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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Groudon (5 shown)
EX Emerald
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 3
Modified: 2.3
Limited: 3.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Johnny Blaze |
Groudon – Nothing compared to its Team Magma counterpart but
the artwork is really nice. Really this card is best used in
a Limited format.
Unlimited: 1/5 – The speed is slow and will be nuked by
Modified: 1/5 – Too bad boost cant be used on basics or else
this card would see a little more play. Low Hp and too slow
for this format.
Limited: 3.5/5 – Nice Hp and attacks for this environment
Bullados |
There are 2 Groudons in this set, I will do a review on each
of them.
Groudon 5
Attributes: 80 HP basic is nothing to sniff at, just don’t
expect this to carry you through the entire game. This is 10
above the Magic Number of 70 for Unlimited, and well above
the average for ANY Basic in Modified. Water weakness is
pretty decent, there isn’t much Water being played right
now, and that which IS being played would OHKO Groudon
without the Weakness.
Retreat of 1 is fairly low for this particular Pokemon, I
would have expected it to be 2 or higher, but it’s very
Attack #1: Slash
Very basic 1 for 10. That’s average, this is a support
attack, and it should never be used if the other attack is
already paid for.
Attack #2: Rock Tumble
Another very basic attack 3 for 40. Nice addition of
ignoring resistance, but that still doesn’t really lift this
out of the “average” catagory in terms of main attacks.
Unlimited: Base Hitmonchan has better overall stats and a
much stronger first attack. Use that over this.
Modified: Not bad for a first attacker, just make sure you
get him OUT before the big guns come out and destroy him.
Not a central character, but nice to have.
Limited: Very nice. Big damage and big HP for this format
make him close to a first pick, with only a couple of
Trainers and an ex line going first.
Groudon 14
Attributes: 80 HP basic is nothing to sniff at, just don’t
expect this to carry you through the entire game. This is 10
above the Magic Number of 70 for Unlimited, and well above
the average for ANY Basic in Modified. Water weakness is
pretty decent, there isn’t much Water being played right
now, and that which IS being played would OHKO Groudon
without the Weakness.
Average retreat of 2, what I expected for this guy.
Attack #1: Slash
Basic, 2 for 20. Use this attack only if the other isn’t
paid for, or if you can’t afford to discard from your own
Attack #2: Eruption
Quite frankly, this attack is slightly overcosted, but it
CAN do up to 60 damage, plus it discards a card from your
opponent’s deck. This attack isn’t used for it’s damage,
although it is pretty decent, but rather to mess up your
opponent’s deck, especially after a PokeNav or Smooth Over,
to take that card your opponent just put at the top of their
deck directly into the discard.
Unlimited: Too slow, and not enough damage. He’s ER bait,
and simply doesn’t do enough to warrent being included in a
deck in this format. The discard is nice, but the original
Dark Tyrannitar does the same thing but much more
Modified: About the same, but the damage potential is higher
here as there are more energy cards being played compared to
Unlimited. If the energy cost were a little nicer, it would
be pretty good here. As it stands, it’s average.
Limited: Very nice here, even though it can’t attack right
away. 80 HP means it will stay around for a while, and it
will absolutely shred your opponent’s deck, usually dealing
50-60 damage, as normally people play up to half their decks
of energy cards. It’s a beast when it gets set up, but it
takes 4 turns to get there.
Jermy101 |
There are 2 Groudons in Emerald, so I'll cover the better
one. This card is average. There's nothing special about it.
FC for 20 damage is poop, and Eruption is too expensive. But
Eruption does combo with Dark Slowking and Magcargo, so you
can stack your opponent's and your own deck to do 80 damage
a turn. But that is too much effort for 80 damage. Shoe box
Unlimited - I would rather use Base Gastly. 1/5
Modified - There are better choices and easier ways to do 80
damage. 1.5/5
Limited - It's pretty good here, 80 HP and ok attacks. 3/5