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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Energy Switch
EX Unseen Forces
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.66
Modified: 2.33
Limited: 2.83
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Stingmon |
Hey, it's ImperialStingmon and I'm back with Energy
Switch. Let's see what this does.
Move a basic energy card attached to 1 of your Pokemon
to another of your Pokemon.
Huh. Simple enough. Energy Switch is a card we've seen
before and it's actually gotten more useless over time.
There's so many ways to move energy cards now that, even
though Energy Switch is not limited by type, it is
limited by number something that can't be said for
Venusaur EX's Energy Trans. The other problem with
Energy Switch is it's a one time thing which means you
have to be very careful when moving that energy cause if
you're not you could end up with nothing but energyless
walls that will get trampled before you can do anything
about it.
Unlimited: 1/5 It can be used, but I'll take Venusaur or
Blastoise over it anyday.
Modified: 3/5 It's a little more useful here, but again
Venusaur EX looks a tad more pleasing.
Limited: 4/5 Easy to pull, but if you can get all of the
Venusaur EX line use it instead.

Hey! Gimmie!
Energy Switch (Available in a few different Booster
Type: Trainer
"Move a basic Energy card attached to
1 of your Pokemon to another of your
Rarity: Uncommon
Your chances of getting this card aren't too bad.
The Positive:
Let's face it. there are times when you run short of
Energy, and start looking longingly at that Pokemon
sitting on your bench with an Energy attached, and
either regret wasting the energy on them, or wishing you
could get that energy back to use on a Pokemon that's
more useful to you now.
ES cures that particular dilemma by allowing you to swap
energy from that once (But now) useless Pokemon to a
more useful Pokemon so you can get more use of the
Energy card.
The Negative:
This card isn't always useful, so you may not want to
incude it in your deck. It's not much of a down-side,
but should be noted.
Useful here, but not a popular card, so it doesn't see
much play.
It is useful though, so including a copy or 2 may be a
wise move.
Legal in this format. It is useful, but lacks the punch
most players want. If you use it, only use 1 or 2
Not as useful here. Most players will pass it by.
TR Brian
Well I would like to say thanks to pojo for letting me
do this and to everyone that reads these reviews. Keep
reading! ;-)
So now that's said and done we move to the actual
review. Today we look at another reprinted card but
unfortunately it isn't like yesterdays which is really
really good.
Energy switch can be used as a tactic to surprise the
opponent but I think its not worth the trouble.
Unlimited:There is no need for it here.Too many good
cards here. 1/5
Modified: Again it isn't really a good card. 1/5
Limited:Although i gave this a horrible score in the
others. It is an ok card here because u might actually
need to switch those energies. In limited you usually
run two or more types so it can be of some use. 3/5 ^_^
Thanks for reading. B E Z readers. TR Brian

Kevin89 |
Energy Switch:
Unlimited: not much use here, you cant move darkness
energy, and unlimited attackers should have low-costed
energy attacks anyway. you could use it however to
switch the energy on your cleffa onto an attacker.
Modified: I think this card is a waste of space in your
deck, again you can't move special energy, and moving 1
energy in general isn't worth one card in your deck.
There are a lot of better trainers out there.
Limited: at a prerelease, i combo'ed energy switch to
gligar, so I could attack, and when gligar received too
much damage, move the energy to a new attacker, and
retreat for free. energy attachment is important here,
such is keeping your energy in play. This card is very
useful in general here, move energy that you don't need
anymore is nice.
1992 |
Ok, Energy switch I
dont likr this card too much it dosen't really have many
uses with all of the other energy moving cards that are
poke powers and just is isn't good I give it low marks.
limited-2 its slightly better because you need trainer
cards in your deck