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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Deoxys #2/106

EX Emerald


Date Reviewed: 05.23.05

Ratings & Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.9
Modified: 2
Limited: 2.54

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.


Expect this to seem familiar: large sections will be cut and pasted from previous Deoxys… given that only the attack is different from the EX Deoxys’ Deoxys.


Name: Deoxys

Set: EX Emerald

Card#: 2/106

Stage: Basic

Type: Psychic

HP: 70

Weakness: Psychic

Resistance: None

Retreat: (C)

Poké-Power: Form Change

Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for another Deoxys and switch it with Deoxys.  (Any cards attached to Deoxys, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.)  If you do, put Deoxys on top of your deck.  Shuffle your deck afterward.  You can’t use more than 1 Form Change Poké-Power each turn.

Attack: (CC) Swift [30]

This attack’s damage isn’t affected by Weakness, Resistance, Poké-Powers, Poké-Bodies, or any other effects on the Defending Pokémon.


Attributes: Attributes: Deoxys is a Basic Pokémon, which is great: easy to search out (Sandstorm Dunsparce, Great Ball, etc.) and to get into play (just need an opening on your bench).  It is a Psychic Pokémon, but if we peek ahead, we notice that it’s attack neither requires Psychic Energy nor will end up applying Weakness, so it will only matter for certain type referencing attacks.  Resistance isn’t as common as it used to be, but it does exist.  70 HP is solid for a Basic Pokémon that doesn’t Evolve and has no Pre-Evolutions.  It’s enough to take a few blows from all but big Stage 1s and 2s (excluding Weakness).  It does have a Weakness: Psychic.   This is a definite vulnerability, as most popular Psychic Pokémon shred you thanks to Weakness… though to be fair, the biggest of them would anyway.  Deoxys has no Resistance, which is naturally the worst.  Finally, we have a good retreat cost of just one Energy, which is fairly easy to pay in most circumstances.


Abilities: Form Change is very nice.  It allows all versions of Deoxys to naturally combo, instead of them competing for deck space.  It also allows you to essentially have a vast array of attacks on a single Pokémon.  To my knowledge, the only other Deoxys available are from EX Deoxys, and each has a single attack, but if you run at least one of each (not too terribly difficult) you’ll have four attacks to choose from via Form Change.  Very nice.


Swift is a pretty good attack.  For two Energy of any type, you hit for 30 points of damage: that’s 10 more damage than paid for.  As a bonus, you ignore all affects on the Defending Pokémon.  The bad news is that a select few effects, like Weakness, increase the damage you’d do, and thus it is bad to ignore them.  Mostly though, it means no Resistance, and no defensive Poké-Bodies/Powers, and no Metal Energy for protection.


Uses and

Combinations: This looks like it should be run, as a single copy, with a “Defense” Deoxys (EX Deoxys #18/107), an “Attack” Deoxys (EX Deoxys #17/107), and one more of any of those three (ignore the other Deoxys, as simply put, it doesn’t have as good an attack).  This can hurt Metal Pokémon with Metal Energy for a little less effort than the other one, but mostly you’ll use it to get around problem Poké-Bodies/Powers.  Use the tricks mentioned in the other Deoxys CotDs… you need to read them anyway since they are all to be used together.




Unlimited: 2/5-Why so high (when compared to its siblings)?  This one can be powered up using a single Double Colorless Energy.  It hits for just 10 less than Erika’s Jigglypuff.  So I think it might not be too bad as a back up in an old school FTKO deck.  Of course, such a deck isn’t too great, but if you start with this, a Double Colorless Energy, and can draw into/search out enough Plus Powers, an opponent with only a single Monster is probably in trouble.


Modified: 3/5-It is another solid Deoxys to run with the other two good ones, either as a back up in a Psychic or other compatible deck, or perhaps in their own.


Limited: 3.25/5-Decent sized basic Pokémon with solid attacks are inherently good here.



Not what the Deoxys cards needed (a Pokémon with a single Energy attack or something with a big, devastating four Energy attack), but still a good addition that makes them a little more versatile.



overview: The pokemon power, Form Change, can come in handy if you prefer any Deoxys over another (I like the attack one myself), because it allows you to switch this one for any other Deoxys, and put the current one back in your deck. Then for 2 colorless energy, Swift does 30 damage to the defending pokemon. I hate the attack Swift, simply because of the fact it doesen't apply weakness, resistance, or anything else. 70HP is ok I suppose, as is retreat of 1. Weakness to Psychic, so be on the lookout for Deoxys ex, and Gardevoir (dont think Garde is dead yet, I just played one a week ago).

