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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Scramble Energy - Deoxys
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 3.25
Modified: 3.5
Limited: 4
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
pokeguru |
Scramble Energy
95/107 Uncommon
Ex Deoxys
Basically, this energy provides colourless energy, unless
you have less prize cards than your opponent. If that
happens, it becomes 3 of any energy of your choosing and
this stays until you have the same number of prizes as your
opponent. However, you may only attach it to Evolved Pokemon
and they can't be Pokemon ex. If it devolves or evolves into
an EX, it's discarded.
Ah, Scramble Energy...how many times have you helped
me...When an opponent is beating you, there is not that much
better than drawing Scramble energy. This card provides 3 of
any Energy as long as your opponent has less prize cards
than you. This card works well with the Manectric from
Deoxys as with this, it can do 70 damage in just one turn of
play, and that's just one example. Think, if you're stuck
and you are almost guaranteed to be beat, use Scramble and
you can charge up the most powerful attacks in seconds. In
ways, I could compare it to the Rocket Returns pokemon star,
which help when your opponent has only one Prize card left.
but there is less risk with this one.
2 words. Pokemon ex. This card does NOT work with exs at
all. You cannot charge up your powerful Deoxys ex or
Salamence ex with this one. This card will not allow it.
Also, you can only use it with evolved pokemon. Not very
helpful if using powerful Basics like Absol or Deoxys.
Finally, it relys on your opponent having less prize cards
left than you. You can only use the 3 energy bit if you have
more prizes left than your opponent (NOT the same amount or
less prizes).
When that happens, all you have is a colourless energy.
Final Rating:
Unlimited: 8/10: Good when you're stuck, plus there are no
EXs to attach it to!
Modified: 7/10: Again, very good, but relys on Evolved
non-ex Pokemon.
Limited: 9/10: In limited, you need all the Energy help you
can get.
You probably won't draw an EX anyway, so if you get it, play
later. pokeguru. pokeguru@gmail.com

Ash |
I really love this card. It can be a new generation of all
decks – just like Rare Candy. :P Joking =/ I’ve been waiting
for so long since the Jap set Breaking Blue Sky was
released…now let’s see.
Scramble Energy – Special Energy Card
Scramble Energy can be attached only to an Evolved Pokémon
(excluding Pokémon-ex). Scramble Energy provides [C] Energy.
While in play, if you have more Prize cards left than your
opponent, Scramble Energy provides every type of Energy but
provides only 3 in any combination at a time. If the Pokémon
Scramble Energy is attached to isn't an Evolved Pokémon (or
evolves into Pokémon-ex), discard Scramble Energy.
Abilities: It’s extremely useful. We can give another name
for it: Triple Rainbow Energy. Compare it with Rainbow
Energy and Double Rainbow Energy: Rainbow Energy need you to
put 1 damage counter on the Pokemon, Double Rainbow makes
the attack damage reduces by 10. And Scramble? Unlike those
two…if your prize cards are same or less than your opponent,
it only provides C energy. That’s the time for us to shout
‘kill me, let’s see what’ll happen!!’. It’s great if you’re
facing Magma decks, since Groudon always comes fast and kill
Dunsparces…(I experienced it with Magma…=( )
Combos: You ask me – combos? ALL evolved non-EX Pokemons.
That’s TRUE, It’s even better than Boost Energy in some
situations. I love to use it with Exeggutor (FRLG). First we
use Psychic Exchange to search for everything that we need,
and let your opponent kill it – then pump out another
Exeggutor. Anyway the strategy to play this card is to let
your opponent to kill useless Pokemons!!
Unlimited: 3/5 – I think Double Colorless Energy maybe
better than that since old Pokemons usually need colorless
attack costs.
Modified: 4/5 – As I’ve said, a new generation for all
Pokemons. It should be in every decks!!
Limited: 4/5 – Great! The most important thing in limited
event is quick. It’s still great even it’s providing C!
Overall: 3.75/5 – An excellent card.

Otaku |
If you think this review is too long
to read, just skip straight to the Ratings and
Summary sections!
Scramble Energy
EX Deoxys
Special Energy
Scramble Energy can be attached only to an Evolved
Pokémon (excluding Pokémon-ex). Scramble Energy
provides (C) Energy. While in play, if you have
more Prize cards left than your opponent, Scramble
Energy provides every type of Energy but provides
only 3 Energy in any combination at a time. If the
Pokémon Scramble Energy is attached to
isn’t an Evolved Pokémon
(or evolves into a Pokémon-ex), discard Scramble
This is your pretty typical Special Energy. You can
have four in a deck and provides a base of just (C)
Energy, though as we will see, its effect modifies this
at times…
This can’t be attached to Pokémon-ex or Basic Pokémon.
Pretty standard fair so far, but the effect is a little
something old, a little something new. If you are ahead
in Prizes (you have earned more of your Prize cards),
then it is just a Colorless Energy. If you are behind,
that is at least “technically”
losing, it becomes a triple Rainbow Energy with
no draw backs other than what is mentioned before this
line! Very
powerful… perhaps too powerful.
This is basically Pokémon insurance. If you get behind,
this can help you even things up. More importantly, the
farther behind you are, the better this gets. Two
prizes behind? That’s two attacks with a huge discount
for Energy. Almost any deck where an Evolved,
non-Pokémon-ex Pokémon is the attacker, a single copy of
this card should be included. It is insurance.
If you bugger up, it can bail you out. This is the
problem. Playing a confusing game against Ash (the CotD
staffer) the other day where I made a really stupid
error that confused us for a bit, I had legitimately
pulled ahead in prizes (in his “defense”, I was running
an obscure deck he had never seen before). Long story
short, I pulled ahead, but Scramble Energy
allowed his deck to come from behind. He did use more
than one, but his deck had a reason for it. In the end
it worked really well for him.
3/5-Include it if you have a non-Pokémon-ex Evolution as
a main attacker. Otherwise, don’t.
3.75/5- Include it if you have a non-Pokémon-ex
Evolution as a main attacker.
Otherwise, don’t.
4.5/5-Include it if you have a non-Pokémon-ex Evolution
as a likely attacker. Otherwise, don’t.
This card isn’t all that potent, it’s just how it
uses its power: it makes it easier to come from behind.
In my opinion, it makes it too much easier. If you are
behind by two Prizes, you probably will be able to
attack until death using just that Scramble Energy
for fuel. If one player has a big lead, it shouldn’t be
entirely luck based in most serious games, and as such
they have made a way for a lucky draw to pave the way
for a turnover. Sounds a lot like “classic” Yu-Gi-Oh…