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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Hidden Legends
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.25
Modified: 3.63
Limited: 3.3
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
I choose to simply review Nidoqueen, and Milotic, because they
provide a 1-2 combo to win Worlds 2005.
I will stick to Modified only. Milotic works best with high HP,
non-ex attackers, that is hard to one-hit KO, so you can swarm
with them. The idea of Milotic and Dark Steelix is pretty old,
because Dark Steelix fits that theme perfectly. Sceptile ex as
well to an extent, because they use the Slowbro (Ruby and
Sapphire) to keep Sceptile ex healthy. So Milotic can take off
all the damage from Slowbros.
But what a brilliant idea to use Milotic with Nidoqueen. Because
Nidoqueen is much easier to set-up and does a lot of damage,
while Dark Steelix has limited attack capability.
Overall, Milotic is a good card, but needs to be used in the
right decks.
Modified - 4/5
Bullados |
Milotic HL
Attributes: Awesome HP for a stage 1. 100 is equal to
many stage 2s, which is very nice. Terrible weakness,
pretty much any Lightning card can easily OHKO this guy,
and Lightning is a pretty popular type. Retreat of 2 is
decent, but not great.
Poke-POWER: ?Healing Shower?
A very big upside coupled with a very big downside. I?m
not sure how to rate this thing because of that. It can
either win you the game, or cost you it, just because of
that power.
Attack #1: ?Wave Splash?
A fair attack, nothing more. A backup attack, nothing
Attack #2: ?Distorted Wave?
Massive damage, but a nasty effect. That effect
effectively makes this a 60 damage attack for 4 energy,
which is still pretty decent. However, 80 is enough to
OHKO many Pokemon around.
Unlimited: Really nothing that it can do here, as the
entire format is OHKOs, except for Blastoise.
Modified: Pretty good here. Removing all those 20 damage
counters across your Pokemon is always a nice thing.
Also, the attack OHKOs almost all Basics in the format.
It?s a nice backup attack, and a nice effect for certain
Limited: You get this out and it?s GG. Few evolutions,
few Electric types, and a lot of Water weakness make
this thing virtually unstoppable, even if it DOES help
your opponent one time.
X-Act |
Milotic HL
We now consider the Hidden Legends version of Feebas’
It has 100HP, pretty cool for a Stage 1 evolution card,
and a retreat cost of 2. The first attack is nothing to
shout about, and the second one is a bit expensive but
does 80, only after healing the Defending Pokemon of 3
damage counters.
Milotic, however, has a pretty interesting Poke-Power.
Whenever you play it from your hand to evolve a Feebas,
you may heal every non-ex Pokemon in play, including
your opponent’s. jermy did not use Milotic for its
attacks, but rather to use this Poke-Power to heal his
multiple Nidos and Pidgeots after they have accumulated
damage. It is especially good when your main hitter does
a lot of damage at once, since then your opponent
doesn’t benefit that much from being healed by Milotic.
And, of course, it also works great when your opponent
plays a lot of ex Pokemon.
Unlimited: There are better ways to heal all of your
Pokemon here, which don’t have to resort to play a Stage
1 line having a 30HP basic in it. 1.5/5
Modified: In HL-on, I think Milotic has potential,
especially since I see the metagame slowly turn to
ex-oriented decks. If you are one that doesn’t play any
ex Pokemon, Milotic will act as a great healer for your
Pokemon. 3/5
Limited: I think it’s not that cool in Limited, seeing
as its Basic form has only 30HP, and Milotic is a holo.
Healing each and every Pokemon in play isn’t that good
when that includes also your opponent’s Pokemon, and its
attacks are nonsplashable and a bit expensive. 1.5/5

TheMcster |
Phew, back at school now. Getting my classroom ready for
my new class of year 6 (10/11yo’s) children on Monday!
Busy, busy, busy… Anyway, on with the COTD.
Now, due to fossil aerodactyl becoming popular in some
regions, and energy removal always being popular this
might get hurt some what. However, regardless of this…
it’s power is very good as it is basically a pokemon
centre for both players. Use it at the right time to
maximize healing benefits on your side.
Wow. Great here. What a powerful errr… power. Being able
to heal ALL of your pokemon is great. Even though its
power heals your opponents too, you still have the
control of when it is activated giving you the edge.
Additionally, now that we have scramble energy, boost
energy and double rainbow energy it is very easy to lose
all energy and still make fast comebacks. Milotic’s main
drawback is it evolving from the weak and pathetic 30HP
feebas making it ATMR bait. However, there is a feebas
that with a heads lets you auto evolve it to milotic
which is OK (however, this does not activate it’s
power). Milotic also has a decent second attack. Even
though you must remove 3 damage counters before doing
80, it does mean your first attack to a non-damged
pokemon does a solid 80 for 4 energy which is nice.
Hmmmm, kinda wish I’d used this cards at worlds too!
Fantastic. I remember those dreaded hidden legends
prerelease events. Everyone dreaded pinsir… and MILOTIC!
Healing in limited is very rare, and the ability to do
80 damage was insane. Awesome.
Pidgeot5 |
Milotic HL
Milotic was played quite a bit at first, prior to the
errata of Feebas even though its power did not activate
this way, getting out so soon was really good. Then it’s
play tended to fall of a bit, either way its still quite
a decent card. It’s mostly used for its power which
heals all non ex pokémon in play and when used correctly
it can cause a lot of pain for the opponent as you
choose whether to use it or not, and above all when you
want to use it by evolving Feebas, just as long as it
comes from the hand. It’s a solid attacker though doing
80 damage for 2 water and 2 colourless, which is nothing
to sneeze at, although it does remove 30 damage prior to
attacking the attack is still undercosted most of the
Unlimited: Nah, not too good here, damaged pokémon
usually don’t last long anyway, they just get gusted and
ko’ed and it needs too much energy to be seriously
considered as an attacker.
Modified: If used correctly, it can very easily turn the
game around by keeping you in control in a situation
that would usually require a Briney which wastes time.
It would be devastating if it just came into play by
someone building damage counters with spinning tail Dark
Tyranitar, but it usually saves 1 or 2 of your pokemon
from near a knockout. Usually not used as an attacker
but it could fit this role in a pinch. With the increase
of overwhelming ex pokemon this may become more useful
in the non exs decks.
Limited: Excellent here, doing 80 for 4 energy is
devastating. In addition Feebas searches for this (on
heads). Should you play it from your hand however
healing all damage could also be helpful. Playing Feebas
is well worth the risk for this card, especially in this