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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Trainer Scott
EX Emerald
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.41
Modified: 3.05
Limited: 2.23
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Johnny Blaze |
– This card is very unique in that you can
search for any combination of 3 Stadiums or
Supporter cards and put them in your hand.
While running 3-4 of these in your deck may be a
bit redundant, this card is definitely good to
use when trying to counter Battle Frontier.
Did your opponent just shut off your Pidgeot’s
Quick Search power with Battle Frontier? Well
play Scott on your next turn and replace Battle
Frontier with a Stadium of your own and viola
Quick Search is back on. Plus grab some draw
power for the following turn. Scott is
definitely a much needed and nice card added to
the metagame.
2/5 – There is already enough draw power in this
format to probably get what you need but in a
specific deck like say Vileplume-ex or Dark
Vileplume scott may actually help out.
3.5/5 – Scott is just too good here. It is a
definite answer to counter your opponent’s
Stadium and not too mention you could pull 3 TV
Reporters or Steven’s Advice to use in your
following turn, all while thinning out your
deck. Very nice card.
2/5 - 7 out of the 11 Trainers in Emerald are
either Supporters or a Stadium. Chances are
though you wont get enough to warrant the use of
Scott in your deck. If you are lucky to pull
Scott and a Professor Birch and Poke-Nav then
indeed your chances of winning has increased

Otaku |
If you find the review is too long, skip straight to the
Ratings and Summary!
Set :
EX Emerald
Card# :
Rarity :
Type :
Effect Text:
You can play only one Supporter card each turn. When you
play this card, put it next to your Active Pokémon. When
your turn ends, discard this card.
Search your deck for up to 3 cards in any combination of
Supporter cards and Stadium cards, show them to your
opponent, and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck
Just like yesterday, we have a Supporter. Same story: since you
can only play one a turn, you can’t fill your deck with them or
they’ll be dead weight for a lot of turns, yet you want to hit
about one a turn since their use if effectively a resource. At
least in Modified, since they are allowed to be so potent when
compared to non-Supporters.
Trade this and your Supporter usage for the turn for three cards
from your deck? Of course, there is a catch-they must be some
combination of Supporter and/or Stadiums. Note that you can get
three of one and zero of the other type. This isn’t too bad a
trade in my opinion: three for one of some cards you most decks
find handy is pretty good. The only downside is that obviously
you can’t use the Supporters right away and only one Stadium
that turn.
and Combinations:
Scott’s use? Decks that either try to abuse a Stadium,
or have to counter being abused by a Stadium. Battle
Frontier springs readily to mind, and to a lesser extent
Most decks, though, can benefit from it at least a little, as
now that we have a potential control option for excessive
Pidgeot usage, all decks should once again have at least two
Stadiums and commonly three or four. While having to wait a
turn is a pain, unless Rocket’s Admin is in your
opponent’s deck, you’ll still be able to make use of multiple
Stadiums being drawn and Supporters for future turns.
Personally, I like two of this floating around my deck, mainly
for opening game. For one thing, I find myself running just two
copies of multiple Supporters, such as Steven’s Advice,
because I can almost never use him late game as my hand size has
swollen. So this way I have him by my second turn, usually long
enough for my opponent to have used Dunsparce to Strike
and Run at least once. It is also good to get a slug of draw
cards, and if the deck really is Stadium oriented, use Scott,
get two Stadiums and a second Scott, and then use
Scott again and get two more Stadiums and any useful
Supporters. Late game it can be handing to get a Rocket’s
Admin when it can really ruin your opponent’s hand… right
after you set a useful Stadium.
2/5-Stadiums important here, with some real powerhouses like
Chaos Gym. Supporters are also less important here. Thing
is, this format has some great draw and search power already.
3.75/5-I think Scott will find his way into a lot of
decks, either to get Battle Stadium or to counter it, at
least in the immediate future.
long as you draft at least a few other Supporters (since the
Stadium in this set isn’t so hot here), then it’s great. If
not, it’s pretty much useless.
people love it, some people hate it. I think Scott is
pretty great, but I’ve been running four Stadiums in my decks
for a while, and often more than one kind of Stadium. I also
have a tendency to run dry on Supporters after a turn or two,
also making me like this card. If neither of these applies to
you, and you aren’t affected by Battle Stadium, then
Scott probably won’t be for you.
Bullados |
Searches out Stadium cards. This is HUGE in the current format,
which will be absolutely saturated with Battle Frontier, a card
that virtually stops all of the big decks from the States era.
Simply play a Scott, and you have all of your Stadiums in your
hand ready to play in case a BF comes out. Or, leave it in your
hand for a while so that you can search out your Stadiums when
BF comes out and prevent the Rocket’s Admin. trick from taking
your precious Stadiums away from you. In addition, it can help
you if YOU are the one playing the Frontier, as it gets that
card out turn 2 if you need it.
Searches out Supporter cards. Not really that much of an
advantage, IMO, as you can’t play those Supporters until next
turn. However, if you’ve already used up all your Stadiums, or
one of em is decked, this can get you something other than just
Stadiums and possibly set you up for the next turn.
