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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Unseen Forces
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.5
Modified: -
Limited: -
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Octillery from EX Unseen Forces
Kinda like a beefed up Scyther if you ask me. Not a
terrible amount of HP for a stage 1 evolved Poke. His
body is much like Murkrow's evil lock which is beautiful
to use on baby's and those benched sitting powers. 120
is amazing for two energy and 1 discard, but can only
use it once every two turns which keeps it under check.
Overall, not to bad of a card. Not game breaking. May
need some support though to keep it working.
Unlimited Rating 2.5/5
Stingmon |
Octillery COTD
What's up? Today I'm gonna take a look Octillery from
Unseen Forces.
PokeBody: Super Suction Cups: As long as Octillery is
your active Pokemon, your opponent's Pokemon can't
C: Standing By: Discard an energy card attached to
Octillery. During your next turn, Octillery's Pulse
Blast attack's base damage is 120.
WC: Pulse Blast: 30
Hp: 80
Weakness: Lightning
Stage: 1 (Evolves from Remoraid)
Well okay then. Octillery is one of the weaker Stage 1
Pokemon. With only 80 hp and no resistance at all your
in trouble no matter what you face but if you go up
against a Lightning deck this guy needs to stay off your
field entirely. You have to have two energy on Octillery
and at least one energy in your hand when you use
Standing By on your turn so that on your next turn you
can use the powered Pulse Blast. Octillery's power can
help in this combo, but with all of the cards that force
a switch of Pokemon without actually retreating that
Pokemon, odds are if you manage to get the combo once
you need to savor that one 120 damage shot cause that's
all you'll get.
Unlimited: 1/5 No way. I wouldn't even give this thing a
second glance
Limited: 1.5/5 Well at least here it'd get a second
glance before I said no.
Draft:1/5 If you're drafting this you should probably
just get up and leave.