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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Altaria - ex deoxys
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.6
Modified: 2
Limited: 2.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
pokeguru |
Rare Holo 1/107
EX Deoxys 70 HP colourless
Poke-Body: Safeguard - Prevent all effects of attacks,
including damage, done to Altaria by your opponent's
(L) Double Wing Attack
Does 20 damage to each Defending Pokémon.
(WCC) Dive 50
Weakness: (L) Resistance: (F) Retreat: (C)
- Prevents all effects of attacks, inc. damage done by
opponents EX.
This is the card that can beat almost any deck that relys on
Decks which use the legendary birds or Deoxys ex decks will
bow down to the almighty power of this card!
- (F) is what you'd expect from a bird, and can stop the odd
fighting deck when necessary.
- Damage to both Defending Pokemon is useful in 2 on 2
battles, so that's pretty good.
- Colourless, a Rayquaza's nightmare...
- You'd have thought that a Bird would have no retreat cost.
Not helpful...
- Will fall prey to the new DX Manectric. Magnetic Tackle
would be a OHKO without it even trying.
- New decks like Rock-Lock or DraggyTrode (with exception of
those who use Electrode ex) don't have EXs, so not all that
- 3 energy isn't too good compared to other cards. Again, DX
Manectric can do up to 70 with 3 (L) energy, so not all that
good in comparison.
Unlimited: 3/5 Not all that good, as not many are weak to
colourless and not many EXs are used here. Could possibly
resist a Hitmonchan style haymaker for a bit.
Modified: 2/5 Modern decks like Draggytrode will get rid of
this in seconds.
Limited: 2/5 You get a Manectric in your draft, you could
wipe this card very quickly.
Later. PokeGuru. pokeguru@gmail.com
Thundachu |
Overview: Shows how much I stay in the Pokemon world. I'd
never heard of this card until now ;/. Anyways, lets see how
it competes. The PokeBody, SafeGuard, prevents all effects
including damage, done to Altaria by Pokemon-EX. This is
good prevention against Zapdos EX, Blaziken ex, Gardevoir
ex, etc. The first attack, Double Wing Attack, does 20
damage to each defending Pokemon for just 1 lightning
energy. The other attack, Dive, does a solid 50 damage for
just 2 colorless, and 1 water. I don't like the 2 energy
type attacks, but I do like the card. Weakness of Lightning
makes Manektric, and TA's Lanturn an issue, but resistance
of Fighting is good. 70HP for a Stage 1 is a little low IMO,
but shouldnt be knocked out so soon.
Unlimited: 3/5
Modified: The 2 energy attacks I don't like, but 50 for 3,
and 20 for 1 is nice. 2/5
Draft: My friend wanted to review the draft, so this is what
he said: Because he cant think of any water and electric
combos that are really good, he says he wouldnt play it.
That, and it's hard to get evolutions as well. So, I'll get
a 2.5/5

Johnny Blaze |
– Cute little Dragon Pokemon in the clouds.
Other than that it doesn’t see much play other
than in Limited.
Unlimited: 1/5 – Not many uses here. OHKO with
Electabuzz and Plus Power.
Modified: 2/5 – Even though it is seldom used it
is interesting tech against Salamence decks.
The Electric weakness is big with Rock-Lock and
its basic, Swablu, is ATM Rock bait.
Limited: 3/5 – A better rating here as its
Safeguard Power will come in handy against all
those Deoxys-ex Pokemon. 1L for 20 and 3 for 50
damage is decent enough to use in draft.