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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2
Modified: 4
Limited: 4
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Starmie from Delta Species
Interesting is what I can say about this card. A power
that gets metal from your deck and attaches it to
Starmie could be very helpful. The problem is that he's
an evolution with a terrible amount of HP and a crummy
basic to top it off. Could he be used to search out
needed metals? Yes. But, there's still much better
searching found in the trainers in unlimited.
Unlimited Rating 1.5/5
123 |
Hello all.
I'm back from my realm of Internetlessness (wtf) with
some great (hopefully) reviews on the Delta Species (DS)
cards. This set is unbelievably fun to use, IMO. Today
we look at Starmie.
Name: Starmie Delta Species
Type: Water/Metal
Rarity: Holo Rare
Collection Number: 15/113
Stage 1: Evolves from Staryu
Poke-POWER: Metal Navigation- Once during your turn
(before your attack), you may search your deck for a <M>
Energy card and attach it to Starmie.
Shuffle your deck afterward. This power can't be used if
Starmie is affected by a Special Condition.
Attack 1: <W> Collect- Draw 3 cards.
Attack 2: <M> Energy Loop- 30 Return an Energy card
attached to Starmie to your hand.
Weakness: <L>
Retreat Cost:
I like this one, it's a shame I don't have it yet, after
a box and 15 packs.
Anyway, back to the review.
Being a Delta Species Pokemon, Starmie has a lot of
cards that can find it, such as Holon Researcher. It
also gets double typing. The Metal Energy damage
decrease really helps the rather low 60 HP.
Poke-POWER: Now where have we seen this before? That's
right, Dark Electrode, a key part in the ever-so-popular
Dark Heart deck. Will this card be as influential?
Anyway, I like this power. An extra Metal and an extra
10 damage off your opponent's next attack. Very hot.
Attack 1: Only Emerald Exploud, IIRC, has a "Draw 3
cards" attack, aside from Starmie of course. And Exploud
is a pain in the ass to get out, being a Stage 2 and
all. This is beautiful early game for getting what you
want, mid-game for extra deck thinning, and late game
when your Pidgeot or Magcargo who has been getting you
what you want may be knocked out.
Attack 2: One Energy for 30 damage? And you get to
return an Energy attached to yourself to your hand?
*drools* This combos great with its Power for abusing
Metal protection. And the damage is nice too.
Weakness: Lightning. Expected for a Water type, but it's
not exactly the best weakness out there. Most Lightning
types deal 60+ damage anyway, so it's not really a big
Resistance: None. NONE. From Ruby/Sapphire--Unseen,
Resistance hasn't shown itself much. This set gave it a
comeback, but Starmie didn't get one. :( Starm is one of
my favorite Pokemon too. *goes off and cries*
Retreat Cost: Yes! A free-retreater Starmie! I'm liking
Delta Species more and more.
Unlimited- 2.5/5 An average score. It's great, but
there's still better.
Modified- 4/5 I'm a little biased, yes, but it might
start the next Dark
Heart in staller form, for all we know.
Limited- 4/5 A great pick here. Getting Metals out of
your deck and using
Collect to thin it is great, and I wouldn't call 1 for
30 a bad trade

Kevin89 |
there's no reason to play him here, metal isn't
effectice in unlimited as metal energy get removed
before they could make a difference.
it has too low hp, it's attack don't do enough damage,
and it's weakness is terrible, but it has no retreat
cost which is ok.
I think it actually has a lot of potential here, getting
a steelix or scizor ex with 4 metal (through metagross
for example) on it is really good.
and because it's a water pokemon, it is a counter to the
fire pokemon, which metal pokemon usually lose too,
however, it's attack doesn't do enough damage to be
awesome though. the free retreat on this card surprised
me, but in a good way, of course. watch out for battle
frontier ;)
unless you also get a metal energy, this card is pretty
useless, drawing 3 cards is nice, but you won't win a
game by drawing cards, I'd rather have a good attacker
if I play a stage 1.
only draft this if you have a metal energy too, or if
you got nothing better than Starmie.
TR Brian |
Hey all, its been a
while so today we have a delta species starmie which
right off the bat has nice attacks power but it has very
weak HP 60. -_- Now the pokepower is very very good just
like the dark electrode from team rocket returns but
instead of searching for dark and dark metal you get to
search for metal only which isn't as good but still ok.
Now the attacks are both one energy and it works very
very well with the power. One water energy to draw 3
cards thats always helpful and then one metal for 30
damage and return a energy attached to starmie. Another
good part about this card is the free retreat cost thats
always a good thing.
Unlimited: Well with all the draw power in this format
there really isn't any need to use this card here 2/5.
Modified: In this format its a pretty ok card if used to
full extent in a deck like dark electrode was maybe u
can try using it with gardy from delta as well get the
energy to starmie with its poke power and then gardy
moves it around to a better attacker like registeel or
maybe my favorite card scizor ex ^_^ 4/5.
Limited: Here the poke power is pretty useless unless
you don't draft a metal energy also its not really gonna
hit anything if you don't draft metal pretty much draw
your deck out
Dallas Dalton |
Hi, I'm new to
the CotD review group. Some of you may know me, some of
you may not and I'm sure for those who do are wondering
just what am I doing here? It's very simple, I just want
to review cards. Currently I'm not involved competitvely
in the pokemon trading card game but I do have much
veteran experience to make up for that.
Anyways... I'll get to my first card. Starmie.
This card in itself is just trying to be a whole combo
all in one, pull metal energies from the deck and attack
to send them back to the hand. The problem is that it
attacks to send metal energy back to where you can use
it on a more important pokemon.
The pokepower starmie has however is loaded with
potential. Most any power that can let you search
through your deck to find something and use it
immediately can and probably should be exploited. One
idea that should come across many people's minds is
Metagross HL which has a power that lets you move metal
energy to your active pokemon. If you can find a way to
move the metal energy around, then starmie does look
enticing to pull metal energies out of the deck.
Anyways, besides the pokepower there's not much else
that makes the card attractive. It's a stage 1 which
cannot deal any real significant amount of damage on its
own and has low HP for a stage one which isn't good.
Free retreat is nice but that won't be too significant
in most any game. Starmie should only be used as a piece
to a combo that can abuse its power while starmie sits
comfortably on the bench.
Unlimited - 1/5 - Too much draw and search in the format
in trainers and other cards to make starmie even worth
consideration. Useless in this format.
Modified - 2/5- the pokemon power here and the free
retreat are the only things that should give this card
consideration. Starmie shouldn't be used as an attacker
and should rarely be used for its first attack, collect.
Purely meant for a combo and don't be surprised if you
see this card in some decks in future tournaments that
abuse its pokepower.
Limited - 2/5- While starmie shouldn't be used as an
attacker, I love collect here. Drawing three cards for
one water energy and free retreat can be quite nice, but
the only true problems here is 60 hp which makes it only
worth it for 1 to 2 collect attacks if possible, but 3-6
cards drawn from 1 card is very good, even if it does
cost you one prize after it gets knocked out.