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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Super Scoop Up
EX Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.7
Modified: 2.5
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Otaku |
Well, class is
back in full swing, and since yours truly is supposed to be
graduating from Iowa State University this December, I once
again find myself with next to no time to review. So here’s a
quickie review: sorry it won’t be my “full” treatment.
Super Scoop
is a normal Trainer card. This is fairly nice, as it means
*gasp* you can play it and as many other normal Trainers as you
have in hand (provided you can meet the requirements for them-no
using Switch without a Bench).
Now, Super
Scoop Up is the “upgrade” of the original Scoop Up
first seen in the Base Set. The original only returned the
Basic Pokémon to your hand: any Evolutions, Energy cards
or attached Trainers were discarded. Super Scoop Up tops
that by nailing the Pokémon and all cards attached to it. You
can get an entire Stage 2 line, all the Energy attached to it,
and its Pokémon Tool back into your hand. The downside is that
it all resides on a flip. This means you will need to either
run multiples and save them up for a critical moment or just
accept a 50% failure rate where the card gives you nothing.
Super Scoop
is often used as a “healing” card since a Pokémon naturally
sheds all Special Conditions and damage counters when it returns
to the hand. As such, you will most often see this card in a
Pokémon-ex deck, since that makes it one of the few “healing”
cards available to them. If you aren’t using a Pokémon-ex, then
you can get the same effect with Mr. Briney’s Compassion,
but at the cost of your Supporter for the turn. It also
can act as a Switch if you are really desperate.
All in all,
it’s a good card, but not one that you should rely on. If you
can make room for it, it will usually be helpful. There are
more helpful cards though, even one’s that rely on flips (like
Pokémon Reversal) itching to be used in your deck.
1.75/5-Most decks can get away with just using an old Scoop
Up or Mr. Briney’s Compassion.
3.5/5-A very nice option for a lot of Pokémon-ex decks, where it
is very worth relying on a coin-flip to “rob” your opponent of
two Prize cards they had nearly earned. Defensive Pokémon-ex
decks really should be running it.
3.5/5-In Limited, Healing is very good. Even though it may be
setting you back several turns, Prize cards just are more
valuable here since you only start with four of them. After
all, here the two Prize cards you get for Knocking Out a
Pokémon-ex would be half your Prize cards!

~R Pac~
Today's card is Super Scoop Up from Delta Species
Well, this is just a reprint of a past card, so its not
a surprise for unlimited players. Basically, this is a
Scoop Up that allows you to get all of those precious
energy/tools/attached trainers back. Very handy indeed.
The only problem is the flip part. Flippy cards just
aren't reliable enough (save focus band). The cards that
Super Scoop Up are fighting a spot against are Scoop Up
and Mr. Brinney's Compassion. I personally like to use
Mr. Brinney's Compassion because its basically a Super
Scoop Up without the flip. It is a supporter, yes, but a
very useful one. When Mr. Brinney's isnt usable because
of too many supporters or a deck focused on a Poke Ex,
then I would probably drop the line altogether or use
regular Scoop Up. Super Scoop Up just doesn't make the
cut in my book.
Also, a few people have been emailing me and IM me about
Poke stuff. If you would like to, feel free to contact
me at Zennium66@aol.com I love to answer questions and
just chat.
Unlimited Rating 1.3/5
1234 |
Super Scoop Up… What is it? It’s a Mr. Briney's
Compassion, you can use on Pokémon-EX. It also has the
benefit of not using up your supporter for that turn. I
don’t really think this card is worth putting in most
decks. This doesn’t ever show up in winning decklists.
Not with Briney still around. Super Scoop Up could fit
in some rogue decks. In my opinion, SSU doesn’t
contribute to the metagame much.
Scoop Up, Super Scoop Up, Mr. Briney’s Compassion: What
makes these cards good? They’re trainers that instead of
removing two damage counters (like Potion or Berry),
they eliminate all the damage on a Pokémon. Of course,
the cost is, all energy that was attached to that
Pokémon is no longer attached, which means you have to
start over again. However, it may be worth it if you
want to stop your opponent from getting a prize for
knocking out your Pokémon. Sometimes, when you don’t
have a Switch, these cards can be just as good: just use
it on your active Pokémon and you get to send a benched
Pokémon as your active. This info is probably very
obvious to many of you, but just in case someone out
there doesn’t understand that everything (even damage
counters and special conditions) is removed from that
Pokémon… Anyway…
If you’re considering building a deck with a lot of
Pokémon-EX, perhaps SSU is worth a try. SSU only works
half the time, so if you use it on a Pokémon-EX, you are
statistically preventing your opponent from getting one
prize (because two prizes are drawn when a Pokémon-EX is
knocked out)
Unlimited: If you’re not playing Pokémon-EX (which is
very likely if you’re playing Unlimited), Mr. Briney’s
Compassion is the card you want to use. If you’re
building a Chansey [BS] deck, use Scoop Up (It has the
advantage of not being a tails-fails card and not using
up your supporter for the turn.) 2.8/5
Modified: If your deck is centered around Pokémon-EX,
and you don’t want to use Poke-powers/bodies to heal
them, SSU is the card for you. But remember, Briney is
still more widely used and there’s a reason for it
(There are plenty of decks that require no Pokémon-EX
and Briney isn’t a tails-fails trainer.). The usefulness
of SSU is really dependent on what deck you’re using.
Limited: The number of healing cards in Delta Species is
really low. I can’t really think of any good combos for
this card in DS. 4/5

Kevin89 |
Super scoop up
well, not much to say about this card as it's usability
should be clear to everybody.
A rather situational and flippy though...
I don't like flippy cards, try to stick with mr.briney
or scoop up.
A pretty good card as you don't want your ex-tank to get
knocked out.
It requires a coin flip, but in some cases, it is worth
Actually really good here if you also play a hitter with
high HP, if you flip heads, your opponent will have to
damage your hitter all over again.
that really helps here, though rather situational.
Dallas Dalton |
Super Scoop Up
Trainer Use:
Flip a coin. If heads, return 1 of your Pokémon and all
cards attached to it to your hand.
100/114 Rarity: Uncommon
I was and still am a huge fan of Scoop up. Scoop up from
Base Set 1 and 2 has won me a lot of games from being
able to get my pokmeon out of a bad situation and being
able to thwart my opponent's chance of taking another
At first glance, super scoop up looks like it could be
better than the regular scoop up. Looking at the card
closer however there's the dreaded coin flip.
Coin flips unfortunately make or break the game and it
should be the goal of each player to do either one of
two things:
- Rely on the least amount of coin flips possible OR
- Manipulate the coin flip issue to your favor (I.E.
using attacks that have more than 1 flip involved...
Neo Genesis Sneasel is a perfect example, the more flips
the better).
Having 1 flip being the deciding factor of this card is
not good.
Unlimited: 1.5 - Scoop up is so much better, use that
Modified: 2.0 - I'm not certain on how to grade this
card in modified. Super Scoop Up can be so good, but it
can ruin all your chances if you need to rely on it to
Limited: 2.5 - It can really save you in a game if it
works, but don't expect to rely heavily on this card.
LAst Ditch efforts and a surprise on your opponent's
face, okay I'll take it for now.