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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Rare Candy
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 4.75
Modified: 5
Limited: 3
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Bullados |
Rare Candy EM
Allows you to skip a stage of evolution. This is the
same as the old Pokemon Breeder, the only card in the
old Unlimited that made Stage 2 decks playable,
especially the old Raindance, which ran 4 of those
things. Candy has more than made up for the loss of
Breeder in stage 2 decks.
Can be used for stage 1s. This by itself is not
gamebreaking. However, combined with the next ability,
helped to make the Turn 2 Beatdown deck popular before
Turn 2 Control was invented, and still is now.
Allows you to break the evolution rule. This is the part
that makes Candy so much better than Breeder in every
way imaginable. You can have a Blastoise out on turn 1,
with the Suicune ex smacking the opponent for almost
unlimited damage. 3 stage 2s out on turn 2, as the
original version of RocLoc made so famous. The
possibilities are almost endless with this card.
None. This card should be played in every single Stage 2
deck conceived, and in about 50% of stage 1 decks. This
is also the only card that has no disadvantages that I
can see.
Unlimited: This card replaced the much-vaunted Breeder
in stage 2 decks. Unfortunately, there are only 2
different stage 2 decks in the format: Raindance and Hay
Fever. Those are the only two that can really stand up
in the format. However, Rare Candy makes it so that
these two are powerhouses in a Basic dominated format.
Modified: This one card breaks the format. Period. End
of story. If you are not running this card in Modified,
your deck is not as good as it could be. Basic decks
really don't work here, aside from the old ZapTurnDos
deck, which is pretty much dead now. If you are running
evolutions as your main strategy, you pretty much HAVE
to be running this card. No stage 2 decks can survive
without this card, and no Basic focused deck can survive
WITH this card in the format.
5/5 (This is the first card that I've ever given a 5 to,
so it MUST be good)
Limited: Not as good here. It can help in getting out a
stage 2 that you don't have any stage 1s for, but
really, it's just a little too situational to be a good
help here. If you get it and some evolutions, you should
play it, but it really won't help out much in a Basic
dominated format where stage 2s even being pulled from
packs are rare.
Pidgeot5 |
Rare Candy.
Rare candy is downright broken in any format, especially
after Celio gets you exactly what you want and then it
is immediately played. It’s not a supporter and games
can end very early on because a player was able to get
their stage 2 into play and defeat one or two 50HP
basics for the cheap win.
Many games I have seen end turn 2 or on very rare
occasions turn 1 because a player played rare candy got
their big pokémon into play and crushed the poor
defenceless basic. Rare Candy however has allowed a lot
more stage 2 based decks to pop up simply because it
gives a better chance to keep up or even outspeed its
Unlimited: Blastoise turn 1? Vileplume ex turn 1? Either
of those cards played on the first turn are very unfair
unless the opponent plays Muk and even then gusting
those Grimers with your early advantage is just too
It is a must play if using any stage 2 cards, especially
Blastoise or Vileplume ex.
Modified Hl on: Just as broken here, turn 1 Pidgeot can
be game winning as the advantage you get out of the
early quick searches is mind blowing, even more so if
your opponent does not play battle frontier. Playing 2
stage 2 lines is much more realistic with rare candy
around because unlike before such decks don’t lag behind
in the development race. However don’t be cocky when you
place your stage 2 through rare candy, be wary of
Ancient TM rock and maybe play one more candy then you
need should you get ‘rocked’ and need to come back
Limited: It’s actually not that good here, it’s still
usable of course but more often then not it will just
sit in your hand as you will either have your single
stage 2 out already or it will be in your deck and you
have no way of searching for it. While it can
effectively give you an extra stage 1 card you need to
have the basic, candy and the stage 2 and it’s unlikely
you will have more then 1 of the stage 2 and rare candy.
Still it is worth playing but not as useful as say
Wally’s training.