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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.65
Modified: 4.5
Limited: 5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Rayquaza from Delta Species
Ahh, finally the Delta series :D. Now, I know it's sad,
but I've been a fan of Rayquaza for a while now - I saw
much potenial in his little evil eyes. However, this one
is not going to fully make me a believer in his future.
He's not really good. Yes, he's a basic. Yes, he can hit
first turn. Yes, he has two awesome resistances. Yes, he
has wonderful HP for a basic. The problem is mostly his
attacks. Power Blow is going to be low damage almost all
the time and Lightning Storm takes too much to make it
work. It's Energy Removal bait - yes - but also, just
doesn't seem to be effective enough. It'll take about
three turns to get a Holon energy (the double one) and a
Double Colorless on this guy so he can do 70 damage, but
when you're facing a turn two raindance (sometimes turn
one) or a turn two Sneasle or a turn two Scyther, you
just don't make the cut for being quick enough, which is
what this environment is all about.
Unlimited Rating 1.5/5
Stingmon |
Rayquaza Delta
ImperialStingmon is back in the house with the first
Delta species card review! Today we're taking a look at
Pokemon #384 Rayquaza!
Poke-BODY: Delta Guard: As long as Rayquaza has any
Holon Energy cards attached to it, ignore the effect of
Rayquaza's Lightning Storm attack.
L: Power Blow: 10x: Does 10 damage times the amount of
Energy attached to Rayquaza.
LMCC: Lightning Storm: 70: Put 7 damage counters on
Stage: Basic
Hp: 90
Weakness: Colorless
Resistance: Water/Fighting
Type: Lightning/Metal
Delta species pokemon have different types then their
regular counterparts and they also appear to be part
Metal type too. Rayquaza's Delta form has combined
Lightning and Metal type properties. It can use Metal
Energy and it's resistant to water. Plus, since Rayquaza
has always been able to fly it gains a second resistance
this one to Fighting. The Poke-BODY Rayquaza possesses
is an excellent one as Holon Energy will not only block
the damage from Lightning Storm but they will help pay
for it as well. Power Blow is an okay attack because it
counts Energy instead of Energy cards. That means that
with a Boost Energy card you get 30 extra damage.
Lightning Storm is a great attack with a slight drawback
but 4 for 70 is good and if you have a Holon Energy than
that makes things even better.
Unlimited: 3/5: All the Energy removal in early sets can
hurt Rayquaza.
Limited: 4.5/5: Not nearly as much removal but it still
Draft: 5/5: Excellent card to draft. Just plop it on
your bench, build energy for Power Blow, and then send
him up and knock'em down!