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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Professor Elm's
Training Method
EX Unseen Forces
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.9
Modified: 4.35
Limited: 4.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

TheMcster |
Not a bad card here. Not great, but not terrible. Lets
you use your one supporter per turn to get ANY evolution
(including ex). As supporters are not as common in this
format, it shouldn’t be a problem when wanting to play
it (unless you are facing slowking lol). I still like
fast ball, but hey ;)
Now, this is where this card shines. This is a
guaranteed search card for any evo, whether it is ex or
normal. In a deck that includes ex cards… a great
supporter… in a non ex deck… still useful to maximize
search cards when combined with 4 celio’s network. Also
works great with certain new ex cards (espeon ex and
umbreon ex come to mind) as some ex pokemon powers (and
no ex for that matter require you to play the evolution
card from YOUR HAND in order to use the power. Elm is
great as it lets you search for the evo and place it in
your hand first (unlike wallys training).
How do you win limited normally? Get out a hard hitting,
high hp evolution isn’t it?. What does this card let you
search for??? Oh yeah……

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Professor Elm's Training Method from EX
Unseen Forces
This is overall a nice card allowing you to search your
deck for any evolution card and putting it into your
hand, the problem is that it isn't very useful when it
comes to unlimited decks. It is helpful in decks that
run more than one evolution line so that you could get
the evolved Poke that you need... but if you're running
more than one evolution line in unlimited, you're either
just playing for fun or you lack the speed necessary for
survival here. It's safer to just stick with Computer
Search and get whatever you need when you need it
instead of just being able to get an evolved Poke when
you need it. So, although having this card and a rare
candy up your sleeve could change the wave of a game, it
just lacks the speed that is needed here.
Unlimited Rating 1.25/5
~R Pac~
Tom |
Today we’re looking at the Supporter Professor Elm’s
Training Method, a card that could be useful in many
decks. Its effect is very simple, in that it let’s you
search out an Evolution card and put it in your hand.
Quite handy when you are in need of that particular
Evolution card you need. In fact it has a one up on the
widely played Celio’s Network in that it can search out
an ex Pokemon.
Of course the downside is that you can’t use it to
search out any Pokemon, which is a bummer. It’s those
times that Elm can be quite useless, but that’s why you
do run Celio’s, or Lanettes, so you can search out for
the basic Pokemon. In all honesty, this is one of the
better Supporter cards out there in terms of Pokemon
search, right next to Celios and Wally’s Training, only
falling short of the two. While they are better than
Elm, it can be use along side the two to make a nice set
of searcher Trainers.
In Unlimited, it really isn’t useful at all, as there is
a whole bunch of better search Trainers (Computer Search
anyone?) so go ahead and just skip it.
Limited its defenatly a great pick as it can help you
search out for those Evolutions you need.
Unlimited: 1/5 Better cards here.
Modified: 3.5/5 Can certainly co-exist with Celio’s and
Limited: A good searcher.
1992 |
Professor Elm's Training Method
Two words AWESOME CARD Oh my GOD any deck that runs EXes
NEEDS this card to get EXes both early and late game.
Modified-any EX and evo deck NEEDS this
Limited-once again any limited deck need search power
Well this card is just pretty broken. Not too much more
to say but its pretty good! I run this in every deck and
you should too. I really like any card that can get EXes
and this is the best one because it can get EXes I just
cant get over that fact it makes this card increible.
UNLIMITED-1.5 not too good here with non supporter
draw out the wazu
thanks for readin',

Kevin89 |
Today we look at Prof Elm's training method, one of the
best search cards in today's format.
Unlimited: I would recommend Pokemon traider, pokemon
breeding fields, fast ball, and any other non-supporter
card for evolution-searching, there are better
supporters for unlimited (briney).
Modified: This card is really nice in Modified, where we
have very limited choices when it comes to evolution
search. What makes this card better than Celio is that
it can search for Pokemon-ex, the bad part is that you
have to search for an evolved pokemon.
If you don't play Pokemon-ex in your deck, definitly
choose Celio, if you play Pokemon-ex, use PETM.
I will subtract some points for it's ridiculous long
name however, I hate it when I have to write decklists
if I play this card.
(just kiddin')
Limited: This is probably the best (trainer) card to
pull in Limited, since the whole format is even more
based on luck. PETM adds consistancy to your deck, since
you can search for whatever evolution you like.

Hmm... strange, but effective, Prof. Elm.
Professor Elm's Training Method
(Available in various Booster series)
Type: Supporter - Trainer
"Search your deck for an Evolution
card, show it to your opponent, and
put it into your hand. Shuffle your
deck afterward."
Rarity: Uncommon
Fairly easy to get.
The Positive:
You can search for any Pokemon that can be placed onto
another Pokemon (Mostly Stage 1 or 2 Pokemon will be
searched for) so that you can get your more powerful
Pokemon into play easier. This card is quite popular,
and has seen play in many tournament-level decks, even
the champion's decks have used this card!
The Negative:
Not much, really. The only downside is that you can't
search out a basic Pokemon with it.
Very useful here. This is one of those cards that has
been powerful and popular enough to survive the test of
definately useful in any deck that uses Stage 1 and/or 2
Legal here, so go for it. This is one of those 'staple
that deserves to be included in any deck.
Even better here as it can be harder to get those rare
one or two Stage 1 or 2 Pokemon you managed to get to go
along with that compatable basic Pokemon you took.
TR Brian |
Wassup readers this is my first review ever lol.
Ok so we have the wonderful supporter Professor elm
Training method. This card is a good one it is kinda
like celio's network from fire red leaf green
but u can only search for evolved pokemon but including
ex's. Also this
is a reprint as u probably already know.
Unlimited:In this format I don't think anyone needs this
card with all the searching this format has. Plain and
simple there's others that are much better. 1/5 -_-
Modified:Now in this format it shines. When you play
modified you probably play ex's so this card helps a lot
to get the desired monster to the field although it
doesn't bring the beloved zappy its still can search for
nice feraligatr ex, typhlosion ex, or any of the T2
ex's. 4/5 ;-)
Limited:When you play at a limited tourney u just hope
that u pull some search trainers because thats wat wins
u the game in this format.Theres nothing like using this
card and searching for that stage 2 pokemon so i'll give
it here 4/5 ^_^
Thanx for reading. B E Z readers. TR Brian
123 |
Today's Card of the
Day is Professor Elm's Training Method from EX Unseen
Forces. I love this card, personally. Let's see the
Professor Elm's Training Method
Trainer; Supporter
You can play only one Supporter card each turn. When you
play this card, put it next to your Active Pokemon. When
your turn ends, discard this card.
Search your deck for an Evolution card, show it to your
opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck
89/115 Uncommon
First off, I love this card. I play it in all of my
decks and it helps a lot. The ability to get Evolutions
along with Basics is done by Celio's Network, but can
Celio grab EXs? I think not! It can combo with Rare
Candy quite well, seeing that you can grab the evolution
and go. It's lots of fun with Pidgeot RG as well because
you can grab Pidgeot and then grab whatever else you
want. Four Elm's and four Celio's can add up to mad draw
power, although unnecessary. Overall, a great card.
Unlimited: 1.5/5
We have better, non-Supporter things in Unlimited that
do all this and more.
It does make a good filler though.
Modified HL-on: 4.5/5
The only thing keeping it from a perfect score is that
it's a Supporter.
That one Supporter per turn thing really gets in your
way sometimes.
Otherwise, searching your deck for Evos is a great
Limited/Draft: 5/5
Draw power in draft = God. Pulling one or two of these
can't be too hard, and if you do you're in luck.
Until next time...