Kevin89 |
Latios [delta species]
This card has nice hp for a basic pokemon, however, it
takes way too much energy to attack, even with the the
poke-body, latios' second attack might be useless, there
are not much stage 2 pokemon played in unlimited anyway.
it's restistances are not common types in unlimited so
that's no good, it's weakness doesn't hurt too much
Here almost every deck has stage 2 pokemon in it, but
most stage 2 pokemon would knock out latios in one shot,
so I guess it isn't that useful here too.
the body could help a lot though, 80 for 3 energy on a
basic is huge, but then again, your opponent won't play
stage 2 unless they really need to.
If your opponent is smart enough, you'll have a basic
pokemon with just 2 energy attached to it doing 20. make
sure to play some swoops with this.
Here it should shine :D, but it doesn't because its best
attack requires a metal energy card, which are rare in
this set. which doesn't matter too much after all,
because I don't think people will often have a stage 2
in play.
it's a foil rare too which means the odds that you get a
latias too are small.
the only reason to play this card is because of his
restistances then, but in my opinion that isn't worth it