Yes, another Supporter. Why? I mean, it’s powerful, sure, but
why make it a Supporter? This makes searching Supporters with
this card utterly useless, and the only thing that you’d want to
search out would be the Stadiums, which you’d only want to play
if your opponent has a BF out and you want it gone.
Unlimited: There is verry little point to this thing in
Unlimited, as there are few Stadiums played outside of Chaos
Gym, which I haven’t seen in a LONG time, and Supporters are few
and far between, and you’d probably want to use your Supporter
spot for Copycat or Town Volunteers anyway. Little to no point
Modified: Better. It has potential, but I’m not so sure it can
be a big card here, seeing as Frontier isn’t taking off quite as
expected, at least from the top players. Stadium searching might
or might not become a big thing, we’ll see what Regionals brings
around. This card should only be used to counter the metagame,
not just for the sake of using it.
Limited: If you GET 3 Supporters, chances are they won’t be this
one. Also, the only stadium in the set, Frontier, is trash in
this format, as there are no colorless, dark, or metal
evolutions with Pokemon Powers in the set. There is little
reason to play this here unless you somehow managed to get a
slew of Supporters in your packs.
2/5 |
Joshua |
The other new supporter from the Emerald expansion. It’s an
interesting set up card and I’m always glad to see new
supporters to create new ideas and combos. And unless I’m
wrong it’s the only card in modified that can search the
deck for Stadium cards or Supporters, and it can search for
both at once, and up to 3 total. I don’t think it’s a
coincidence that this card came out with Battle Frontier,
and this card has the potential to shift the metagame. Now
players don’t have to rely on luck to get stadiums or use
Quick Search to find them, which is good since the
potentially powerful Battle Frontier shuts down Quick
Search. But this card has 2 weaknesses, the first is that
since it counts as playing a supporter, one can’t search for
a supporter needed that turn and play it, the second problem
is one of timing. If this card isn’t gotten early in the
game it can be pointless. Many stadium cards are strongest
if gotten fast, i.e. the new Battle Frontier or Fire
Red/Leaf Green’s Mt. Moon. Some stadium cards do more to
lengthen the life of the deck, i.e. Rocket’s Hideout, but
generally speaking if Scott isn’t used early it becomes
wasted space, or TVR fodder. There’s as much of a chance
that later and later in the game you may just pull the
stadium or supporter you need without ever getting this
card. So while the card it helpful, it does having a glaring
weakness, and much how Pidgeot has been more useful the
earlier it is gotten in a game, the more useless this card
gets later on.
So there are decks that can benefit from this card,
especially those helped along by stadiums, and with the
increasing number of stadium cards being introduced that is
quickly becoming all decks. But as I said, the later this
card is drawn the more pointless it becomes. But if it’s
comboed correctly, for instance use Magcargo’s Smooth Over
to get this early and set yourself up with a few stadiums
and maybe a helpful supporter like Briney or Wally so you
don’t have to search for them later. Unfortunately you lose
the element of surprise since you have to show your
opponent, but maybe they will forget by the time you use
Final Verdict.
Unlimited 1.5/5 Well since there aren’t really any other
cards that do exactly the same thing this card does it could
serve some purpose. And there probably are some unlimited
decks that could benefit from this, but since supporters
aren’t generally used widely in unlimited, it just becomes a
card to search for stadiums. Could be helpful in the
increasingly popular Vileplume ex decks though.
Modified 3/5 Basically it’s helpful if needed, otherwise
it’s useless. If a stadium isn’t integral to your deck then
this card probably isn’t either, as specific supporter
searching is done better by using a specific supporter and
then using VS seeker to get it back.
Limited 2/5 Unless you’re one of those folks lucky enough to
get cards to make this card have some use. i.e. getting at
least one or more other supporter(s) that aren’t Scott and
Battle Frontier than this has no purpose in a limited deck.
Of course if you did also pull the other trainer cards
specified on this supporter than by all means use it, but
based upon my limited experience, getting one supporter is
difficult enough. |
Travis |
Trainer -- Supporter
This card is not
terribly that good, useful if you need some stadiums
or supporters in a hurry to play counter-stadiums to
Battler Frontier. Otherwise, it doesn't do much else.
Modified: 2/5: Once
again, useful if you need some stadiums/supporters in a
hurry, but not good for much else.
Unlimited: 1/5: Even
the occasional Chaos gym and such isn't much of a threat
here. And not many decks use supporters here anyways.
Limited: 1/5: It is
rare that you would get any supporters/gyms here
anyways, and better to get another supporter or gym than
to draw this.
dkates |
Well, today's card is
Scott. A Supporter, Scott allows you to search your deck for
up to 3 cards, each of which must be either a Supporter or a
Stadium. Unlike yesterday's card, which sounds good but
really isn't, this one is better than it sounds at first --
or, at least, it's better than it looked to me at first
You would think that searching your deck for cards you
wouldn't get to use that turn would be just asking for
trouble. Well, first off, you should get at least one
Stadium when you use this card. That way, at least one of
the cards you get isn't dead weight for the turn. Add to
that the fact that, thanks to Battle Frontier, Pidgeot use
is slowly dying down a bit (good riddance, if you ask me),
and having a Supporter ready for next turn suddenly looks
pretty good.
