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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Steven's Advise
Hidden Legends
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.62
Modified: 4.1
Limited: 4.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Bullados |
Steven's Advise HL
Straight draw. It only has to compete with a very few
number of cards in the Modified format for straight draw
(Mary, TV Reporter), which automatically makes it a good
Draws for opponent's Pokemon. This is big, netting you
up to 6 cards. Even the almighty Oak only draws 7, and
THAT's at the cost of a massive discard. 6 with no
discard is very nice to have, and virtually unparalled
in Pokemon.
Draws for opponent's Pokemon. If your opponent plays a
deck that generally has very few Pokemon in play, such
as Turn 2 Control, then you're in for a rough ride. 1-2
cards doesn't look nearly as good as 6. In Unlimited,
this is really not a big deal, as there are only 2 decks
that don't fill the bench regularly: Raindance and Hay
Fever, both of which are turn 2 evolution decks that
only need 2 Pokemon in play to be effective.
Supporter rule. If you're going to only draw 1-2 cards
in a turn, you won't want to use your Supporter for
Unlimited: I'm surprised that this card isn't seen here
all that often. Many of the decks here rely on a full
bench in order to work, especially the vaunted Sneasel.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that this can replace
Oak, but it can be very nice in certain situations which
crop up very often here.
Modified: A very balanced card here. Its good points are
highlighted, while its disadvantages are minimized. Turn
2 Control is a bother, but not as bad as it really could
be for the best general draw card in the Modified
format, outshining TV Reporter (discard) and Mary (can't
play stage 2s).
Limited: Incredible here. Any draw is fantastic, and
this is powerful draw at that. If you pass this thing
up, you're either trying to lose or are raredrafting.
Even if you are Raredrafting, you should pick this card
up, as it's very tradeable and one of the better cards
made recently.
Pidgeot5 |
Steven’s advice
Steven’s advice draws cards based on how many pokémon
your opponent has in play. Obviously it is a good card,
your opponent does need pokémon to win and may need to
have a few more benched in order to pull off a combo
their deck is based on (Ludicargo anyone?). Steven can
exploit this and give you a material advantage but be
aware that you can’t play it if you have 7 or more cards
in hand (not more then 7), but its not often that you
can’t reduce your hand to this size in order to play the
card especially if your bench has only two or so spots
filled perhaps in order to stop your opponent getting a
big draw by playing Steven’s advice themselves. Just
weigh the situation before you play Steven, because
playing it incorrectly can be game losing.
Unlimited: It’s another card that does okay if you are
lacking resources although I’d avoid it, Oak, comp
search, item finder, copycat and even professor elm are
good enough.
Modified hl on: It can draw more then Bill’s maintenance
or Mary’s request, however it can be near worthless and
be your only drawing card when your opponent has only 1
or 2 pokémon in play. Only play it such situations
unless it’s absolutely essential, when they get to 3 or
more it’s usually worth playing as it at the very least
equals Mary’s request. With bench sizes tending to get
smaller and people being more cautious before they play
the basic Steven is not as useful as he was at first but
is still very much playable. Also like copycat this card
can either do miracles for you, or it can be useless, it
can be a good idea to play other draw in addition to
these two and not depend upon them too greatly or you
may be in trouble when they fail you.
Limited: It draws cards so that usually automatically
makes it good, however should you have your hand flooded
with unwanted and unusable cards it may be tricky to
play it, although it’s still an excellent card as basics
tend to flow a little more freely in this format.