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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Unseen Forces
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.5
Modified: 3
Limited: 4
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Houndoom from EX Unseen Forces
Wow, another card that might be viable in the unlimited
world. It's power is similar to the popular Vileplume
EX, but with one draw back - the opponent has to have
less Pokes in play than you. Seeing as big benches are
very popular here, this wont be too difficult, you just
need to keep your bench size in check and be ready for
the opponent to surprise you with a Mr. Brinney's
Compassion or a supporter that can potenially negate
Houndoom's body. As far as the attacks go, Houndoom
doesn't live up to Vileplume EX... but isn't too far
off. His first attack is wimpy, but can paralyze. His
second attack does 70 for 3 energy, which is good. The
two major drawbacks of this card are his HP (waaaaay too
low for a good stage 1) and his weakness (Mr. Blastoise
will have fun stomping this deck). Protective Orb might
be one card to throw in this deck, but if the opponent
has Blastoise running, the weakness isn't going to be
your biggest threat. Now compared to Vileplume EX is he
better? Well, it kinda goes both ways. Vileplume EX has
to be active for his power to work where as Houndoom can
be benched with an attacker doing the damage. His HP is
lower... but he is only a stage one evolution rather
than a stage two, which makes him much more easy to get
out and don't have to support his evolution in a deck as
much as Vileplume EX. One MAJOR thing about this card is
that it ISNT an EX - which means that your opponent only
gets one prize for the knockout. In my opinion, this
little guy could about equally match a Vileplume EX deck
which is amazing. Just tie in a little extra support and
be wary of your bench and this guy has some major
Unlimited Rating 4/5

Kevin89 |
Unlimited: since unlimited is a lot about pokemon with
nasty powers sitting on the bench, houndoom would do
pretty well here, also, in unlimited, supporters are not
as common and people play a lot of normal trainer cards.
when houndoom's poke-body is working, your opponent
cannot gust houndoom and KO it, you can also stadium
lock with houndoom, nice.
houndoom is not really a good attacker though...
I don't think it has any combo's since it's a back-up
card, but still, it's a good card.
Modified: For some reasons I don't really like it here,
although it's great versus scizor ex and other metal or
grass decks, you can't play too many pokemon because if
you do, houndoom's poke-body will not work. and that's
what houndoom is all about, there are better fire
pokemon than houndoom. that, and the format is about
although at this time a lot of decks use jirachi +
swoop. this will certainly slow them down. also,
houndoom + battle frontier is a lock versus a lot of
rocket and delta pokemon, and of course pidgeot.
Limited: it's pretty good here as all the drafted tools
can't be played if you have less pokemon than your
opponent in play. and here it is a pretty good attacker

Bad to the bone doggie!
Houndoom (Unseen Forces #7)
Type: Fire
Popular and somewhat versatile. Only real threat comes
from Water.
HP: 70
Adverage for Stage 1s.
Stage of Evolution: Stage 1
Houndour is needed to bring him out. Very usable.
PokeBody/PokePower: Poke-Body:
"As long as you have less Pokemon in Play than your
opponent, your opponent can't play any Trainer cards
(Except for Supporter cards) from his or her hand."
[2x any] Tight Jaw {20}
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now
[F][F][any] Flamethrower {70}
Discard a [F] Energy card attached to Houndoom.
Weakness: Water
Water is popular, so pack some protection.
Resistance: (none)
What is it with Resistance lacking on all of the cards
we're reviewing lately?
Retreat Cost: 1
Rarity: Holo Rare
A bit hard to get, but his Poke-Body is worth it.
The Positive:
Cheap to get out, and 3 energy for his stronger attack
isn't too bad. 70 damage from a Stage 1 isn't too
shabby, and the ability to shut down those Switchs,
Potions/Life Herbs and Rare Candys is a real plus.
The Negative:
Loosing a [F] energy for his stronger attack can set you
back, and his ability to Paralize is a 50/50 shot. His
Poke-Body won't stop searchers or card drawing effects.
He's ok here. Nothing too special, but not too aweful,
Slightly better here, but just lacks charisma, IMO.
Better here. 70 damage is good, and as a Stage 1, he's
easy enough to get out to be usable.