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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Suicune Star
EX Unseen Forces
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2
Modified: 2
Limited: 2
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Suicune (star) from EX Unseen Forces
This card is a joke. You're only allowed to have one in
your deck, but who would even want one? Two energy for
20 damage is sad, and 3 for 70 is okay... except for the
whole discarding all the energy on all your Pokes if you
have less prize cards. I wouldn't even splash this thing
in a Raindance deck because it's a waste of a water
energy slot. The fact that it's a basic with 80 HP
helps, but it's not a hard enough hitter and has little
reliability. Just stick with Suicune EX here.
Unlimited Rating 1.1/5
~R Pac~
Tom |
Today we are looking at the first of the 3 elusive Star
Pokemon, Suicune Star.
HP: 80 is not bad for a basic Pokemon.
Splashing Turn (WC): 20 damage plus you can switch
Suicune Star with a benched Pokemon. Can be fairly
useful if Suicune is about to get KO’ed.
Cross Wind (WWW): Now we get the attack that makes
Suicune worthless to play. With all of the new Star
Pokemon from Unseen Forces each one gives a major
drawback if you have less prizes than your opponent. For
Suicune you have to discard all energy cards attached to
ALL of your Pokemon in play. Personally this is a huge
drawback. You work hard to put all the energy you have
on your Pokemon, only to have this attack take it away.
Basically this attack, and the other Star second
attacks, punishes you for winning. Now if you are
losing, then the attack could help.
Weakness: Lightning, standard for Water Pokemon.
Retreat Cost: © Standard retreat cost for a Basic
Overall: Suicune Star is quite honestly a terrible
Pokemon to play. He doesn’t help when you are winning,
and when you are loosing; you want a Pokemon that can
help pull you through, which Suicune Star does not do.
Unlimited: 1/5 Terrible here
Modified: 1/5 Terrible here too.
Limited: 2/5 Terrible here too, but should you play
something like a draft, then you would take this only
because it’s hard to find. Otherwise, better Pokemon in
the set.

Kevin89 |
Unlimited: this one takes way too much energy and effort
for a basic, use it's ex form instead.
Modified: I can't imagine this being useful in any deck,
70 is pretty good, but if you're ahead on prizes you'll
lose all energy and probably the match too.
Limited: pretty useful here, although the loss of all
your energy could be the match loss.
but when behind on prizes it can do 70 twice, which will
kill their main attacker.
very rare though
All UF cards
I think this set is just amazing, it's almost like
hidden legends but this time with better EX's, most EX
cards deserve their own deck, and most holofoil cards
are pretty useable, I also like the fact that this set
comes with some back-up attackers like HL did, and
excellent adds for already existing decks (slowking),
also, this set brings us the return of unown, which I
didnt like at first, but then I noticed all Unowns are
thats nice.
I'm dissappointed with the trainers though, a lot
reprints again, and most of the new tools are just
stronger versions of other tools.
(solid rage - strength charm, fluffy berry - balloon
berry, protective orb - weakness guard, etc) but the 2 (
:( ) supporters are very nice though.
Excellent set.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: 5/5
Limited... N/A

Don't hate him for his hair...
Suicune [star] (UF#115)
Type: Water
Water has lots to work with, and as long as you're not
up against a Lightning deck (Small chance of that), He
'could' work well.
HP: 80
High for a Basic, and able to stick around for more than
a single turn.
Stage of Evolution: Basic
Usable right away, without needed to Evolve into him.
PokeBody/PokePower: (none)
[W] [any] Splashing Turn {20}
Switch Suicune [star] with 1 of your Benched Pokemon.
[W][W][W] Cross Wind {70}
If you have less Prize cards left than your opponent,
discard all Energy cards attached to all of your Pokemon.
Weakness: Lightning
Not really a problem as I haven't seen that many
Lightning decks out there. The only real trouble comes
from Magneton (SS#17 Magnetic Field) or Manectric.
Resistance: (None)
Apparently Nintendo didn't want him to be too good.
Retreat Cost: 1
Good low cost to retreat, which you'll want to do.
Rarity: Holo Rare
Quite hard to get, but the high level of damage deserves
it (I guess)...
The Positive:
70 damage from a Basic is rather impressive, and Water
decks work rather well...
The Negative:
Ouch, that negative cost for his Cross Wind can be
devastating, esspecially if you're loosing the match.
The cost should've only been for him, rather than for
all of your Pokemon in play. Being able to only have one
of him in your deck can make him difficult to bring out
without some good searching effects in your deck.
Lots of support, but why use him when you could be
running Team Aqua's Kyogre, or better yet, Suicune ex?
Less support here, but If you can get to use him for
that critical hit, he may prove useful.
A heavy hitting Basic can prove to be a really good
thing, so he may prove to be more valuable here. Be
ready for that nasty payback if you're behind, though.
TR Brian |
Hey guys
Another day another card. Today we look at one of the 3
"shiny" that come in this set.
Todays shiny is suicune. This set has the worst "shiny"
in my opinion for the simple fact that if you are
winning the match the second attack from each of these
will affect you horribly. This card states that if u are
winning prize wise u have to discard all energies
attached to all your pokemon. That is not good lol the
good part about these babies is their value. If u are
just a person that plays the game then you can trade
this off very nice ^_^ if you collect then you have one
of the three shiny in the set and thats good.
Unlimited:No need with all the crazy decks in this
format plus the huge downfall on this cards attack 1/5
Modified:Like I said before you have a nice valued card
in your hands thats about it.1/5 -_-
Limited:Now here u can actually use it some. The first
attack is ok for this
format and the HP
is ok for a basic. But if u are winning do not use the
second attack cause its hard to get those energies back
on him. So here this guys is 3/5.
If anyone wants to lemme know anything about pokemon
lemme know
Psylight Hao |
For today we have Suicune Star a card rarely seen and
most rarely used in play since it isn't what most player
wanted for a star Pokémon, first and import you can only
have one of this class of Pokémon so choice the one that
fits with your deck, second is a basic that's is both
good and bad you can call it using attacks like call for
family, etc. has well you can use traniers like lanette
or Celio's, is bad because there is lot of cards that
affect's basic T-Tar(Sand Damage), Ursaring, etc. HP: 80
actually for a basic is good; attacks Splashing Turn(WC)
ok for two energies you could wait at least 20 so is ok
the effect is hit and run to the sometimes safety bench
so it can K.O. so easily you can combo it with a free
retreat wall Pokémon, the second attack here is with sad
part appears Cross Wind(WWW) three energy all of then
water hit with 70 is you are losing without worries, but
is you are winnig cry this would cost you the game you
will discard all energies in your Pokémon and a lot of
things more. Weakness Lightining not a big surprise for
water Pokémon but could be intead Metal for it's Ice
part in the actual videogame No resistence, retreat of
one is cheap but you can retret it attacking.
In my very personal opinion this card and has well all
other star belongs to the collection binder.
Unlimited: Is kinda odd but here could work in Blastoise
deck but Suicune EX works better here just play a easy
and quick form of returning your energies to your hand
so you can continue hiting for 70 each turn 2/5
Modified Colud work in the blatoise EX deck you will
need a form to remove all tha damege before you can
control it besides there isn't a lot of ways to return
the energies to your hand or deck 2/5
Limited: Could be risky but if you draft it feel happy
and play it just using splashing until you will win use
Cross wind or incase you wont lose anything 3/5