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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Emerald
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.38
Modified: 3.39
Limited: 3.97
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Johnny Blaze |
Medicham-ex – To my
surprise, I saw quite a smattering of these decks at
the North East Regionals. I think one even made the
Top 16 cut. It’s Wise Aura Poke-Body is great to
shut down all those non-ex Poke-Powers that are out
Its 1st attack Pure Power lets you place 3 damage
counters on any of your opponents Pokemon that you
like. So if your opponent has 2 Pokemon that are 10
hp away from dying on the bench then Medicham can ko
both of them. Plus since you are placing damage
counters it gets through stuff like Resistance and
Metal energy.
The 2nd attack Sky Kick is a real cheap attack that
for 1F and 2C can do either 60 or 100 damage to the
Defending Pokemon you attack has Fighting
Resistance. Take that Dusclops-ex.
Unlimited: 3/5 – It can ohko babies on the bench and
Fighting resistance is prevelant in many Pokes such
as Scyther, Articuno, and Rockets Zappy. Its 2nd
attack is wicked cheap with DCE energy.
Modified: 3/5 – Has great potential here and has not
yet been exposed to its fullest capabilities.
Greatest fear here is the Psychic weakness. But
Medicham-ex is a very splashable Pokemon indeed with
its cheap attack costs.
Limited: 4/5 – The ability to inflict bench damage
in this format is a great option. Just watch out for
a 2nd turn Grumpig that can inflict 80 damage to due
to Medicham’s weakness.
Bullados |
Medicham ex
Attributes: 110 HP is usually very good, but this is a Pokemon-ex,
and it really should have more than this considering that the
Legendary Birds ex from FRLG each had 110 HP. With that being
said, however, this is good enough. Psychic weakness is not
exactly the best to have right now, as Psychic is seeing a
resurgance due to Gardivoir now being viable and Deoxys decks
springing up all over the place. A retreat of 1 is good for an
evolution. I’d pay this, given the choice between that and
Poke-BODY: Wise Aura
This is nice. Keeping your opponent from using Poke-Powers is
always a good thing to have. No more Firestarter, Quick Search,
or most other Powers currently played. Unfortunately, this does
NOT include Poke-Bodies, meaning that those still work. It’s
still good enough, though.
Attack #1: Pure Power
3 damage counters for [CC] is decent, and they get to be spread
around. Unlesss you can KO 2-3 Pokemon with this attack, or 10
damage would be enough to KO something and you need to damage
something else, use Sky Kick over this thing. This is a backup
Attack #2: Sky Kick
Straight 60 damage, up to 100 with Resistance, given that
Magnetic Storm is in play. Very nice for the energy cost, but
not really enough in today’s environment, where 100 damage seems
to be the norm, not the exception.
Unlimited: There are no Poke-POWERs running around here, and 60
damage is 10 shy of the magic number of 70 which would OHKO
almost anything. Also, this is fairly energy intensive for the
format, even WITH DCE hanging around. It could be used, but not
very effectively.
Modified: Not much better here. It stops Poke-POWERs, but there
are better options for that, and it does NOT stop Poke-BODYs.
Again, 100 damage is the norm, not the exception, and 110 is not
too difficult to obtain, a OHKO against Medicham. There are ways
to use it, but don’t expect this to win any tournaments any time
Limited: Very nice in here. It has a big attack, very little
specific energy costs, and pretty high HP for a format where 30
damage is considered pretty good. If you get any sort of line
with this guy, use it, he will do nothing but help you.

Otaku |
too long? Skip straight to the scores and summary.
Medicham ex
EX Emerald
Pokémon-ex Rule:
When Pokémon-ex has been Knocked Out, your opponent
takes 2 Prize cards.
1 (Evolves from Meditite)
Wise Aura
As long as Medicham ex is your Active Pokémon, each Pokémon
(excluding Pokémon-ex) (both yours and your opponent’s) can’t
use any Poké-Powers.
(CC) Pure Power
Put 3 damage counters on your opponent’s Pokémon in any way you
(FCC) Sky Kick [60+]
If the Defending Pokémon has (F) Resistance, this attack
does 60 damage plus 40 more damage.
EX Emerald
(C) High Jump Kick [10]
(FC) Fake Out [20]
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now
We have a Stage 1 Pokémon ex. So it is worth two Prizes when it
gets KO’d. That means high HP, but not too high; in this case,
110 feels about right. It’s not the best score available, but
it’s pretty good. Being a Fighting-type is fairly good: there
are multiple ways around Resistance, and Weakness isn’t too
uncommon. We haven’t seen a real break-out Fighting deck since
Monarchy, possibly Magma. Still, there are some nasty ones out
there when they see play. Speaking of nasty types that aren’t
at the top but see a lot of play, we come to a Psychic
Weakness. Personally, I think Gardevoir/Gardevoir ex
might make a comeback, but even if it doesn’t, you run into
Psychic Pokémon just enough to be trouble. Better hope they
aren’t out of date and running Wobbuffet from Sandstorm.
