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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Unseen Forces
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.56
Modified: 2
Limited: 2.3
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Slowking from EX Unseen Forces
Umm... this card just isn't going to be the new deck in
town. His power is a little helpful, but we've got much
better search here. His HP is way to low, and his
weakness is going to make him a one hit kill potential
by a Scyther with a Plus Power (without sword dancing).
His attack stinks and he's the end of an evolution line.
Just... no.
Unlimited Rating 1.25/5

Kevin89 |
Unlimited: although you can easily get 6 tools in your
discard pile, slowking isn't good here. yes, it can
search for tools, but tools aren't that important. it's
attack takes to long to do 80 damage usually, and his hp
is kinda low too. it's a psychic type which means
sneasel and other darkness pokemon have restistance to
it, that's not good. slowking's weakness doesn't hurt it
much though. retreat cost is decent.
Modified: of course to combo with dark slowking, as it
isn't a great back-up card. (unless you use too many
tools in your deck). this card adds a lot of consistency
to the Dark Slowking deck, you can use the poke-power to
guarantee 50 damage for dark slowking's attack, and when
dark slowking gets knocked out, slowking does up to 60
damage easily, since you discarded some tools for dark
slowkings attack. I can't think of any other decks where
slowking would fit as a back-up card.
Limited: I think it's ok here, as long as you draft both
tools and a slowking line.
I think that is probably a hard one to pull off with
only 6 packs, so let's assume a slowking deck contains
2-1 slowking and 2 tools, you can use slowkings power
twice, both to thin your deck and to power up any of
your pokemon. slowking can then also attack for 40
late-game, pretty good, for only 2 energy, if you get
more tools than 2, this is definetly a great pull. (if
not, it might be better not to use the king at all)

wierdofur |
* Just looking at the picture while Ariel's 'Under the
Sea' song plays through my head.*
Slowking (Unseen Forces #14)
Type: Psychic
Not too bad, I'm a fan of Psychic, and it's fairly
HP: 70
The usual.
Stage of Evolution: Stage 1
Evolves from Slowpoke.
PokeBody/PokePower: Poke-Power:
Item Search
"Once during your turn (Before you attack), you may
search your deck for a Pokemon Tool card, show it to
your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your
deck afterward. This power can't be used if Slowking is
affected by a Special Condition.
[P][any] Aftermath {20+}
Does 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each Pokemon Tool
card in your discard pile. You can't add more than 60
damage this way.
Weakness: Grass
The only major threat I know is from UF's Meganium.
Resistance: (none)
Waht? Again?
Retreat Cost: 1
A nice low cost.
Rarity: Holo Rare
Worth it if you like using lots of Tools.
The Positive:
You can search out those Ancient Technical Machine {Rock}s,
Berrys and Protective Orbs. Possible max 80 damage.
The Negative:
You have to sack 6 Tools to get that max 80 damage, and
it's his only attack.
Can work well here, if you use lots of Tools. Just park
him on the Bench and search out those useful Tools.
Otherwise, look elsewhere.
Less useful here, unless you use Protective Orbs and
Getting enough Tools to make him work is too much of a
Look elsewhere.
TR Brian |
Hey i know i've been gone for a while but i'm back.
Well today we have for you the unseen forces version of
slowking. Now this version of slowking is pretty fun to
use with the dark sloking deck because of the simple
fact that
it evolves from the same
basic and it helps the attack of the dark form. I have
to say if u set up then it's pretty much game.
Also to add on to that and this sloking has to get rough
it can for the simple fact that the attack hits harder
after the dark one discarded some tools to the dicard
Unlimited: It can work well here theres lots of support
from the oldies but goodies 4/5.
Modified:Here like I said it'll work best with the dark
counterpart in dark sloking deck 5/5 very good here
regular modified 3/5
Limited:Here its so good since u probably will pull poke
tools since in this
set theres sooo many
so here i give it a 4/5
Overall: 4/5 very good versatile card try it out u might
find sumthing i didn't ^_^
If anyone has questions they need answered pertaining to
Cards, Decks, or my
reviews write to me
Psylight Hao |
For today we have Slowking from UFO a card with a lot of
potential, in particular in decks like Turbo Dark
Slowking or Voodoo. Before EX Unseen Forces came out,
you had to rely on lucky draws or some other search
methods to get the Tools needed to increase Dark
Slowking’s attack. Dark Slowking was a good card to use
before, but it’s even better now thanks to the quick aid
of the new Slowking. If Dark Slowking runs into trouble,
you can still use Slowking’s Aftermath attack as a last
resort. You can also do up to 80 damage if you have 6
Tool cards in your discard pile. This is easily achieved
if you use Dark Slowking’s Litter attack to get some
Tools into your discard pile to boost Slowking’s attack.
I am amazed by how much they can both help each other
out! Ok the general info of this card is 70HP to low for
a stage1 but still he can recieve 2hit if active before
he goes, Poke-Power Item Search: Once during your turn
(before your attack), you may search your deck for a
Pokémon Tool card, show it to your opponent, and put it
into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. This power
can't be used if Slowking is affected by a Special
Condition. The used of this power is huge you get a
specific tool from your deck and you thin it making easy
to draw the card you need, the attack (PC) Aftermath
(20+) Does 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each
Pokémon Tool card in your discard pile. You can't add
more than 60 damage in this way. Can do up to 80 damage
is your discard pile has 6 tools there. Weakeness; Grass
is better than psychic but still a problem for his low
HP resistence None Retreat of one is cheap has well has
its attacks pay it if you really need it
UnLimited: May work here but not a lot since there is a
better Slowking in the town, his power may work to look
for the gold berry or Focus Band, 2/5
Modified: Has his way in turbo Dark Slowking has a major
drawing the only drawback is you will only have
3cunnings per turn, has well you can add Surprise time
machine in case things turn odd and a Togetic or
something annoying arrives 4/5
Limited: There are a lot of Poketool in the format, draw
them when you want is a big help and also helps thiner
your deck 4/5

Otaku |
One real review of EX Unseen Forces Slowking.
P.S. Until I can pay that debt, here’s some quick
Drop one of the four NG Slowking you already run (#4 was
only worth 6.25% of extra denial probability) and add
this in if you use Slowking in Unlimited. Why? Focus
Band on demand. See, it even rhymes! You tend to live
and die by the coin in this format, plus this means draw
power will naturally hit other, more useful cards. Even
if you’re just running four Focus Band, it’s a decent
option. Oh, and let’s face it, the fourth NG Slowking
was practically filler anyway.
As for Modified, dynamic duo with its sinister sibling,
Dark Slowking. EX Unseen Forces Slowking gets the Tools
to hand, Dark Slowking chucks them for big damage, then
this plays cleaner, especially if an annoying EX Team
Rocket Returns Togetic or Battle Frontier starts causing
you problems.