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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Celio’s Network
Fire Red Leaf Green
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.5
Modified: 4.5
Limited: 4.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Pidgeot5 |
Celio’s Network
Celio’s network is a card that every non-ex based
modified deck should play at least 2 copies of. It will
find any pokémon (except pokémon ex) from your deck and
put it into your hand. This could be an evolution you
need to start doing major damage or the basic to match
the evolution card or cards in your hand. Either way it
can turn the game around dramatically simply because you
play Celio at the critical time and find what you are
after, since after all it is pokémon that usually win a
game. It is commonly used to search for Pidgeot which
then allows you to search for yet another card (provided
you can get Pidgeot into play that turn).
Unlimited: There are better options here, and unlike
pokémon trader it cannot search for exs I wouldn’t play
it, even in a non ex deck, still it would be okay to use
if you were short on older cards.
Modified hl-on: This is where the card is abused, it is
only overshadowed by Elm’s training method due to being
able to search for exs and in dark based decks rocket’s
pokéball is often used to either limit or even remove
Celio from such a deck altogether because it has the
speed advantage of not being a supporter. Aside that
though every other deck should play 2 or 3, there is
rarely a situation where Celio is not useful and if it
comes to it he can be always used the card that Bill’s
maintenance and later on TV reporter have to
shuffle/discard so even then it’s useful.
Limited: Searching is of course very good here for
exactly the same reasons as in modified. To find basics
or an evolution that will change the flow of the game.
It also let’s you see if that critical card you need to
seal the game is in the prizes, deck searching is a very
powerful tool in limited and there are very few choices
that are better.