlia for
the Gardevoir deck, but the RS one with the Removal
attack is the best.
Limited: There is very little resistance to Psychic in
Emerald, but a whole lot of Weakness, which means that
the big attack is utterly useless. However, if you
manage to get a 3-2 or even a 2-1 of him in a Sealed
tourney, don't hesitate to use him. Anything with those
kind of numbers is always good.
~~Bullados@comcast.net |

Hinkbert |
A new set with set rotation around the corner means new
versions of the favorites. So we have a new Ralts,
Kirlia and Gardevoir. Outside of limited the only reason
to use a Kirlia is in a Garde deck so after looking at
the stats I’ll compare this one to the others to see how
it stacks up. First it has 70 Hp, psychic weakness and a
retreat of 1, all the standards. First attack for 2
energy, at least 1 psychic does 30 damage, second attack
needs 3 of any energy and does 40 ignoring weakness and
resistance. The second attack is boostable which is
good, but ignores weakness which is bad, especially in
an environment where psychic resistance is no where near
as common as psychic weakness, plus magnetic storm can
get around resistance. Although is some regards it helps
to keep things balanced by forbidding a player to
evolved first turn and easily KO a solitary psychic weak
Pokemon for a quick win, a rather cheap tactic that’s
happened to me by starting with Dratini and facing a
Pidgey that evolves and gets boosted, but I digress.
So let’s compare. There’s only one other Kirlia that has
a 2 energy attack and it does 20 damage plus a chance of
paralysis. It’s kind of difficult to judge which is
better, I tend to side with the 30 damage since it
causes more damage, and paralysis is usually a stall
tactic relegated to weaker Pokemon, but neither one’s
exceptionally better so go with what works. There are 3
Kirlia that all have a 3 energy attack, the other 2
besides this one do either 50 damage and require 1
psychic, or the other does 60 damage, also requiring a
psychic, but the damage is reduced to 30 is there’s an
energy discrepancy between your active and your
opponent’s. The Kirlia I haven’t mentioned is entirely
luck based, but has the potential to be the most
powerful, for 1 energy it has an attack that can
confuse, or for 1 psychic energy is has tails/fails
attack that reduces your opponent’s Pokemon to having 10
Hp left. Ultimately I wouldn’t say that this is the best
Kirlia, but it’s far from the worst, especially since
all of them require different situations to be present
to be the most potent. This new version is a good
replacement since it is expected that the R/S and SS
versions will be rotated out, but it isn’t so good that
is should replace all the Kirlias now. It’s worth while
to throw one in a deck, but I’d mix it up for now and
include at least one of the other versions, if not 2
depending on how many your running for some variety and
Unlimited 1/5 The strength of Kirlia relies on Gardevoir,
or it would have to do something special on its own
(i.e. the SS one with its interesting attack) to survive
in this format. Since Gardy decks rely on a high amount
of energy and this is the land of ER & SER they are
pretty useless here.
Modified 2.5/5 Same statement of strength applies here,
and Gardy seems to be getting stronger, at least where
I’m at. As already mentioned this Kirlia isn’t in
essence any better than the others so it’s placed
squarely in the middle.
Limited 2.25/5 This rating is by itself, not to sound
like a broken record but if you draft Gardy then
Kirlia’s a better card. By itself it’s actually kind of
weak basically because the 3 energy Mind Shock attack
becomes expensive and less effective. For instance the
one Grumpig in this set does 40 damage for only 2 energy
and that attack takes weakness into account. So there
are better stage 1’s, of course you usually stuck with
what you pull so it’s often not much of a choice.

PokeGuru |
Emerald - 33/106 - Uncommon
I can see this
Pokemon being played a fair bit. We've seen the
devastation of Gardy decks before and this might
assist it. Its 2 Energy attack can do 30 damage
whilst its 3 energy attack does 40, but isn't
affected by Weakness or Resistance.
The problem I see
with this card is the fact that the 3 Energy attack
isn't affected by weakness or resistance. That
attack would be extremely useful against Fighting
and some Psychic decks, where it would OHKO most
Stage 1s if affected by Weakness. Also, Resistance
isn't all that big to worry about as not many
Pokemon have resistance to Psychic. It has a
relatively standard HP for the Stage 1s in this set,
so that's ok, but against Zapdos ex, like a lot of
the cards this past week...you know where this is
Still, with a low
retreat cost and relatively good attacks, it's worth
that risk.
Unlimited: 3/5
pretty good.
Modified: 2/5
There are
better versions available, otherwise OK.
Draft: 3/5
Nice constant
attacks for small amounts of energy are quite good
Later, PokeGuru