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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Holon Mentor
Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.75
Modified: 3.5
Limited: 4.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Holon Mentor from Delta Species
Hmm... three basic Pokes from your deck for one discard
and using up your supporter for the turn. Not too bad.
High attacking basics is what this environment lives on
and the supporter status might even help seeing as
Vileplume EX is a pain in the neck. Overall, there's
much better draw in the unlimited world... but I could
see this guy working in a good basic deck. Perhaps
quicker than Cleffa and Dunsparce early game, but loses
it's effectiveness as turn three approaches.
Unlimited Rating 1.5/5
DragonSol |
Sorry for the long hiatus, the emails were getting sent
to my junk folder for some reason, which I never
check... Anyway...
Holon Mentor is one of the new supporters from EX: Delta
Species, and probably my personal favorite. In my eyes,
he's a better Lanette's Net Search, in that he can
search out three basic 100 HP or less Pokemon, even if
they're the same type. This provides so much
versatility, especially if you're running a deck with
only one or two types in it. The downside to this
card is the discard rule. While it might help some decks
out (Marowak), it generally isn't good to have to send
cards to the discard pile. But, if you do have cards you
don't need lying in your hand, this is definitely a good
Supporter to run in order to get a fast set up with the
basics you need.
Modified: 3.5/5
Unlimited: 2/5
Draft: 4.5/5