Unlimited: Won't do much in Unlimited sadly, and 70HP would probably get knocked out easily...2.5/5

Modified: I suppose it could be helpful if you are playing simply a Gardevoir deck...3/5

Limited: I'd play it in Limited. 2 for 30 isn't THAT good, but I think it would work pretty well in Limited, and power does have the potential to help you. 3.5/5
Jermy101 Deoxys

This Deoxys is one of the worst ones. The only time it would maybe be used is to get past Resistance, but still that's a bad reason. CC for 30 isn't great.

Unlimited - I would rather use base set gastly. 1/5

Modified - Don't use Deoxys. Use Deoxys ex. 1/5

Limited - OK here it is ok. Nice 70 HP, 1 retreat cost, a mediocre attack, pretty good! 2/5
Bullados Deoxys (Speed)

Attributes: 70 HP is pretty decent, especially for a basic, but not spectacular. Still, it should get you through a fair amount of turns before it is run out. Weakness to Psychic is the norm, just watch out for other Psychic decks, which, in turn, should be weak to you. A retreat of 1 is decent, but the different Deoxys forms have different energy costs for attacks, and you probably don't want to dump that energy away by retreat.

Poke-POWER: "Form Change"
Decent, allows you to switch with other cards called Deoxys, but not for Deoxys ex. It basically gives you access to any of the Deoxys' attacks whenever you want. Remember: the new Pokemon keeps the damage and effects of the old Pokemon, so you can't use this to get rid of a Status or a Sand-Attack type of attack.

Attack: [CC] Swift 30
This is a very fair attack. 2 for a guaranteed 30 no matter what the game state is always a good thing. Not as good as it could've been, considering that this IS a Legendary that effectively neutralized Rayquaza, but decent enough, at least as a setup for the other Deoxys' attacks.


Unlimited: Too slow, too weak for this format. Could be decent, considering DCE is here, but 30 damage just isn't worth it. It MIGHT replace Scyther, but I seriously doubt it. Deoxys doesn't have Scyther's maneuverability.

Modified: Actually, somewhat worse here than in Unlimited. Too much can deal 70 damage, and the most played deck type can destroy Basics without a second thought.

Limited: It's a high HP basic with a decent attack. Unlike in the Deoxys set, this card cannot switch to another form, as there are no more Deoxys in the set. Still, 2 for 30 is good enough for consideration.
Deoxys Speed Form (Basic Pokemon)

Background: 70 HP, weakness to psychic, 1 retreat cost, no resistance. Not going to be around much with 70 HP, is it? Yet again, another weak legendary :(

Poke-Power: Form Change: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for another Deoxys and switch it with Deoxys. (Any cards attached to Deoxys, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.) If you do, put Deoxys on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward. You can't use more than 1 Form Change Poké-Power each turn. Basic Deoxys swithching.


Swift (2 colorless): 30 damage, not affected by weakness. Simple, but it won't win you games.


Unlimited: 0.25/5: Why you would use it at all, I don't see...

Modified: 1/5: Same as above, but can be ok in a Deoxys fun deck or something.

Limited: 2/5: Its best arena, this deoxys offers a decent 30 damage for little cost. Also, it's a basic.

Deoxys #2/106

The new Deoxys from Emerald, it’s a very straight-forward card, and similar to the previous Deoxyses (Deoxi ?, whatever the plural form is). It has form change, which means like the either ones you can change to use the proper Deoxys for the occasion. Again like the others, this Deoxys has 1 attack and it’s the typical Swift attack, it costs 2 colorless energy and does a “no muss, no fuss” 30 damage. We are all familiar with Deoxys by now and since this one is really no different than the others, it’s no more special than the others, except for the fact that it is a rare holo, so you always guaranteed to have a “foily” version of it.

Basically the card fits into Deoxys decks by helping those players get around annoying damage reducing Poke-bodies, metal energies, and resistance. And it also allows those players to now have 4 different Deoxys in one deck, which is kind of neat.

Unlimited 2/5: low energy cost and the fact that it can use a DCE make it a little more usable than most new cards, plus it’s basic. But ultimately it’s an average card at best, and that simply won’t cut it.

Modified 2/5: This card, like the others, is mainly made for those that like Deoxys. They will never have a large impact on competitive tournaments, but they can be used in casual/league decks with nice results since that player can form change Deoxys to get the one they need.

Limited 2/5: Noticing a trend here? Unfortunately unlike the last set, there’s only 1 Deoxys in this set, so form change becomes pointless. But he is a basic and only uses colorless energy so it can be used in any deck, but swift ignores weakness and Deoxys is weak to psychic so Grumpig and his ilk could provide trouble.

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