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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Unseen Forces
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.33
Modified: 3.75
Limited: 4.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Otaku |
I'll be reviewing again as soon as my classes get caught up |

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Meganium from EX Unseen Forces
Wow, what a terrible card. Maybe it's not the worst card
ever, but it takes far too much to make this thing work
in unlimited. You need to basically run a berry deck to
get those pesky little damage counters off between
turns. You could use gold berry to do 100 to the
opponent (90 if he survives), 90 with sitrus berry (80
if he survives), 80 with berry (70 if he survives), or
you could just do 60 (50 if he survives) without taking
any damage. Perhaps with base set Alakazam you could
make a healing deck by spreading out all the counters on
your turn and evaporate all of them by the time it's
your opponents turn... but thats just crazy talk. You
dont run two evolution lines in unlimited ESPECIALLY two
stage 2s. But it would be fun to see it work :).
Overall, this card just doesnt cut anything. You just
dont heal your opponents Pokes. period.
Unlimited Rating 1/5
~R Pac~
Stingmon |
ImperialStingmon here with a card from my second
favorite type, grass. This card is Meganium from Unseen
Forces. Here's what this grassy guy does.
Poke-Body: Healing Aroma: As long as Meganium is your
Active Pokemon, remove 1 damage counter from each
Pokemon (excluding Pokemon-ex) (both yours and your
opponent's) between turns.
GGC: Bouncy Move: 50+: You may put up to five damage
counters on Meganium. If you do, this attack does 50
damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter you
put on Meganium this way.
Hp: 100
Stage 2, evolves from Bayleef
Uh huh. This version of Meganium is okay, but there are
better ones. Bouncy Move is a decent attack and it's the
effect that really hurts it. It's an effect you're only
gonna pull off once, because if you're opponent is smart
he'll use the damage that you put on Meganium as a
stairstep to its death. The only way to save it would be
through the use of any healing berry. The berry + the
poke-body might be enough to save your butt and if you
can combo it properly Meganium has a fighting chance.
Unlimited: 3/5 Way too much fire here however, with the
berries available in past sets it could be much worse.
Limited: 4/5 A little better here, but again fire poses
a problem especially with the self damage.
Draft: 4/5 Hard to get the whole line but if you can
Meganium can squash the competition flat.

Kevin89 |
Meganium UF
Unlimited: this card is pretty good here, with gold
berry it can do 100 damage, and on your opponent's turn
it doesn't have damage! the body heals both your and
your opponent's active pokemon, but the good thing is
meganium is made to OHKO pokemon, and therefore your
opponent will not really benefit from this power, unless
he flips heads on focus band, in that case, meganium's
poke-body is bad.
The tools from Neo Genesis seem really good to play with
this card.
meganium is also pretty vulnerable to ER since it has
only 1 attack.
Modified: I think this card is awesome here, you can
attach sitrus berry to it, so when you max up the attack
damage, you can heal up to 40 damage it did to itself.
Meganium is also a grass type, which is useful because
nidoqueen is played a lot (at least in my area), but you
dont want to run into scizor ex decks if you play this
card. Meganium doesn't one hit KO most of the other
pokemon, and thats not too good, since meganium is
pretty vulnerable with only a 100 HP.
Use DRE to speed things up, and this card will be a
pretty decent attacker.
Limited: if you can draft a meganium line, you really
should go for it, you might be able to draft one or two
sitrus berry too, that would be awesome.
the great thing about meganium is that you can choose
how much damage you need to do to one hit KO your
opponents pokemon, thats really, really useful, and
everytime your opponent stalls or cant attack, meganium
heals itself again!
meganium also resists water, which is a good thing of
course, but I dont like its fire weakness, since there
are pretty much fire pokemon in this set =(