There is no Resistance, which is a bit of a cop out-this is a
half Psychic Pokémon in the GBA games, after all, so something
should work out okay. Thankfully, it’s a common problem, and
usually not a disadvantage so much as a lack of advantage. The
last bottom stat is the Retreat for just one Energy. This is
great: it’s not free, but it’s so low you’ll rarely need to
worry about it.
before we go on, let’s take a look at the Meditite from
EX Emerald. Like the other Meditite, the one from
Emerald doesn’t seem to combo with the Evolved forms. Like the
others, this one has balanced attacks. Pick this one if you
want to be able to fall back on Paralysis.
Medicham ex will most likely be played for its Poké-Power,
so let’s look at that last and the attacks first. I’ll start
with Sky Kick. Why? It influences my evaluation of the first
attack. Sky Kick gives pretty decent damage return based on
Energy alone: (FCC) should yield 35 points of damage. Of
course, then you realize it is a Stage 1, so a little more
should be added, boosting it to 50 or maybe even 60 to be fair.
As such, the effect, as compensation for being a Pokémon-ex is
somewhat mixed: if the Defending Pokémon is Resistant to
Fighting Pokémon, you do 40 more points of damage. On its own,
this doesn’t seem like much, but thanks to combos it is better
than doing 10 more damage and ignoring Resistance. It is also
nice that a Boost can let it go off when you only have one
Fighting Energy card on it. On its own it’s solid, neither
making nor breaking this card.
So, why
does this affect my opinion of Pure Power? It places damage
counters, three total, as you wish. In Unlimited, this is
actually… good? A Double Colorless Energy would let you
snipe a benched Baby Pokémon. Unfortunately, it hits some
snags. It can be powered by a single Boost Energy… but
that would be true if it costs another Colorless Energy. Also,
since a Double Colorless Energy is a prime target for
Energy Removal, it means that the benefit of using is less
significant. It is still there (they expend a resource), but
it’s a small gain in Unlimited that wouldn’t be equal to, say, (CCC)
if it gave another counter, and especially if it gave a full
five. Probably the best option would be to have made it cost
(FF) and given more counters of damage… or just (F) and given
less. As is, it is still useful though, and excellent for
sniping, especially since it gets around Metal Pokémon with
Metal Energy, something I have seen used in a fairly sturdy,
but not widespread, deck.
So the
attacks aren’t going to make me play this card. The Poké-Body
will though. Wise Aura shuts down the Poké-Powers of all other
Pokémon in play except Pokémon-ex and only works when
Medicham ex is Active. This is a mixed blessing, since
as long as you have this in play with any other Pokémon than
itself, especially if it is the only one you have in
play, there are a lot of ways to bench Medicham ex and
thus shut off its Poké-Body. As a whole it is a fantastic
ability, as an active Medicham ex will slow down most
decks, hurt most of the big decks, and shut some of the best of
the best down.
As a
whole, the Poké-Body makes this card, while the attacks do a
decent job of supporting it.
and Combinations:
Okay, the big combo is with Crystal Shard. Drop shard
and Sky Attack does 100 points damage to Fighting
Resistant Pokémon. That isn’t too big a deal against, say, a
Rayquaza ex, since you’re already scoring double damage
since you just became Colorless. Against a few cards, most
notably Pidgeot from Fire Red/Leaf Green, it becomes a
perfect OHKO, in addition to over 50 other Pokémon that have
less than 100 HP and are OHKO’d by this trick. You can also use
Magnetic Storm if you wish.
As for
building a deck around this, I am just not certain. I wonder if
perhaps it should be a more or less “mulligan” design. That is,
get a Medicham ex into play, and pray for a second. They
can’t get rid of Medicham ex except by winning… or
running Muk ex which kind of defeats the point. The
obvious risk being that if they set up first some how, or just
set up eventually despite lacking the use of most Poké-Powers,
you’re almost guaranteed a loss. You could also look for
Pokémon Powers you want shut off on non-Pokémon ex Evolutions (I
didn’t find any), that only work when active (and are meant to
be a lose/lose proposition), or perhaps a Pokémon that can bench
itself with its attack so that Medicham ex is just
a “meat shield” with a perk.
2.25/5-Like most Pokémon ex, its raw power might be enough to
compensate a lack of higher order strategy. That is, most
Pokémon played will be OHKO’d by the second attack or sniped by
the first.
3.5/5-I think we could see an interesting deck made with this.
Not sure though.
4/5-Pokémon ex just tend to be really good here. It doesn’t
shut down many Powers, but it has good HP, solid active Damage,
and it can hit the bench.
