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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Mary's Request
EX Unseen Forces
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.25
Modified: 2.65
Limited: 2.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Mary's Request from EX Unseen Forces
Now this card might be useful. Evolution lines aren't
common in unlimited which basically would allow you
three cards for the price of one. Everyone remembers
Bill which only gave us two for one, yet was and is
still widely used in unlimited decks. Even though this
card does give us one more card than Bill, it's a
supporter which hinders it's effect in this environment
a tad bit. Supporters are slow and a deck needs to be
quick here. You just need to place the necessary
supporters first in your deck and if you still have room
you might fit one like this in there. Honestly, I think
supporters like Mr. Brinney's Compassion, Professor
Oak's Research and Steven's Advice should be used before
a card like this. Mr. Brinney's Compassion is powerful.
Professor Oak's Research gives us new hand draws after
maxing out on Oak without the downside of Elm. And
Steven's Advice will usually net 2-3 cards early game or
4-6 cards late game - which is the card Mary's Request
would be battling with for a spot. Really, this card
just doesn't make the cut. Full benches are rampant in
unlimited because of the plethora of basics here (sneasle,
scyther, cleffa, etc. etc.) which makes Steven's Advice
a much better draw card than Mary's Request. Still, if
you don't run an evolution line and would rather have a
guaranteed three cards as opposed to gambling a bit with
Steven's Advice, this card definitely beats Erika as a
Unlimited Rating 2/5
~R Pac~
1234 |
Mary’s Request: the “TV Reporter” of the new Modified
format. For those of you who don’t know about POP2,
Mary’s Request is going to lose some of its playability
now that TVR is legal in Modified today (because it was
reprinted as a POP2 promo). If you don’t have any stage
2 Pokémon in your deck, Mary’s Request is good; if you
do, just hope that you get this card in your hand on the
first few turns.
Before you put Mary’s Request in your deck, consider the
-What could I expect my opponent’s average hand size to
be in the relevant metagame (i.e. would Copycat be
-Is increasing my net hand size hand size by 3 better
than increasing it by 2 (with TVR)? Discarding cards you
don’t need, and therefore having a smaller hand size may
be beneficial in some situations (e.g. I want to use
Professor Birch, Steven's Advice, Porygon2 [UF] or my
opponent could use Copycat).
-What kind of draw power can I get from my Pokémon (Corsola
[HL], Exeggutor [RG], Noctowl [UF], and of course Cleffa
Card Combinations: Use a Super Scoop Up or a Mr.
Briney's Compassion (now legal in Modified J) to get rid
on one of your stage 2 Pokémon. Then use Mary’s Request.
Can’t really think of any other good specific combos, as
this card is just draw power.
Unlimited: Countless other draw trainers exist in this
format (Bill, Professor Oak, Misty's Wrath, to name a
few) 1/5
Modified: This is an okay card if you don’t like playing
stage 2 Pokémon. If you do, you may want to think about
using TVR. 3/5
Limited: Only 3 trainers in Unseen forces that thin your
deck. No straight draw power other than Mary’s Request.
I would draft this, but not over Cleffa, which could
save you from a bad hand on the first turn. 4.8/5
Questions/comments/corrections? E-mail: ninetales1234@hotmail.com

Please! I'm begging you!
Mary's Request (Unseen Forces #86)
Supporter - Trainer
"Draw a card. If you don't have any
Stage 2 Evolved Pokemon in play, draw
2 more cards."
Rarity: Uncommon
Fairly easy to obtain.
The Positive:
Card drawing is always good, and if you
have weaker Pokemon out, you get 3 times as many cards.
The Negative:
Not too hot in the latter game, once you have your Stage
2 Pokemon out. Players want more drawing power than
this, and get it elsewhere.
Steven's Advice and Professor Bill are better cards to
Copycat is also available here, and most players chose
that or Steven. This is another card that most likely
see little play.
Legal, but doesn't give you enough cards to warrant its
use here.
There's better cards available, so grab this one last.
Tenchi-bmx'n monkey |
Mary's Request
Hey there folks This is Eric B. other wise known here as
Tenchi-bmx'n monkey with my first "Card of the day"
review. Let me give you all a quick background check on
myself so you know where I am coming from. First off I
am a former WOTC employee that was an (Man i can't
believe I am going to say
this) "Old School " pokemon player. I am currently back
into the fold of Pokemon and playing catch up. So if my
review seems a little off base, give the old man some
slack. Ok on with the review.
The card of the day is "Mary's Request". The text
reads--Draw a card. If you don't have any stage 2
Evolved Pokemon in play, draw 2 more cards. Now before I
move on here, I like to play alot of control-bounce
decks in all the TCG's I play-yes I am a control freak.
I like to increase my chances of getting the cards I
need as much as possible but on the other hand I don't
like cards with circumstances. Granted its only a 1 card
swing but I want more bang for my buck so to speak.
Mary's request just doesn't do it for me in any format.
Unlimited-1/5 The main reason is because in the
unlimited format there are just better cards out there
that give you more such as Bill, Oak, and Elm.
Modified- 3/5 In the modified and most common format
that you will play in, it can help especially if you run
very few evo's in your deck so you can get that bang for
your buck.
Limited- 3/5 Again the same reason as above.
some of you may like to argue my points but hey I like
sure things not "If You" cards.
TR Brian |
Hey all. Welcome to
another review. ^_^
Well today we have the supporter mary's request. This
card is good one of my
favorite trainers. When u play a T2 deck its quite good
in there cause you won't have any stage 2 pokemon its
all about getting the stage 1 ex out. A good card should
go in any deck that does not include stage 2.
Unlimited:This isn't so good here cause again nothing
withstands the power of non supporter old school draw
power lol but still an ok card.2/5
Modified:Here its shines because of the popular T2 decks
as i explained before its really good without any stage
2 poke's. 4/5 ^_^
Limited:If u get one of these then i think u will have a
good chance of winnin the tourney cause its really
really hard to get the draw trainer in this format i
experienced it lol. So in this format 5/5.
Thanx for reading. B E Z readers. TR Brian
Tom |
Mary’s Request is an
amazing Trainer…. provided that you run little to no
Stage 2 Pokemon. Unfortunately most of today’s decks
play at least 2 types of Stage 2 Pokemon. However that
doesn’t mean it isn’t useful in other decks, such as
Turn 2 decks, or Eevee-lutions decks. Mary can help
speed up this deck even more, giving you extra 3 cards
with no draw back.
My review is short and sweet, but I believe that there
isn’t else much that can be said about this card. If you
run a lot of Stage 2 Pokemon, skip this card. If you
have a deck that is sparse in Stage 2, then by all means
run Mary’s Request.
Unlimited: 2/5 Useful, but better options
Modified: 4/5 Really depends on the deck, but I gave it
a high rating simply because of its potential draw
Limited: 4.5/5 Unless you actually use any Stage 2, play
this card.