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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Espeon ex
EX Unseen Forces
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 3.6
Modified: 4.2
Limited: 4.8
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Espeon EX from EX Unseen Forces
Hmm... very interesting card. Useful against Slowking
and Raindance decks - mostly Slowking. Allows you to
devolve the benched Slowking and use your trainers to
wipe out that Slowpoke before he has the chance to
evolve once again. Snap tail is a beautiful baby sniper
and Psyloop has potential. Players like Poke tools in
unlimited and this attack does 60 plus 30 more for each
trainer your opponent has in play, so definitely has
some high potential. Just one trainer on your opponents
Poke means you can one hit destroy a Vileplume EX.
Energy removal can set him back a little bit... but
isn't going to prove fatal to him. Free retreat is
beautiful and his weakness isn't so bad. Run him with a
few Double colorless energies, some form of scoop up (probaby
Mr. Brinney's Compassion) and some backup power and I
can see this guy doing some major damage. Just watch out
for Eevee's quick death.
Unlimited Rating 3.5/5
1234 |
Power: Just like Umbreon EX, Espeon EX’s Poké-Power only
works when you evolve from your hand. If you have Espeon
EX in your deck, you may not want to put in Eevee [UF]
which allows you to evolve Eevee with an evolution card
from your deck (since that doesn’t count as from your
hand). Put in one with a better attack, like Eevee [AQ]
that lets you attach extra energy to it or Eevee [SS]
with an attack that allows you to take up to 3 evolution
cards that evolve from Eevee into your hand.
Unfortunately, if you’re playing Modified, Eevee [UF] is
your only choice right now. “Devo Flash” is just like
ATM Rock from Hidden Legends. But I really don’t see
this as a card you’d put in a Rock-Lock deck. “Devo
Flash” is a really good power. You can kill stuff on
your opponent’s bench without even attacking (and you
can even do it from your own bench). But that’s just the
best scenario. If you don’t knock out that benched
Pokémon, you could use a Pokémon Reversal to finish it
off before your opponent evolves it next turn. The best
thing about its power is it works very well with its
first attack…
Attacks: For 2 energy, “Snap Tail” can do 30 damage to
any of your opponent’s Pokémon, maybe even one that you
just devolved with “Devo Flash.” “Psyloop” is just like
the “Psyloop” from Xatu [DX], only it requires one more
energy and the attack does 60 damage plus 30 more for
each trainer your opponent has in play. If your opponent
is playing some kind of fossil deck, you may have a
major advantage. Even if they aren’t, and they have a
stadium in play, and that’s it, you can do 90 damage,
which is pretty good for a stage 1 Pokémon-EX,
considering all its attributes, such as…
Retreat Cost and HP: 110 HP on a stage 1! This is good.
Of course, there’s always Desert Ruins to worry about.
If your opponent does play one, just take comfort in the
fact that your Psyloop will do extra damage. Retreat
cost of zero is disproportionately low for a Pokémon
with 110 HP, which is a good thing.
Combinations: Super Scoop Up, Hyper Devolution Spray, or
even Mr. Fuji or Pidgeot [EX]. Try to evolve it twice to
use its amazing Poké-Power. Can’t really think of any
good combos (except for with itself).
Unlimited: Fossils are legal here. However, not as many
stadiums are played in this format. The most common
Pokémon tool is Strength Charm/Plus Power, which are
discarded at the end of your opponent’s turn. “Psyloop”
won’t help you much here. A lot of really good Pokémon
in this format are weak to Psychic. If you have Double
Colorless Energy, you can KO a baby on the first turn
with “Snap Tail.” If your opponent is playing a “Big
Basic Pokémon” deck, “Devo Flash” won’t help. This card
is playable. 2.9/5
Modified: With the reintroduction of fossils in Eidolon
Forest, this could be a very good card. And Espeon EX
will most likely still be legal if Xatu [DX] is rotated
out of Modified. This means there will still be a
disincentive to put trainer cards in play. This Pokémon
has so much going for it. No retreat cost, good Poké-Power,
and a great attack to go with that power. 4.7/5
Limited: There are no stadiums in this set, but 40% of
the trainers in this set are Pokémon Tools, so,
“Psyloop” can be very useful. Weakness to psychic is not
a problem here. Remember, its power doesn’t work if you
evolve with Eevee’s Poké-Power. If you want to get
Espeon EX out really fast, Prof. Elm’s Training Method
and Pokéball are in this set. This card combos with
itself (Devo Flash+Snap Tail).This is one of the best
cards in UF. 4.9/5
Questions/comments/corrections? E-mail: ninetales1234@hotmail.com

Kevin89 |
Espy EX
actually pretty good here, devolve a slowking/dark
vileplume/vileplume ex is pretty nice. also, with the
extensive use of focus band and gold berry here, psyloop
will easily do 90 damage. but.. espeon ex is a bit
energy expensive, 3 energy leaves you weak to ER, which
is a big disadvantage, it has zero retreat cost, which
is pretty good, it's weakness is not a problem, however,
being psychic is kinda bad because sneasel and darkness
have that darn restistance.
