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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Raikou (star)
EX Unseen Forces
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.3
Modified: 1.5
Limited: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Raikou (star) from EX Unseen Forces
Didn't we just rate this card? Oh, wait no - that was
the water version... and this guy is just as terrible.
First attack is still overpriced and the second attack
has a horrible downside. Are they serious? 40 damage to
all of your Pokes if you have less prize cards! This is
insane. That's gonna basically put all of your Pokes in
one hit kill situations next turn and wipe out all of
those babies you had down. It's a basic - yes, but who
wants to be down in prizes in order to do a decent
attack? Me neither.
Unlimited Rating 1/5
~R Pac~

Don't hide your hair, flaunt it!
Raikou [star] (UF#114)
Type: Lightning
This type sees little use, other than as a filler.
It just needs a bit more power to see use more often.
HP: 80
High for a Basic, but he'll need it.
Stage of Evolution: Basic
Useable as is, no growth spurts needed.
PokeBody/PokePower: (None)
[L][any] Lightning Turn {20}
Switch Raikou [star] with 1 of your Benched Pokemon.
[L][L][L] Mega Voltage {70}
If you have less Prize cards left than your opponent,
this attack does 40 damage to each of your Pokemon.
(Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.)
Weakness: Fighter
Fighters see even less action than Lightning types,
except for Swampert ex or Team Magma decks. You
shouldn't have much to worry about.
Resistance: (none)
Makes him more vulnerable, IMO.
Retreat Cost: 1
The low cost will be a boon when you need to pull him
out of the line of fire.
Rarity: Holo Rare
Quite difficult to obtain. His high-powered attack is
the only reason, though.
The Positive:
It's nice to see another high-powered Lightning Pokemon.
His high-damaging attack can be just the boost you need.
The Negative:
That 40 damage to each of your Pokemon can be just the
break needed... for your opponent, that is. 40 damage to
1 of your Pokemon would be acceptable, but to ALL of
your Pokemon is just rediculous. Being able to only have
1 of him in your makes him harder to use.
Well, there's Zapdos ex and Raikou ex, both of which are
more desirable to use. Raikou [star] is only useful if
you're already winning.
Works somewhat better here, as there's fewer
heavy-hitting Pokemon available in this format, but His
drawback for Mega Voltage is just too high.
Having this much power in a Basic can be very useful,
but there's still those drawbacks...
TR Brian |
Wassup people,
We are here once again reviewing cards for ya. Today we
look at one of the 3 "shiny" that come in this set. This
shiny is raikou. This set has the worst "shiny" in my
opinion for the simple fact that if you are winning the
match the second attack from each of these will affect
you horribly. This card says that if u are winning prize
wise u have to put 20 damage on all your pokemon. That
is not good lol. The good part about these babies are
their value. If u are just a person that plays the game
then you can trade this off very nice ^_^ if you collect
then you have one of the three shiny in the set and
thats good.
Unlimited:No need with all the better cards in this
format plus the huge downfall on this cards attack 1/5
Modified:Like I said before you have a nice valued card
in your hands thats about it.1/5 -_-
Limited:Now here u can actually use it some. The first
attack is ok for this format and the HP is ok for a
basic. If u are winning do not use the second attack
cause its hurts too much So here this guy is 3/5.
If anyone has anything they wanna ask or correct lemme
know about pokemon write to me i will answer
Psylight Hao |
Today Raikuo the
second UFO star, he is ver similar to Suicune reviewed
it yesterday here is also as rare as Suicune and Entei
are have only seen those last two in real life, for this
condition of rare is rare seen and most rarely play it
for they attacks for but first and import you can only
have one of this class of Pokémon so choice the one that
fits with your deck, second is a basic that's is both
good and bad you can call it using attacks like call for
family, etc. has well you can use traniers like lanette
or Celio's, is bad because there is lot of cards that
affect's basic T-Tar(Sand Damage), Ursaring, etc. HP: 80
actually for a basic is good; attacks Ligthing Turn(LC)
ok for two energies you could wait at least 30 but is ok
so 20 is ok not great the effect is hit and run to the
sometimes safety bench so it can K.O. so easily you can
combo it with a free retreat wall Pokémon, the second
attack here is with sad part appears Meta Voltage(LLL)
70 damage for 3 energy sounds kanda good but not if
they're all electric and you will recieve a drawback
that can make your oponent wins actually it could
happend, all of your Pokémon will be hitted with
40damage that is even more of normal attack can do to
multiple benched Pokémon; so skip playing this little
kamikaze bomd it belongs to a binder with Suicune and
Unlimited; stick with other electric that are played in
the format1/5
Modified: No even a deck here can support too more
punisment besides opponet's, besides you can use
Milotic(heal shower) to heal but this monster kill the
feebas with one hit is he is in play so forget1/5
Limited: a big pińata that could help to charge your
benched Pokémon not other use 2/5