Yes, you run the risk of the cards you search out being
Admin'd back into the deck, but there's not much difference
between that and drawing cards you didn't need when you use
TV Reporter or Steven's Advice. And let's face it, in this
game, even a well-constructed deck is going to have cards
that will occasionally be dead weight -- Pokémon you can't
play yet, extra Supporters, more Energy than you need, or
Modified: 3.5/5. I might be underestimating it slightly, but
the fact remains that at least 2 of the cards you search out
(if you search 3) are going to be dead weight when you get
them. If we didn't have Rocket's Admin, this card would
probably be 4.5/5.
Unlimited: 1.5/5. Searching out that Chaos Gym or No Removal
Gym you wanted sounds good, but Supporters aren't played
much here, and Stadium use isn't all that high either. So,
there's not going to be much for Scott to search out. |
Blaster12 |
Supporter (You can only play one Supporter each turn. When
you play this, place it next to your Active Pokemon. At the
end of your turn, discard it.)
Search your deck for up to 3 cards in any combination of
Supporter cards and Stadium cards, show them to your
opponent, and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck
REVIEW: I don't like this. Not one bit. Not only can they
ONLY be Supporters and/or Stadiums, it is a Supporter
itself. Therefore, you cannot play anymore that turn.
For the record, you could take a Steven's Advice, Copycat,
or any other good Stadium or Supporter I didn't mention.
But, you can only play one of those Supporters you chose out
of your deck. And you can only have 1 Stadium in play at a
time. So, the choices are horrible and limited.
Casual: 0/5(ugh, just use anything else.)
Draft: 0/5(please don't take this card. There is only a
slight, slight, slight, slight, SLIGHT of a good Supporter.)
Unlimited: .5/5(There is a chance for a good Supporter.
Otherwise, don't include this is in your deck.) |

WaRrIoR |
Trainer [Supporter]
You can play only one Supporter card each turn. When you
play this card, put it next to your Active Pokémon. When
your turn ends, discard this card.
Search your deck for up to 3 cards in any combination of
Supporter cards and Stadium cards, show them to your
opponent, and put them into your hand.
Shuffle your deck afterward.
I'm not really fond of this card.I might me completely
mistaken in not liking it but searching for
Stadiums/Supporters has never been helpful to me.
Unlimited:0/5 Base Set Gastly would own this
Draft:4/5 good stuff here
Artwork:1/5....He looks stupid |
Scyther21 |
This card is freakin
sweet search for a combo of 3 Supporters and stadium.
You can get out
Wally's draw power cards such
As Prof Cozmo T.V
reporter for the special decks Team M Team A schemers or
rocket's mission.
Or a couple of
stadiums Team M and Team A hideout desert Ruins whatever
the choice is
yours endless
At the pre-release
this card saved my butt a couple of times.
Well get what you want from your supporters to stadiums.
Supporter so the supporter you get will have to wait
but the point is you
got the supporter you need .
Get the damage done with dusclops.
Overall I give this
card a 4.7.
- Scyther
Zap |
5-13-05: Scott
Name: Scott
Special Effect(s):You can play only one Supporter
card each turn. When you play this card, put it next to
your Active Poke'mon. When your turn ends, discard this
Effect: Search your deck for up to 3 cards in any
combination of Supporter cards and Stadium cards, show
them to your opponent, and put them into your hand.
Shuffle your deck afterward.
Friday the 13th! Don't let a cat cross your path
today! Haha, just kidding. Today's card is one that has
some potential. Let's take a look at it:
First of all, let's look at the good qualities of
this card. It can effectively thin out your deck by
removing 3 cards from it, which is average. Not only
that, but it lets you get 3 cards in any combination of
Supporters and Stadiums. That's not anything to laugh
at. Stadiums are kind of underplayed, but with the
release of Battle Frontier, this card can search for
that to turn the game in your favor. Many of the
Supporters in this game can change the game effectively
for an advantage on your part, so being able to search
for them is a plus in my book.
Now, the disadvantages. The first thing that I
notice is that it's a Supporter, limiting the use of
your other Supporters. What's even worse is that it
searches for Supporters, so you cannot
use the Supporters you searched for in the same turn
that you use this card, limiting its use.
Overall, a very good card, but has the major
drawback of not being able to use the Supporter(s) you
Unlimited- 1.5/5 : Not so good
here, because you cannot use the Supporters you searched
for in the same turn. In this format, to win relies on
speed, so you can't afford to slow down on playing
Modified- 2/5 : Has its uses,
because you can always use the card you received the
next turn.
Limited- 2/5 : Good here, but in
the Emerald Set, there are not many Supporters. If used
with another set, can be game-breaking.