wierdofur |
Laughs at self. I
sent in a brief version of this same review for my
application for the CotD Reviewer's position.
Ahh, such a lethal little pet. *Rubs hands manically*
Meganium (Unseen Forces #9)
Type: Grass
Not bad, but Fire is their natural enemy, and Fire
appears often...
HP: 100
Adverage for his Stage of evolution.
Stage of Evolution: Stage 2
Can be hard to get out, but not as much so in a
well-built deck. Rare candy is a real plus for him.
PokeBody/PokePower: Healing Aroma
"As long as Meganium is your Active Pokemon, remove 1
damage counter from each Pokemon (Excluding Pokemon-ex)
(both yours and your
opponent's) between turns."
Attacks: GGC Bouncy Move 50+
"You may put up to 5 damage counters on
Meganium. If you do, this attack does 50 damage plus 10
more damage for each damage counter you put on Meganium
in this way."
Weakness: Fire
This hurts... alot. fire is a very popular type to use,
and you're sure to face several fire decks in
competative play.
Use weakness prevention effects, or suffer.
Resistance: Water
I haven't seen alot of Water decks in my area, but
there's always a Water fan out there to swamp with your
Retreat Cost: CCC
Heavy, use Swith or another free-retreat effect...
Rarity: Rare
A bit hard to get. (Unless you like theme decks)
The Positive: Meganium is the mass-damage player's new
best friend. He can topple most other Stage 2 Pokemon
out there,as well as most Stage 1s, and outright destroy
any Basic Pokemon out there that lacks protection from
evolved Pokemon. With proper healing effects, you can
keep him around for several turns. Meganium is well
worth building a deck around, and may very well become
the new favorite among the tournament-oriented crowd. I
admit to being biased as He's my personal favorite
Pokemon, and My main deck focuses on him along with
Parasect (FireRedLeafGreen) and Bellossom (Hidden
The Negative: He can be a real heavy-hitter; but with a
weakness to Fire types, he can be knocked out rather
easily. Add in the fact that he hurts himself to do that
extra damage, and that Fire is a favorite type of
Pokemon, and they'll BBQ him in no time. Cards to
protect against weakness can be a big help.
Healing is almost a necessity for keeping Meganium in
play, and while it is possible to keep him going, he can
still be wiped out by a careful opponent. The more he
uses his extra damage, the weaker he gets.
Lastly, since his heal all pokemon of 1 damage effect is
mandatory while he's active, your opponent can switch
off a really weakened Pokemon, and just let Meganium
slowly heal them up for a renewed assault. Effects that
remove evoled Pokemon from the stack can be devastating.
Meganium should be used a an emergency powerhouse when
needed, or heavily supported to keep him alive.
Modified: He's Legal here, and well worth using, IMO.
Ok, I'm biased...
He's my personal favorite, dispite his drawbacks. Use
him for emergency power, or as a worthy centerpiece to
your deck.
Unlimited: Free to use here as well, and there's lots
more support available for him in this format. All the
same applies here as in Modified, but there's more to
work with here, so he fairs even better.
Limited: It can be difficult to use him here, and you
need both Chikorita, and either Bayleef or Rare Candy to
even get him into play. This really hurts his usability.
Grab him only if you are very lucky and manage to get
the other cards needed to get him out. If you can use
him though... I think you'll place rather high in the
final rankings, if your luck holds out, that is...
2.5/5.0 |
Tom |
Today we got Meganium,
number 2 of the 3 "Starting" Pokemon we are
looking at this week. Let's break him down and see how
good of a card he is.
shall we?
HP: 100 isn't too bad for a Stage 2 Pokemon, so he can
last a little bit.
Poke-Body: Healing Aroma is an interesting body as it
removes 1 damage
counter from each Pokemon between turns, including your
opponent's. while
this can be helpful (especially with the Bouncy Move
attack), it can come
back and harm you a little considering it can also heal
your opponent's
Pokemon. Be wary when using Meganium in that regard.
Bouncy Move (GGC): While I like a bit of diversity on
the attacks of the
Pokemon I use, Bouncy Move isn't a bad attack at all. In
fact if you can
pull it off, you can pull off a OTKO with this attack.
Basicly you can put
up to 5 damage counters on Meganium to increase his
attack by 10 for each
damage counter you put on him in this way. The bad part
is that unless you
have ways to remove the counters quickly from Meganium,
this is a one time
use attack. You can't use the counters from the previous
time to increase
his attack this time. You have to place fresh counters
on him to do it
again. As mentioned above, Healing Aroma can help soften
the blow, and using
something like Sitrus Berry can also help too.
Unfortunatly there is a great
risk of having Meganium KO'ed right after the attack if
you decide to
increase it, so use caution if you do.
Weakness: Fire. Standard for most Grass type Pokemon
Resitance: Water. Again, fairly standard.
Retreat Cost: (CCC). The retreat cost is something to be
desired for, but
again, standard for most Stage 2 Pokemon
Overall: Meganium can be a useful Pokemon to have,
unfortunatly his Bouncy
Move can come back and haunt you quickly. As such, I
wouldn't recomend him
in most Grass type decks unless you plan on making a
deck specificly for
Unlimited: 1/5 Not too good here
Modified: 3/5 Decent Pokemon, but his attack can
potentialy do more harm
than good.
Limted: 3.5/5 Slightly better here.