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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Tyranitar EX
EX Unseen Forces
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.36
Modified: 3.36
Limited: 3.83
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Tyranitar EX from EX Unseen Forces
Wow, what an interesting card. 4 attacks with 2 energy
types involved and 30-120 (30-160 with dark energy
accounted for) damage between them. 160 HP is nice and
the 2 retreat cost is nothing less than expected. His 4
attacks give a variety of options of what is needed in
certain situations from discarding stadiums to
discarding special energy cards to discarding cards off
either players deck. I would love to play this guy if he
wouldn't die so quickly. His weakness to grass and
fighting means he's got about no chance of survival here
being both prey to Scyther and Tyrogue. His energy
requirements for his hard hitting attacks will set his
fate in being energy removed. And the fact that to get
to this guy you need to somehow have a surviving
Larvitar when it comes around to your turn is being a
little more than optimistic. I like the guy, but he's
just way to hard to support in this environment.
Unlimited Rating 1.25/5
~R Pac~
1234 |
“Shatter” could be helpful against Hariyama EX decks
that benefit from stadiums. However, Tyranitar EX is
weak to fighting, as are half of the Pokémon in Modified
that discard stadiums. Magcargo [DX] has an attack that
discards stadiums for one energy. If you’re going
against Hariyama EX, you’re probably better off with
If the defending Pokémon has a Scramble Energy or Double
Rainbow Energy, “Derail” might be worth the two energy
required for the attack- but this is an EX- and a stage
2. If a stage 2 Pokémon EX has an attack that requires
two energy and does 30 damage, the effect should be
better, especially considering the fact that Tyranitar
EX’s first attack does 30 damage for one fighting
“Mix-up” is one of those rare attacks in the game that
allow you to discard the top card of your opponent’s
deck. It usually does 80 damage for 3 energy, which is
okay, when you consider Tyranitar EX’s high HP (and
disproportionately low retreat cost).
Unlimited: Easy to get it out first turn and do 30
damage with all the draw power here. If a high HP
Pokémon with a low retreat cost is what you’re looking
for, use Chansey [BS] (it is also weak to fighting, so
be careful). 1.7/5
Modified: Highest HP in Modified. An attack that
requires one energy, one that requires two, and one that
requires three. This attack variety should keep it busy.
If you are able to get this out turn one and get a
fighting energy on it that’s first turn 30 damage. This
card could be used for an FTK or for stalling. Can’t say
that about many cards, can you? But I really wouldn’t
expect to win a game with this card. Put this in a “fun”
deck. If you want a good stall or FTK Pokémon, there are
better choices. If you want a good dark Pokémon, there
are better choices. 3.4/5
Limited: If you are able to get the entire evolution
line, use it. Take advantage of its high HP and “Mix-up”
to deck your opponent out. There are no stadiums in
Unseen Forces, so shatter won’t help much. The special
energies in this set all lose their effects once the
opponent’s turn start (except dark and metal), so don’t
expect “Derail” to help you. This is not the best card
in the set, but I would play it. 4/5
Questions/comments/corrections? E-mail: ninetales1234@hotmail.com

Kevin89 |
Tyranitar EX
Unlimited: again a fighting weak pokemon :( that's
pretty much the worst weakness since a lot of players
still play tyrogue from neo discovery.
grass isn't that bad, but however, Tyranitar is a beast,
it has a nice variety of attacks, pretty cheap for their
effects too, but unlimited, with babies and focus bands
is just not the right format to play this card.
Modified: here this card should work, again, it's
weaknesses are TERRIBLE, but it's attacks and damage are
just AWESOME, all are situational, so you can choose
which to use in which situation. I like this card alot,
it actually has a decent retreat cost for a 160 HP ex.
As long as you don't have to play versus fighting or
grass, ttar will give your opponent a hard time.
Limited: pupitar is a common, yay, that means this line
could be drafted 2-2-1 without any trouble, but you wil
have to draft darkness energy with it or you won't be
able to use his strong attacks. if you get a darkness on
ttar ex, you probably won.
however, it's weaknesses are terrible here too.

One of the evil Dragonball GT dragons?
