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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Holon Ruins
Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.4
Modified: 4.3
Limited: 4.1
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Holon Ruins from Delta Species
Well, let's face it - this is a terrible card here.
There's much better draw and much better stadiums to
play. If you are playing delta Pokes, then you're not
playing serious anyways (I haven't seen any playable
ones yet). Sorry, but this is just a bad card.
Unlimited Rating 1.1/5
1234 |
I see very few bad things about this card. Pretty much
all of the δ Pokémon are playable. Non-supporter draw is
great and you get to use the effect every turn. The only
disadvantages are:
- There are (depending on the situation) better stadiums
to play (Desert Ruins, Battle Frontier). Holon Ruins is
a good card; just don’t forget to put a “staple” stadium
in your deck as well.
- You have to discard a card. Of course, discarding
cards is a cost that many good cards in TCG’s have; in
Pokémon, good effects like drawing cards are usually
worth the discard.
- Also, there’s the chance that your opponent plays δ
Pokémon as well.
Unlimited: Much better draw power in this format. Don’t
play this card. Even if you want to play a stadium to
counter any stadiums your opponent may have, there are
better stadiums in Unlimited. 1.2/5
Modified: If you’re making a δ deck, this is a good card
to have. It’s non-supporter draw, which is rare in this
format. 4.7/5
Limited: 37% of the Pokémon in DS are δ Pokémon. And
they are all playable. Just as playable as the non-δ
Pokémon, if not more. If you get this card, deck it. Get
some δ Pokemon as well. 4.8/5
Questions/comments/corrections? E-mail: ninetales1234@hotmail.com

Kevin89 |
Holon Ruins
Sorry guys, I have exams this week and I was very busy
so I couldn't write COTD's.
Not because of my exams of course, haha, who gives about
exams anyway?!
no, my father demolished my computer so I have to share
a computer with 4 other people now, so I am rarely
anyway, I should write a COTD now that I am online so
here it goes;
I don't think it's really good here, it could be used
with rocket's zapdos (to discard a lightning energy),
but there are better stadiums here. also, I don't think
delta pokemon are really playable here anyway.
Pretty good counter card for battle frontier.
if you play delta pokemon that is, of course, also, this
stadium combines with magcargo. Magargo puts any card on
top of your deck, holon ruins fetches it, and you didn't
even spend a supporter on that.
pretty awesome card in delta decks.
pretty good here as you have draw power.
Discard a card, draw a card.
It's pretty likely you play delta pokemon here, and also
that you might have a crappy card in your hand.