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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.3
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 2.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Vaporeon from Delta Species
Well, I guess it's the water Flareon's turn. Same basic
stuff cept attack has removal effects instead of a
burning effect. I think I'd have to go with the burn
from Flareon. Energy removing is nice, but that's what
trainers do here (and a lot). Burning allows for major
damage and possibly a knockout between turns. This
attack only sets them back maybe a turn because the
energy goes back to their hand :-\. Still, not a great
Unlimited Rating 1.3/5
1234 |
Vaporeon δ is has 70 HP. Usually, that’s the absolute
minimum for any stage 1 Pokémon. That’s bad. It also
doesn’t help that this low HP is accompanied by zero
retreat cost or some totally amazing Poké-body/power.
This card is playable. It’s just very limited in what it
can be played with.
Combinations: Holon Energy WP comes to mind, because of
Vaporeon δ’s “Delta Search.” Holon Energy WP prevents
all effects done to the Pokémon, by your opponent’s
Pokémon (excluding damage).
Another good combo would be to get a Double Rainbow
Energy on Vaporeon δ by turn 2, in order to disrupt your
opponent’s energy on turn 2, using “Return Wave.” I once
built a deck based on this energy disruption principle,
only I used Dark Golduck [RR] (whose second attack
allows you to discard an energy attached to Dark Golduck
and then discard an energy attached to the defending
Pokémon). Don’t expect such a deck to win much on prizes
(trust me), but it sure is fun stalling and winning by
Unlimited: This doesn’t fit in any type of deck that I
can think of. 1.2/5
Modified: Not on the whole, a playable card. You can’t
just put it in any deck. Perhaps you could build a stall
deck with Holon Energy WP, Double Rainbow Energy, and
Metal Energy (Vaporeon δ is metal). If you can find a
use for this card, great. If you can’t, I’m not
surprised. 2/5
Limited: Metal Energy is in this set. All the Holon
Energy cards are here. Good. Weakness to Lighting hurts
here, a lot. Not many Pokémon weak to water here. Bad.
Even without Double Rainbow Energy, you could still
disrupt energy on turn 2 with Vaporeon δ’s second
attack. Good. 3/5
Questions/comments/corrections? E-mail: ninetales1234@hotmail.com
Dallas Dalton |
This card falls pretty much in line with Flareon, I have
never really seen this card put to good use here as
well. I pretty much feel Vaporeon and Flareon are just
copy and paste cards, and neither look very good.
Delta search is okay for what will be a scarce but in
demand resource, but there's really no way to take
advantage of holon energies with vaporeon.
Return wave to me is EXACTLY the same as flareon's
return brun, because they are both somewhat promising
but ultimately ineffective.
Unlimited - 1.5 - Your opponent won't take you seriously
if you play this in unlimited and for good reason too.
Modified- 1.5- worse than flareon here because the
ability with return wave is inferior compared to the
burn effect of flareon's return burn.
Limited- 2.0 - Special energy requirements will
basically ruin any chances of this card being used here.

Kevin89 |
Vaporeon [delta
nope, it sucks here, it doesn't do much damage, and
metal energy get removed before they take effect. it's
first attack does 10 damage...
wow. that sucks pretty bad, it's weakness is just
terrible, so is it's HP.
use Eevee from UF if you are going to play this
eeveelution card, you can get a pretty big advantage of
getting an evolution on your first turn, and already 2
energy cards attached to it, including one being a holon
energy, with nice effects and such, very cheap combo, as
you only need a basic pokemon and a basic energy card
for it.
it stats are rather disappointing though, 50 damage is
not enough, but it's effect can be nasty, it's weakness
is terrible, and it has not much HP.
Limited: not really good here, as it's weakness is most
unfortunate, most of this set is lightning type. also,
you need a metal energy to use it's second attack, which
are rare and you might not get a metal at all. if you
can use the attack somehow (holon tower or holon pokemon)
you might want to play it, it's a decent card as long as
you don't face lightning pokemon.