Medicham ex
is a
solid card looking for a good partner. Unfortunately, I don’t
know if one is available.
Travis |
Medicham EX (Stage 1 Pokemon)
Medicham EX is the newest fighting ex. With 110 HP,
it'll live through a Blaziken Ex's Volcano ash, but not
much else. Weakness to psychic (Gardevoir, Grumpig,
Metagross, etc. threat.) 1 for retreat cost, no
Poke-Body: Wise Aura: As long as Medicham ex is your
Active Pokémon, each Pokémon (excluding Pokémon-ex)
(both yours and your opponent's) can't use any Poké-Powers.
Its ok, good for stopping Blaze and Pidgeot.
Pure Power (2 colorless): Low cost and the ability to
put 3 damage on any pokemon in any combination is cool.
Sky Kick (1 fighting, 2 colorless): Now this attack is
neat. For 3 energy, it deals a solid 60. BUT, if your
opponent has colorless resistance, it deals 60+40=100
minus the resistance (30) = 70 damage total. A cool
trick here is to play Magnetic Storm. This would allow
you to deal the 100 damage anyways since it allows
Medicham EX to bypass resistance and deal the extra 40.
Unlimited: 2/5: Weakness to psychic isn't good, and the
nasty 2 prizes loss if it is KO'ed is bad. Plus, there
are better fighting types, such as Hitmonchan. Also, not
many pokemon are resistant to fighting that are widely
Modified: 3.5/5: Add a strength charm, and Medicham EX
can take out Pidgeot. Also OHKOs Dark Tyranitar 19.
Limited: 3/5: Ok if you can grab some Meditite, deals
solid damage.

Hinkbert |
Medicham ex:
Medicham is given ex status in Emerald and it seems he has
potential to be a great card. Since it’s an ex your opponent
gets 2 prizes for knocking it out, thankfully it has 110 Hp,
so the only Pokemon likely to OHKO it are Psychics. Being
weak to psychic can be a problem for Medicham, but
thankfully his second attack helps to make up for his
weakness. Medicham does 60 damage automatically, but
fighting resistant Pokemon get 10 damage more done to them,
and with a Crystal Shard or Magnetic Storm in play that
bonus shoots to +40. The attack is called Sky Kick and I
believe it is the first of its kind, and personally I want
more of these kinds of attacks, they are great to combo. The
point being before I get too off topic is that “ghost” type
psychics, that is those that are usually weak to darkness,
are usually resistant to fighting, so Medicham can hurt them
as much as they can hurt him.
Too look at the card more closely; his Wise Aura shuts off
all Poke-Powers except for ex Pokemon. This is generally one
of those things that are usually more helpful than hurtful,
since you get the chance to build a deck around this, while
your opponent will have to deal with his Poke-body. His
first attack for 2 colorless energies allows you to place 3
damage counters on your opponent’s Pokemon any way you want.
This is another interesting attack and can be very annoying
for your opponent. The second attack was already discussed
in the first paragraph. The only thing left mention is that
he retreats for 1 energy, which is great, considering very
few Pokemon ex retreat for 1 energy.
Ultimately Pokemon live and die by their ability to be
comboed with something, and generally ex Pokemon need to KO
at least 2 Pokemon to be worth using, and most great ones do
this by pure speed and high amounts of damage, which is
ultimately where Medicham Ex weakness lies, he rarely KO
things quick, except for the aforementioned Pokemon
resistant to fighting, using Magnetic Storm can be good to
deal a quick 100 damage to those Pokemon, especially since
Medicham only needs 1 fighting energy and can be boosted for
the other 2 required. Crystal Shard will also make quick
work out of any dragon pokemon weak to colorless. He can
also be used for stalling, turning off Poke-Powers early
game and placing damage counters to use ATM Rock later. I’m
sure more and more will be discovered on how to use him
well, he has 3 very unique and powerful abilities and people
just need time to discover how best to use them together.
Unlimited 1.5/5: just not well suited for the environment
and he’s an ex, making him easy prize bait here.
Modified 3/5: Like I said I think he has the potential to be
great, and with time, or possibly the new modified later
this year he’ll become more effective. But as it stands he
is a little too slow, and not effective enough against
enough. Just remember he’s a potential Pidgeot killer.
Limited 4.5/5 He’s much faster in this environment and his
Poke-body and attacks come in handy, especially Pure Power,
the ability to damage the bench is awesome. Plus his
weakness isn’t a big deal since half the psychic Pokemon in
the set either ignore weakness or place damage counters. |
dkates |
Today for your reviewing pleasure, we have Medicham ex. OK,
let's take a look.
