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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Team Rocket Returns
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 3
Modified: 4.5
Limited: 5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Pidgeot5 |
Yet another popular card that appears in a lot of decks
and even unlimited gets to see this card from time to
time. Its popularity is well deserved; it shuffles your
hand into your deck and draws the same amount of cards
in your opponent’s hand. It can be used right after your
opponent plays say a Steven’s advice or uses Eeeek to
draw 6 or 7 cards. Alternatively it could also be used
to shuffle cards from your hand into your deck provided
the opponents hand size is smaller then yours.
Potentially it is the biggest card drawing tool in the
game but its all dependant on the opponent. Even with a
poor draw like say 3 or 4, you may still get one of the
things you needed in your hand, it is a card that has
multiple uses and some of these uses can give you a huge
advantage over your opponent.
Unlimited: A decent choice, but not to be depended on
like you would depend on Professor Oak. It’s generally
good because it can do a good draw after your opponent
eeeks while it can also be used to get cards back into
your deck to avoid decking out.
Modified Hl-on: It’s still a top candidate for drawing,
however keep in mind that unlike Steven, Bill’s
maintenance and Mary’s request you shuffle your entire
hand into your deck and don’t just draw cards. Be
mindful of this when you decide how many Copycat to run
in your deck. Of course it can be also used to combo
with hidden legends Shiftry to deal extra damage by
matching hand sizes although the problem is that unless
you do something that lets you put one or more back into
hand, you can’t play anything if you hope to do the
extra damage. It’s a fantastic drawing tool and as long
as you can work around its drawbacks playing it is
likely to make the difference between winning and
Limited: Hand sizes can vary greatly in this format, but
any draw is good, you can shuffle those worthless cards
in and get some new ones that may change the flow of
play. It’s an excellent card to have and consider
yourself lucky if you get it in a Team Rocket Returns
Bullados |
Copycat TRR
This is probably one of the most potent draw cards in
the format. It can get you a new hand of an indefinite
amount, but will normally be 5 or more, given that hand
sizes are, on average, fairly large these days. A larger
hand will normally mean more options for the current
turn or the next couple of turns.
It can also save you from decking if your opponent has a
smaller hand size than you have. Actually, Copycat saved
me at least 2 games over the past year because I was
able to put a large hand back into my deck and deck my
opponent in the next couple of turns.
Supporter rule. This is probably the biggest
disadvantage for this card, as it prevents you from
using other cards such as Brindy, Steven, TV Reporter,
or Mary's Request, all of which are potentially better
than CC in the card drawing category. I normally run no
more than 3 CC in my decks, because of this limitation.
It could end up making you deck. This can be prevented
by a diligent player keeping tabs on what his or her
opponent's hand size is and the number of cards left in
the deck to draw. Really, this is something that only
those who are not paying attention should really worry
Unlimited: I love this card here. It replaces the niche
that Prof Elm once took, that of deck replenishing while
getting a new hand. Also, there are almost no Supporters
that are very good here, so CC can find a good spot in
many decks. Hand sizes are generally pretty decent here,
generally exceeding 5, so you'll have no problems
getting a good hand size out of a CC. However, it does
have its limitations, most notably that deck space is
incredibly tight here, given that draw is so abundant
with Oak, Comp Search, and many other cards. This card
is not quite "OMG, I have to put this thing in my deck
or I lose", but better than "I don't need this" or
Modified: Again, it gets bettered by more straight draw
cards such as Steven, Mary, and TV Reporter. Also, Admin
is better at reducing hand size dramatically and
replenishing the deck. However, it can also be a very
potent card drawing machine, given that hand sizes in
Modified are larger than in Unlimited, 7 being about
average, but escalating upwards of 12, 14, even 18 cards
(yes, I did manage a 18 card CC before).
Limited: It's card drawing, grab it. The only thing that
you'd pass this thing up for in a TRR draft would be...
would be. Nothing really. Maybe a BBP or something like
that, but card drawing is more valuable than any BBP
ever could be. However, there are 2 other draw cards in
this format, both of which have their advantages and
disadvantages. One discards a card from your hand, while
the other is incredibly situational and could
potentially leave you with a smaller hand size. This is
about as good as it gets here.