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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Unseen Forces
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.5
Modified: 1
Limited: 1
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Forretress from EX Unseen Forces
Not the worst card I've ever seen. His HP is low, but
thats not of importance. His Pop attack is what this guy
is about. Basically a self-destruct attack that does 100
damage for a metal and a boost. Not too bad. Get to move
that precious metal to one of your bench guys which
saves you the difficult task of fishing it out of the
discard. Could also survive with Energy Root attached to
him. Not too bad for a stage 1... might consider the
liability attack by Weezing though if you're looking for
a deck like this.
Unlimited Rating 1.5/5 |

Kevin89 |
Unlimited: low HP, fire weakness, energy intensive, bad
attacks. no.
Modified: I guess this card is meant to be a great
staller... but it doesn't have enough HP for that, also,
it's attack are not good at all.
this card is a waste of space.
Limited: this card isn't even good here =l probably one
of the worst evolution card to play in limited.
TR Brian |
Hey all,
Today we review another UFO card forretress. Now this
card has potential he has 70 HP well thats not to great
and his first attack is two colorless energy for 20 and
you get to hit his pokemon for 3 damage at the end of
your opponents turn.His second attack is one metal
energy and three colorless to do a big 100. Now the bad
part about that 100 damamge is that he puts 7 damage on
himself and that is exactly how much HP the guy has so
that becomes a big problem but the attack also lets you
transfer the energies attached to him to your bench
pokemon. Well now a combo is with another card from this
set called energy root which is a pokemon tool card that
you can attach to forretress and he gains +20HP so he
can survive the attack and then get knocked out by an
opponents attack instead of your own. Otherwise then the
opponent can hit your new active which is not good. -_-
Unlimited:Well here theres much better ways to do 100
damage blastoise suicune ex >_<.1/5
Modified:Here the only problem you are going to have is
setting up his energy -_- other than that 100 is what
youor opponent is going to take ^_^ 3/5
Limited:Here its a good pokemon because the first move
takes colorless energies also if you draft a metal
energy you have good defense ^_^ 4/5