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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Unseen Forces
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.6
Modified: 2
Limited: 2.2
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2005 World
Champion |
If you get an early Bellossom and start using Green Dance,
you can setup your bench more easily so you can do 100
damage with Full Bloom. 90 HP for a stage 2 hurts though,
and so does the weakness to fire, and so many Pokemon resist
Grass these days.
Unlimited - I don't think it's very good here. True you can
attach Boost Energy to use Full Bloom, but there are easier
and better ways to do 100 damage, like Rain Dance with
Suicune ex. 1/5
Modified - It's alright here. It combos with HL Bellossom,
letting you remove 2 damage counters a turn so you can
survive longer. But its HP is too low and its weaknesses are
too high. Getting 3 Bellossom in play could take forever.
Limited - If you're lucky enough to get Oddish and Gloom
take it. Its first attack helps tons with the lack of
search-your-deck cards in this format. And since Full Bloom
takes 3 colorless energy, it can be splashed into any deck.
3/5 |

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Bellossom from EX Unseen Forces
I dont know how to say this any better than - NO. This
is a pathetic card and a waste of space. He has no Poke
power, low HP, bad weakness, horrible attacks... it's
just utterly sad that he looks so happy in the card. If
you wanna run an Oddish line, stick with the ever
popular Vileplume EX deck. If you terribly wanna lose,
then have fun with Bellossom and best of luck getting
those three Bellossoms out so that your second attack is
Unlimited Rating 1/5
1234 |
Bellossom’s 2nd attack does 50 damage for 3 Energy. This
is not very good for a stage 2 Pokémon with only 90 HP.
The attack does 100 damage if you have more than 2
Bellossom in play. NEVER expect to be able to do this.
If you have 4 Oddish in your deck, chances are at least
one of them will be KOed before you can evolve all of
them into Bellossom. Even if they’re on the bench,
there’s always Warp Point and Pokémon Reversal to worry
about (and don’t forget about Rock-Lock and other bench
damage decks). If you’re playing Unlimited, there’s
enough draw power (Bill, Oak, etc.) for 3 Bellossom at
once to be a realistic goal. You can do it in Modified,
and the first attack helps, but don’t expect to win any
tournaments with it.
The first attack is practical. “Green Dance” lets you
search for 2 grass Pokémon and put them in your hand,
and then put Bellossom on your bench. It has the
advantage of not being a Poké-Power/Body and therefore
making your opponent not as likely to prevent you from
not using it. It has the disadvantage of restricting you
to Grass Pokémon (But if you have Bellossom in your
deck, you probably have other grass Pokémon in your
deck, anyway). It has the advantage of only requiring
one energy. Some other attacks for searching for Pokémon
are: Nidorina [RG]- Its “Fast Evolution” lets you search
your deck for 2 evolution cards for 2 energy of any
type. Dark Dragonair [RR]- Its “Evolutionary Light” lets
you search your deck for an evolution card and since
it’s a power, it doesn’t require energy. Sentret [RR]-
Its “Friend Search” lets you take a basic or evolution
card from your deck into your hand for one energy;
However, you’re restricted to only searching the top
five cards of your deck. My opinion: “Green Dance” gives
you a good effect for a low cost.
Speaking of low costs, Bellossom’s retreat cost is low
for a stage 2 Pokémon. However this is balanced out by
its low HP and by the fact that its attacks don’t do
much damage.
Combinations: If you do want to do “Full Bloom” make
sure you have 4 Bellossom in your deck. It would be sad
to see one of your Bellossom end up in your prizes and
you not being able to do extra damage.
Unlimited: 2.8/5
Modified: This could be very fun to use. Search for
other grass Pokémon early in the game and try to do 100
damage for 3 energy after getting all 3 of your
Bellossom. I think that would be pretty fun. But I won’t
know, because I won’t ever use this card. 2/5
Limited: There are some good grass Pokémon in this set.
“Green Dance” can help you. As for “Full Bloom,” you
will only be doing 50 damage with this attack; if you do
more, Congratulations! You were lucky enough to draft 3
holo rares and their corresponding basic/stage 1. Go buy
yourself a lottery ticket. 1.4/5
Questions/comments/corrections? E-mail:

Otaku |
Sorry folks, I have
two exams this afternoon back to back, so no real review
today. However, this card is a bit tricky in its use, so
I felt I should expound in case it was underemphasized
or missed by others.
In Unlimited, you should strongly consider running the
Heal Dance Bellossom with Vileplume ex, since you will
want a large line (at least 3-2-2) of it, so the extra
Gloom might as well see some use. Well, between Double
Colorless Energy and/or Boost Energy, this can lead to
an early unexpected "whack" that OHKOs most Pokemon in
this format. You also can use it with Surprise! Time
Machine, which is the best way. Your benched Heal Dance
Bellossom should hopefully let you heal down enough to
safely Swoop, then change into this Bellossom for an
easy 100 damage, ideally to go for the kill (so the fact
that they can use Trainers will be meaningless). Yes,
its a small use, but it is an interesting idea,
especially given that Vileplume ex can normally only hit
for 50.
In Modified, it just means one can strongly consider
running a fuller Heal Dance line with one or two of
these spliced in.
In Limited, it can help set up but isn't so great since
you probably can't get more than 50 damage out of it.
Yes, this card has a Weakness that (historically) is
horrid. No one denies that. Its HP is pretty low at 90.
But its not a main attacker. Its basically a single card
piece of TecH when you already have a Bellossom or
Bellossom/Vileplume line. It made this weeks theme (Deja
Vu courtesy of EX Unseen Forces) because a similar
attack exists on an older Bellossom.
-Otaku |