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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Emerald
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.5
Modified: 1.87
Limited: 3
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Otaku |
EX Emerald
(C) Ram [10]
(WCC) Aqua Sonic [40]
This attack’s damage isn’t affected by Resistance.
Kyogre is a Basic Pokémon, making it so you can just drop
it into play on a whim, so long as you have room on your bench.
It is on its own though: no pre-Evolutions or Evolutions. It is
a Water Pokémon, which is solid: Weakness exists (nearly every
Fire-Type Pokémon plus a few others here and there), as does
Resistance, but Resistance hasn’t existed since the beginning of
this game, like Weakness, and is still something of a novelty
even after all this time. It has a solid 80 HP: not the best it
could have, but for Basic, good. There is an Electric Weakness:
be careful of this, as it allows Dark Ampharos and
Rocket’s Zapdos ex to slap you around pretty easily. If
need be, you could use Ancient Tomb to cover the
Weakness. There is no Resistance, which I consider to be a
shame, but there is no sense in dwelling on it. The last stat
to look at is the retreat cost. Two Energy to retreat is low
enough you can, but high enough you will want to avoid it if
Ram is a straightforward 10 for (C). This is fair, but its main
use is for an attack to use while powering up Aqua Sonic, so it
serves its purpose. Sadly, while Aqua Sonic is actually under
priced (you pay for 35, you get 40 with an effect), but as the
top attack, 40 is a hair weak. The costing scheme only involves
one Colored Energy cost, making it so this card can be splashed
into pretty much any deck utilizing Rainbow Energy or
Multi Energy, but the damage is so low, it’s not going to
help a lot. It’d probably be better off with more Colored costs
but better damage.
Uses and
Basically a beatstick for Water decks or Water needing to add a
Water-type card pretty easily. Most other niches are being
filled by other cards. For example, for 10 less HP, you can get
a Corsola (from EX Hidden Legends) that can draw and also
hit for 40 for the same cost (though doesn’t ignore
Resistance). In Unlimited, there are even better options.
2/5-Don’t be fooled. It’s solid enough to use here with some
success. After all, it can use Recycle Energy and
Double Colorless Energy for power. However, most decks have
better options.
3/5-Better technically, but as with Unlimited, there just isn’t
much to do with it.
4/5-Here we go. It is a big Basic and can hit for a solid
amount. There is even some Resistance to ignore. Just watch
out for Electric Pokémon.
cards are so simple and straightforward they aren’t bad, but
they aren’t exactly good. We usually refer to these cards as
“vanilla”. Since this one’s big attack has a simple effect, its
French vanilla. It isn’t bad… but it’s not really anything

Thundachu |
Overview: IMO, a horrible card. For 1 colorless energy, Ram
does 10 damage, then for 1 water and 2 colorless, Aqua Sonic
does 40 damage, but good thing is, its not affected by
resistance. Weakness to Lightning makes Zapdos ex an issue,
and TA Lanturn. 80HP is a little low IMO, and a retreat of 2
is ok I guess. Myself, I probably wouldnt use it.
Unlimited: Keep it in the binder. 1.5/5
Modified: Attacks are too low, and can be easily knocked
out. 1.5/5
Limited: Mainly the only reason I see to use this card in
Draft is because Aqua Sonic can get by resistance. Other
than that, no real reason IMO. 2/5
Bullados |
Kyogre 6
Much like Groudon last week, Kyogre has very reasonable
stats. 80 HP is 10 above that Unlimited "Magic Number" of
70, and WELL above Modified's average for Basics that don't
evolve. Weakness to Lightning is a problem, as Zapdos and
Electrode are both very popular cards right now, and both
would OHKO Kyogre without any great difficulty. A retreat of
2 is fair, but I still wouldn't pay it unless I had to.
Attack #1: [C] Ram
A very basic 1 for 10 attack, nothing special here. Backup
attack: don't use unless Aqua Sonic isn't powered up.
Attack #2: [WCC] Aqua Sonic
3 for 40 is above average, and not being affected by
resistance is always nice. However, this isn't main deck
quality of attacking, as 40 damage isn't that much.
Unlimited: Much like Groudon last week, this won't do much
here. 10 damage is minimal, and the 40 is ER bait. The 80 HP
is decent, but Sneasel takes this thing easily.
Modified: Again, not much better. Could work with Swampert,
but only to a very small degree. 40 damage isn't enough to
KO anything, and 80 HP isn't much for an attacker.
Limited: BBP with a decent attack means that he will last
quite some time in LImited, and will more than likely win
you the game, if you use him right. Retreat before the KO,
and you will always have a fighting chance here.
Travis |
Kyogre (Basic)
Background: The holo Kyogre (still a sucky legendary).
80 HP, Lightning weakness, no resistance, 2 retreat
Ram (1 colorless): 10 damage, simple basic attack.
Aqua Sonic (2 colorless, 1 water): 40 damage, not
affected by resistance. Good fr getting past grass
decks, but not powerful and a bit expensive.
Unlimited: 0.25/5: You'd have to be a n00b or crazy to
play this in unlimited.
Modified: 1/5: Same as above, but still slightly
playable if you need to stall in the opening turns.
Lmited: 2/5: Better here because it has simple energy
requirements, is a basic, and can deal ok damage.
Scyther21 |
I'm so sorry for not
being here in a while I got caught up in the video game
trying to find a way to catch Mewtwo on fire red.
But anyway lets get
down to business.
Kyogre 80 hp.
2 attacks.
Ram for one energy.
Aqua sonic for 40 and
kill the treeko's resistance.
This card is not very
good but it will be a good pokemon to play
as a your first
active pokemon.
Modified 2.7
Limited 2.9
Unlimited 2.6
Scyther 21