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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Unseen Forces
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 4
Limited: 4
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2005 World
Champion |
With its Poké-Power Energy Connect, you can move as many
basic Energy cards as you like from your Benched Pokémon to
your Active Pokémon before attacking. For example, suppose
you have Ampharos as your Active Pokémon with 1 Psychic and
2 Lightning Energy attached, and your opponent has a
Hitmonlee (EX Unseen Forces #25/115) as the Defending
Pokémon (to try to take advantage of Ampharos's Weakness to
Fighting). Imagine the look on your opponent's face when you
drop Deoxys ex (Attack form) (EX Deoxys #98/107) onto your
Bench, play a Switch Trainer card (EX FireRed & LeafGreen
#102/112), move the 1 Psychic and 2 Lightning Energy to
Deoxys ex, and use its Psychic Burst for the Knock Out!
Another great combo for Ampharos uses Chansey (EX Unseen
Forces #20/115) and Blissey ex (EX Unseen Forces #101/115).
Have all of your Pokémon taken lots of damage during the
game and need healing? Then just Energy Connect all of your
Energy cards to an Active Pokémon that has no damage, evolve
the Chansey on your Bench to Blissey ex, and all your damage
is removed by its Blissful Support Poké-Power. Plus, you
don't need to discard any Energy because your Active Pokémon
has no damage!
You may also want to splash a few Ho-Oh ex (EX Unseen Forces
#104/115) into an Ampharos deck. The more types of basic
Energy cards attached to Ho-Oh ex, the more damage it does.
You can vary the amount of damage Rainbow Burn does with
Energy Connect. Because it works best with all different
kinds of Energy, you could include Lady Outing (EX Deoxys
#87/107) or Yanma (EX Team Rocket Returns #28/109) to search
for whatever Energy you need. Ho-Oh ex has been Knocked Out?
No problem-after Ho-Oh ex is Knocked Out, its PPoké-Power
lets you move up to 2 Energy from Ho-Oh ex onto any other
Pokémon, which you can later Energy Connect around.
You could even build your deck entirely around taking
advantage of Weakness. For example, the legendary birds
Zapdos ex (#116/112), Moltres ex (#115/112), and Articuno ex
(#114/112) from EX FireRed & LeafGreen could be put to your
Bench and then made Active via the Legendary Ascent Poké-Power.
You could then use Energy Connect and Knock Out whatever
type Pokémon your opponent has as his or her Active Pokémon.
If you're in a tight spot and need to mess up your
opponent's plans, you can always make Ampharos your Active
Pokémon and attack for 50 damage with the option of Burning
and Confusing the Defending Pokémon.
Unlimited - Pretty much worthless here. With ER and SER
around your energy will be removed before you have a chance
to energy connect it around. 1/5
Modified - Here it has many combos going for it. Its only
downside is that Ampharos decks are probably pretty slow.
Limited - If you get the Mareep and Flaaffy, take it! Energy
moving is very good in this format. 4/5

Kevin89 |
Ampharos UF
I guess Amphy isn't good here at all. it's weakness hurts
alot (tyrogue's are everywhere), and metal restistance is
rather useless as it doesn't see much play (at least, not in
my metagame).
energy connect can't trans special energy cards, which is
not good, as darkness is around, and so is Double colorless
and such. it is however, useful to trans your energy you
attached to cleffa/tyrogue to a bigger attacker.
the attack is nothing special, especially since you have to
discard all Lightning energy to make the attack decent.
120 HP helps though.
Amphy has alot of cards to work with, but amphy is a stage 2
and takes up alot of space in your deck. It's attack is
semi-decent, if necessary, amphy can stall a while, while
you build up your energy pile. I guess the best way to play
amphy is with Ho-Oh EX swarm, it's not hard to get all those
energy in play, and Ho-Oh ex keeps them in play, and of
course, does 90 damage easily.
120 HP is good, and so is restistance to metal, as there are
probably gonna be some metal decks around with the release
of delta species.
then again, delta species brings us mewtwo, which takes up
less space in your deck, and can move special energy.
stage 2 lines are very hard to get out, but amphy is worth
it, moving energy is a big advantage. and it's attack is
pretty good. it's weakness hurts here again though, because
with this set Quagsire is popular in Limited.
I think this is definitely not the best stage 2 or evolved
pokemon for Limited, but if you are lucky enough to get a
2-2-1 line of amphy. you should go for it.
-> Painonline@gmail.com

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Ampharos from EX Unseen Forces
Its not so bad of a card. Just nothing spectacular. His
power can work with some decks, especially those that focus
on the stong basics. Every time you pull back a basic to the
bench, send the next one up with nice resources. Dont need
to run electric per se because his power lets you move any
type of basic energy, but his attack is nice if you could
get it working. 50 with the choice to both burn and confuse.
Ouch there. And with Double Colorless, this means youre only
discarding one card which is a nice price for this. Still,
seeing as Scyther can outslash this guy turn two and Tyrogue
can smash him dead in two hits... I'm not thinking this is
going to take over the environment or even be seen much :-\.
Unlimited Rating 2.5/5 |