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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
ex Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.5
Modified: 2
Limited: 2
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Dallas Dalton |
Hello everyone, I'm new to the CotD crew and happy to be
here. My name is Dallas Dalton and many of you may
recognize my screen name on the pokegym and on other
sites as "Strike". Currently I'm not playing in the
tournament scene due to college but I do feel that my
veteran experience can be more than enough to make a
fair review for cards.
Anyways, let's get onto the card for the day, Flareon.
Personally, I have never seen anyone put any flareon
from any set to good use in a competitive enviroment
except for limited. Why? Becuase the flareons are just
that bad, and this one is no exception.
A stage 1, 70 hp pokemon certainly isn't very appealing
to many players hoping that its attacks will make up for
the lower hp. Attacks like delta search and return burn
unfortuantely don't really provide much to offset the
low hp and stage 1 status that flareon has.
Delta Search does look interesting since holon energies
are the new rage thanks to delta species, but to my
knowledge there isn't any card that can take advantage
of the holon searching ability of Delta attack.
Return Burn would be nice if you didn't have to return
the energy back. While returning the energy to the hand
is optional 50 damage for a fire, metal, and colorless
won't cut it in the metagame.
Unlimited- 1.5/5 - An easy prize for your opponent.
Modified- 2/5 - sure, let's burn them why not? It'll set
you back an energy to the hand, then they'll knock
flareon out easily with 1-2 attacks. Not worth using
Limited- 2/5 - If return burn didn't have a special
energy requirement then flareon wouldn't be bad at all.
too bad.
-Dallas "Strike" Dalton
"I live by the oak and I die by the oak."

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Flareon from Delta Species
Well, quickness is definitely on this guy's side. Eevee
is always a quick evolver, but with delta search, he's
up and running turn two. Being able to do 50 and burned
is nice and so is the metal energy effects... but you
have to remember what league you're in. Unlimited Pokes
will still eat this guy alive. Period.
Unlimited Rating 1.5/5