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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Unseen Forces
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.73
Modified: 3.37
Limited: 4.07
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Ariados from EX Unseen Forces
Okay a low energy hitter is a good start for this guy.
He only takes one energy for both is attacks and one
energy to retreat, so energy removal wont stop this guy
which is beautiful in unlimited. The second attack is
basically a mini gust (they get to choose the Poke) and
then it makes them both asleep and poisoned. This is
good because you get to choose whether or not to switch
Poke during the attack, but imagine how much better this
would be if it were confused and poisoned :-\. With just
being asleep he has a 50% chance of waking up and
hitting you hard next turn and a 75% chance that he'll
be awake before your next turn. And this is just based
on flipping to awake him. Imagine all the countless
trainers and even energy that could be used on this guy
to end the effect. So basically, if you do this attack
first and then reactive poison second (like it's set up)
you'll be hitting for about 40 assuming he's still
poisoned maybe even 70 if the guy is still asleep by
randomness - which is very good for one energy.
Could this work in unlimited? well, its kinda both ways.
He has low HP and he is a stage 1 evolution, so that's
gonna hurt him. His low energy costs is what kinda
balances this guy out. He could kill a Sneasle in two
turns by poisoning him with spider trap and then
finishing him off with reactive poison the next turn (or
posion damage between turns). Still, this guy just
doesnt seem to be the next big hitter. His attacks dont
damage enough and his low HP will get this guy killed if
his crummy basic doesnt get killed first. Still, if you
want to run a deck with virtually no energy, give this
guy a second look along with the Jumpluff line.
Unlimited Rating 1.75/5
~R Pac~
1234 |
Ever since the special condition “Burn” was introduced,
it has been possible for one Pokémon to have 3 special
conditions on it at once (as Confused, Paralyzed, and
Asleep are the only ones that erase each other). How do
you get multiple special conditions on the defending
Pokémon? Well, you could use Pokémon like Bellossom [HL]
or Skiploom [RR] that can put a special condition of
your choice on your opponent’s Pokémon, but that combo
is a little too slow (their attacks are tails-fails) ;
you’re probably better off just using Ariados with
itself. Though it’s very unlikely, you could do 100
damage for one energy by having three special conditions
on the defending Pokémon.
Unlimited: Could be fun using this with Sceptile [RS]
with Lizard poison, which can inflict 3 special
conditions at once. Another fun thing you could do is
use Sleep! and Rare Candy to get out this Pokémon on
turn one for a FTKO. Ariados’ energy requirements make
it resistant to Energy Removal/Super Energy Removal and
allow you to put it in decks of all energy types. 3.4/5
Modified: Even if the defending Pokémon has only one
special condition on it, 40 damage for 1 energy is
great. The “Warp Point” effect in its second attack
could be very helpful. 4/5
Limited: A lot of Pokémon in this set have powers that
still work even if they have a special condition. Don’t
expect special conditions to be very powerful. This is a
good card; just don’t expect the attacks to be
exceptional in this format. Weakness to psychic is not a
problem as there are only a few psychic Pokémon in
Unseen Forces. The most important thing to remember is
that it combos with itself well (which is invaluable in
a draft). 4.8/5
Questions/comments/corrections? E-mail: ninetales1234@hotmail.com

Ariados (Unseen Forces #2)
A creepy bug that gives a sickly slumber.
(I submitted my earlyer cards from Tuesday and
Wednesday, so go back and cheek them out.)
Ariados (Unseen Forces #2)
(Sleeping pills are kicking in while I write this, so
sorry if bits may be a little jumbled or have odd
wording... Zzzzz)
Type: Grass
It's an ok type, and you could certainly do worse.
HP: 70
Typical for a Stage 1.
Stage of Evolution: Stage 1
You'll need Spinarak to get him out, but Stage 1s are
fairly easy to bring into play.
PokeBody/PokePower: (none)
Zip, nada, nothing. Nothing to say, either, if there's
nothing to talk about.
[any] Reactive Poison {10+}
Does 10 damage plus 30 more damage for each Special
Condition affecting the Defending Pokemon.
[G] Spider Trap {none}
The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep and Poisoned.
Before applying this effect, you may switch 1 of your
opponent's Benched Pokemon with 1 of the Defending
Pokemon. If you do, the new Defending Pokemon is now
Asleep and Poisoned. Your opponent chooses the Defending
Pokemon to switch.
Weakness: Psychic
An interesting weakness. Psychic remain a good choice,
so you'll most likely face against some of them. If
playing in Unlimited, he'll have plenty to fear from
Gardevoir (Ruby & Sapphire).
Resistance: (none)
A bit sad, but that's the way it goes sometimes.
Retreat Cost: 1
Nice and cheap; you can use his effect, then get him
back to the Bench when he gets weak.
Rarity: Rare
Hard to get, but well worth it.
The Positive:
Poison and sleep can really reek havoc, esspecially if
your opponent has few Pokemon in play. since he does a
double effect, his Reactive poison can do 70 damage,
which is very good. He's fairly easy to get out, which
helps his playability.
The Negative:
If your opponent likes to switch Pokemon often, Ariados
won't be very helpful, as his effects wear off when the
Pokemon goes back to the Bench. Also, Psychic Pokemon
have a field day with him.
There's alot of support here, and he deserves inclusion
in a Grass or Poison deck.
Useful here as well, but should be in either a Grass or
Poison deck.
Stage 1 Pokemon aren't too difficult to get out, so if
you see the chance, go for him. There's not alot of
switching available in this format, so you stand a good
chance of using him to good effect here.
TR Brian |
Hey guys i know i''ve been away for a while but i'm
back. ^_^
Today we look at another UFO card its not as good as the
rest this week but still a good card when used right.
This card can b used with venusaur to bad they took ruby
and sapphirre out of play cause then u would b able to
play with sceptile from it. First u attack with venusaur
and then switch and this guy pumps heavy damage cause of
all the special conditions that venusaur puts on the
defending poke with its first attack.^_^
Unlimited: No need for this at all here much better
cards here. 1/5 >_<
Modified:In this format this card can be good but still
isn't worth playin with at a tourney. 2/5
Limited:Now in this format you got yourself a winner
here it shines. because no one has that many good cards
to defend against special conditions so slap him in if u
draft his line. 4/5
Tenchi-bmx'n monkey |
Hmm a spider pokemon... First off I am not green or a
spider (man they freak me out, you know the fuzzy, hairy
ones. Sorry, wrong topic.) person but this one might
just change my mind. Again I love control and bounce
cards but this Ariados is just a fun card. Our card here
has 70 hp (about average for a stage 1) and has two
The first: REACTIVE POISON-Costs 1 any color energy and
does 10 damage plus 30 more damage for each special
condition affecting the defending pokemon.
The second: SPIDER TRAP-Costs 1 green energy and puts
the defending pokemon
asleep plus poisons it. also you can choose to switch
the defending pokemon with a benched one before you do
the effects even though your opponent chooses which
pokemon to switch with.
Both attacks cost 1 energy, if you run a mono green deck
it just adds to the
fun. This card just screams fun especially if you like
messing with your opponent like I do. It almost gets me
giddy like James from Team Rocket just thinking about
it. This pokemon is really cool way of getting to your
opponents bench and holding off your opponent while you
build up and set him
up for your big hitters---CONTROL....
Unlimited 3/5--You can get use out this card in
Modified 4/5--I can see this card being very effective
in the modified meta.
With the EX's in today's game this evolution could be a
definite equalizer.
Limited 4/5--Read above.
Even though Spiders can be creepy (don't get me
started), you might want to catch this one --Tenchi