Tyranitar ex (UF#111)
Type: Darkness
Darkness is an interesting type, but it can be hard to
get out those Darkness Energy cards when you're only
allowed 4 of them in your deck. uinless you're playing
HP: 160
Wow! That's a pretty healthy Pokemon you've got there.
Stage of Evolution: Stage 2
Hard to get out, and you need both Pupitar and Larvitar
to get him out (not counting Rare Candy), so it'll be
work to get this guy going.
PokeBody/PokePower: (none)
[F] Shatter {30}
Discard any Stadium card in play.
[any][any] Derail {30}
Discard a Special Energy card, if any, attached to the
Defending Pokemon.
[F][D][any] Mix-Up {70}
Your opponent discards the top card of his or her deck.
[F][D][D][any] Losing Control {120}
Discard the top 3 cards of your deck.
Weakness: Grass, Fighter
Grass has a new deadly weapon form UF in Meganium, but
Fighters still aren't desirable. So you only have one or
two major threats to worry about.
Resistance: Psychic
Psychic still sees play, so feel free to smile to
yourself if you go up against one of them.
Retreat Cost: 2
For a Pokemon this powerful, it's not surprising. Rely
on Switch or Warp Point to avoid losing those
hard-to-get Darkness Energys.
Rarity: Holo Rare
With stats and attacks like these, it's no wonder. Well
worth getting, though.
The Positive:
If you can get him out, and get those 2 Darkness Energys
and/or Rainbow /Multi Energys attached to him, then
Tyranitar ex can be a devastating creature. Even if the
opponent uses Meganium (UF), then he'll still be a force
to recon with. Having 4 different attacks with useful
effects makes him quite versatile. That 160 HP will also
allow him to stick around for quite awhile. Destroying
hurtful Stadium cards and Special Energy cards can be
rather helpful.
The Negative:
He's an ex, and most cards HATE ex Pokemon (i.e. search
effects), so getting him out can be very hard [Pidgeot (FRLG)
can be a real boon for searching him and those Special
Energys out]. Also, since Darkness Energy is a Special
Energy, you can only have 4 copies of it in your deck.
You'll need to include cards like Rainbow Energy, Multi
Energy, Magma Energy or Dark Metal Energy to be able to
use that super-powerful Losing Control effect. Also, if
you've drained your deck to get him out, then those 3
cards you have to discard from your deck can cost you
the game.
Tons to work with here, such as Magma Energy and Dark
Metal Energy to help you get enough to use the Losing
Control attack.
Very hard work to get him out, so build a deck
specifically around him.
Much harder to use here, but with Pideot (FRLG#10) still
legal, you have a chance.
Don't even try to use him here. It's just impossible to
get all of the needed cards, and virtually impossible to
search them all out and get him up and running. If you
take him, plan on taking him home to build a deck
around. He'll just be dead space in your Limited deck.
TR Brian |
Hey all,
Today we have for you another card from Unseen Forces.
Yes he's back ex style. Now personally I love this guy
160HP 4 awesome attacks if you don't look at his
weakness he's the best. First attack 1 fighting energy
for 30 damage and discard that annoying stadium in play
nice ^_^. Next attack two of any energy which could be
an attack bonus with a dark energy discard a special
energy from your opponent's active nice again ^_^.
Now the third attack and I think the best one he has is
Mix-up for one dark, one fighting, and any type of
energy for a base damage of 70 now thats very nice also
your opponent discards the top card of his/her deck.
Now the last attack one fighting, two darks (ouch
difficult to do sometimes), and any energy for a base
damage of 120 WOW OVERKILL pretty much anything O_O.
Well as you can tell I like this card but again BEWARE
OF THE WEAKNESS theres too many over played decks out
Queen dome, Rock-lock, soon meganium, pure T-tar, and
some others....But great against psychic -_- lol.
Unlimited:This would get abused here vileplume runs this
format if you ask me and again the weakness is grass.2/5
Modified:Now here you can run this card with either the
dragtrode fromat or with pidgeot or maybe with kingdra
from rocket returns to stop weakness. 3/5
Limited: Now here if u get this guy's whole line in the
draft you are the man lol. Also you will win the tourney
if you are able to pull him out every game nothing would
stop you. 5/5
If anyone has any questions, comments, deck help maybe,
feel free to email me at TRhideout@hotmail.com I will
respond so don't hesitate ^_^.