Type: Fighting. Not terrible. Medicham ex COULD have been
Psychic, as its GBA types are Fighting and Psychic. This one
seems to act more like a Fighting type than a Psychic type,
though. It does mean that there's a lot of Resistance to
you, but as you'll see, that's not as much of a bad thing as
110 HP: Not counting Wailord ex, the HP range for Stage 1
ex's is from 90 to 130, so Medicham ex is basically middle
of the road. It means Medicham ex is vulnerable to Desert
Ruins, but extremely hard to OHKO, which is always good.
Weakness: Psychic. Makes sense, since this is a Fighting
Pokémon. It renders Medicham ex vulnerable to such Pokémon
as Mewtwo ex, Metagross, and a number of others. Not the
best weakness to have, but hey, it had to have something,
and this made the most sense.
Resistance: None. Well, not much to say about a Resistance
that isn't there.
Retreat Cost: 1. This is better than average, and means that
you shouldn't need to use Switch or Warp Point if you want
to get Medicham ex to the bench.
Poké-Power: Wise Aura. Now where have we seen this before?
Ooh, I know! Muk ex! There is one key difference, though.
While Muk ex does affect other Pokémon ex, Medicham ex does
not. The good news is, that difference only spares a very
small number of Pokémon ex right now -- the various Deoxys
ex's ability to switch off, Rayquaza ex's coming-into-play
Power, and Rocket's Raikou ex's forced-switch ability. Being
able to turn off your opponent's Poké-Powers can often shut
down their entire strategy.
Attack1: Pure Power. Cheap attack, and it basically puts 30
damage wherever you want it. The potential for multiple KO's
with one attack is alluring, but this isn't the kind of
attack that makes a good ex.
Attack2: Sky Kick. For a Fighting and 2 Colorless, you get
60 damage.
Sounds about right to start, for an ex. Now, add in the fact
that if the Defending Pokémon is Resistant to you, 40 is
added to the base.
But wait a minute. Resistance takes off 30, right? So you're
getting 70 damage for 3 Energy. Not bad, but 70 damage isn't
what it used to be.
Medicham ex doesn't exactly lend itself to combos, but
here's what I could come up with.
- Magnetic Storm/Crystal Shard/RS Beautifly. All of these
allow Medicham ex to get around Fighting Resistance, while
still getting the bonus. 70 damage may not be as impressive
as it used to be, but 100 is still usually an OHKO, and when
it isn't, it leaves the opponent weakened considerably.
- Dark Ampharos/Milotic ex/TRR Kingdra. All of these have
Poké-Bodies that work while their owner is on the bench.
Note, though, that these Pokémon don't necessarily work well
with each other.
Closing notes: Medicham ex is an interesting card, but it
really seems to have been created for only one purpose -- to
kill Pidgeot.
Unlimited: 2/5. 60 for 3 Energy really isn't all that
impressive here, and Wise Aura doesn't affect older Pokémon
Powers. The high HP and the fact that some Fighting
Resistance is played in Unlimited give it the extra point.
Modified: 4/5. You could make a good deck with Medicham ex,
but I don't really see it becoming tier 1.
Limited: 5/5. This is assuming you're actually lucky enough
to draft this card. The attacks are easy to pay for, the HP
is higher than a lot of the rest of the set, it's only a
Stage 1, and there's not a lot of Psychic Pokémon in the
set. |
Scyther 21 |
Well lookie what we have here.
MEDICHAM EX is getting it down.
With moves like PURE POWER for 3 damage counters.
and get rid of DEOXYS.
Or get a Mt. Moon. WISE AURA is more effective so what ever
floats your boat.
Then get SKY KICK to do 60 damage and if they have
we will use the FDC for damage.
If you don't know what it means it means.
F= Find.
D= Damage.
C= Calculation.
This method says screw math in school but in pokemon just do
60-30+40=70. 70 damage that freakin rocks.
Come on you can not go wrong with this card in a medi-deck
this card is awesome this card can kick butt theres nothing
to it.
So lets make the grading happen captain.
Unlimited 3.4
Modified 3.7
Limited 3.3
till next time peace.
- Scyther 21 |

WaRrIoR |
Medicham ex [F] 110 HP
Stage 1 Pokémon
Poké-BODY: Wise Aura
As long as Medicham ex is your Active Pokémon, each Pokémon
Pokémon-ex) (both yours and your opponent's) can't use any
[C][C] Pure Power
Put 3 damage counters on your opponent's Pokémon in any way
you like.
[C][C][F] Sky Kick - 60
If the Defending Pokémon has {F} Resistance, this attack
does 60 damage plus
40 more damage.
Weakness: [P] | Resistance: NONE | Retreat Cost: [C]
This card is very interesting. The poke-body has amazing
potential. Think
about shutting down Blaziken, Gardevoir, Swampert and so
many more .It has
potential but im not completely sold on it, heres my
Modified: 3/5 It has potential
Unlimited: 2.5/5 Has potential here too (Slowking :D)
~WaRrIoR |