it's first attack can KO baby pokemon at the bench
instantly btw, thats nice :)
probably even nicer here, as you can devolve a kingdra,
houndoom or other useful support pokemon.
it's psyloop attack does excellent damage for only 3
energy, but I don't think you will do 90+ damage easily
because tools and such aren't that common. stadium cards
are though, but when your opponent will actually play a
stadium, you'll probably have to counter it, as your
opponent won't play stadiums to thin their deck at the
cost of receiving 90 damage.
it's first attack is great here too, 30 to the bench is
nice, you can KO wounded pokemon, or key pokemon.
0 retreat is awesome!, being psychic weak is a problem
it is awesome here, eevee is just amazing, and you can
get it out whenever you want by attaching a Psychic
energy card to Eevee, espeon ex in limited is a beast, a
solid 60 damage for only 3 energy. and 30 to the bench
for only 2. when espeon is almost knocked out, retreat
for free and keep it on your bench until you need your
final blow.
it's weaknesses doesn't hurt as there are only a few psy
pokemon in this set.

wierdofur |
I know you know that I know, but I don't know if you
know that I know that you don't know what you don't
know. You know?
*Psychic joke... ok, a bad one*
Espeon ex (Unseen Forces #102)
Type: Psychic
Good type to use lots of potential to work with.
HP: 110
Fantastic for a Stage 1.
Stage of Evolution: Stage 1
Eevee is needed, but he can search for any evo anyways,
PokeBody/PokePower: Poke-Power:
Devo Flash
"Once during your turn, when you play Espeon ex from
your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokemon, you may choose 1
Evolved Pokemon on your opponent's Bench, remove the
highest Stage Evolution card from that Pokemon, and put
it back into his or her hand."
[2x any] Snap Tail
Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 30
damage to that Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness or
Resistance for Benched Pokemon.)
[P][2x any] Psyloop {60+}
Does 60 damage plus 30 more damage for each Trainer card
your opponent has in play.
Weakness: Psychic
Only worries about his friends...
Resistance: (none)
(This is getting rediculous!)
Retreat Cost: (none!)
Free, be free! Come and go as you please!
Rarity: Holo Rare
Worth the effort.
The Positive:
30 guarateed damage to any single Pokemon is good, and
60 damage is better, unless your opponent has Trainers
in play. Removing an Evolution is good, and you can hurt
that same Pokemon for 30 damage afterwards is a really
good combo.
The Negative:
The only real downside is that it's hard to get the
opponent to keep out a Trainer card to use the boost to
his Psyloop.
Very nice, and with 2 useful Eevees that can search him
out, he's incredibly playable.
He works well here too. His Pkoe-Power is highly useful,
even if it only works once.
One of the most usable Evos in this format. He's well
worth using here.
TR Brian |
Hey guys i'm back
with another review. I was away at some delta species
prereleases ^_^
Today we have for you guys one of the evolutions of the
cute little dog named eevee. Espeon ex, now this card
has 110HP, goodstable attacks, and yes NO RETREAT COST.
Now it is turn two material definately becasue hello
stage one ex.It also has an awesome poke-power which
allows you to choose one of your opponents pokemon and
send the highest evolution to their only when you evolve
eevee to espeon ex from your hand >_<. So yes that
scratches off you wanting to use the eevee power which
lets your search for the evolved doggie for the energy
type that you attached.
Unlimited:Well here once again theres much better cards.
Modified:Here he gets a 3/5
Limited:If you draft him here with two eevee's you are
ok cause i think you won 5/5 here.