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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Cacturne ex
EX Emerald
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.7
Modified: 2.55
Limited: 3.2
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
My reviews
are ratings are for Modified only.
Cacturne ex
Modified 2/5 - It's decent, but not powerful enough. Its attacks
are average, and its Poke-Body doesn't shut down any important
decks, besides DragTrode, which isn't very popular at all.
1234 |
Cacturne EX has retreat of 1, weakness to
fire, and 110 HP. This is all acceptable for a stage 1
EX grass Pokémon. It Poké-Body can stop your opponent
from playing DCE, Rainbow Energy, R
Energy, React Energy, DRE, and plenty
of other special energy cards including the Holon’s
Pokémon. If you confuse the defending Pokémon with
“Psybeam” they can’t get rid of confusion with Warp
Energy or Heal Energy.
Its first attack does 20 damage for one
energy and confuses the defending Pokémon. That’s good.
The second attack is average. Just make sure you get
Cacturne EX out early, because doing only 70 damage late
game is often not enough.
Good for stopping DCE.
What decks don’t play special energy cards?
Cacturne EX is one of the most underplayed cards in the
format. 3.2/5
DX-on: More
playable here. You could confuse your opponent’s Pokémon
with “Psybeam” and keep your opponent’s active Pokémon
locked in place with Wobbuffet [LM].
Multi Energy and DRE are in this format. You
can stop them. 4.5/5
Raichu88 |
My name is Cacturne
I’m spiky so be aware
You can’t attach special energy
Because of my Cursed Glare
Unlimited: Could be nice since they can’t attach
anything like Recycle, Double Colorless or Rainbow but
they will find a way to gust it or something.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Nice no Double Rainbow Energy, Scramble
Energy, Heal, Holon variations.
But too bad it’s not applied for Benched Pokemon. So
they just attach to Benched let active get killed and
kill it right away. It somehow could be a nasty T2 Deck
just ER2 the Bench energy away and annoy your opponent
with Admin and Reversal. But that won’t be BIG so for
Modified not to good not to bad.
Rating : 2.3/5
Limited : Well could work cause there is a Double
Rainbow Energy in the set and it’s attacks are quite
cheap so sure take it.
Rating : 2/5

Muk Man |
Today's Card Of The Day is...Cacturne EX from Emerald.
This card has very limited use, especially for an EX.
Cursed Glare, prevents your opponent from attaching
special energy to the active pokemon. Which means that
your biggest threat will come from the bench. Psybeam is
a nice attack for the cost, 20 damage and confusion (My
Favorite Status) but with a maximum of 70 damage, the
most you can do with this pokemon is slow your opponent
down. You force them to power up a benched pokemon, and
since they are attaching to the bench, the active will
most likely sit there and take damage. Modified 3/5
don't underestimate how much damage confusion can cause.
Limited 4/5...Stage 1 with high HP, and Psybeam with
confusion will pile damage up quickly Current Ebay Value
$12 (plus or minus $2 dollars)
DarkJake |
Cacturne ex
Cacturne ex is an excellent type, with just a Strength
Charm attached, it can OHKO Dark Tyranitar and Nidoqueen
(and others). Cac ex's first attack is very easy to pull
off, for [G] you get to do 20 damage AND auto-confuse,
that's very nice for just the price of one basic energy.
The second attack, priced at [G][C][C], does 50 damage,
and if the defending Pokémon already has damage
counters, from a previous attack or otherwise, the base
damage is bumped up to 70, as mentioned earlier, coupled
with a Strength Charm, Cacturne ex can OHKO any 120 HP'd
grass-weak Pokémon, that is pretty nice. 110 HP is
pretty nice, next format where Desert Ruins doesn't
exist makes it just that much sweeter, and a low retreat
cost is nice too. Weakness to fire isn't too terrible,
but sadly pretty much any fully evolved fire Pokémon can
OHKO Cac ex. Saving the best for last, Cacturne ex's
body is very good, no special energy (other than Dark
and Metal) may be attached during your opponent's next
turn, as long as Cac ex is active. Having to be active
is somewhat annoying, although Cac ex is a pretty good
attacker, he is still just too easy to kill, even though
he does prevent the scramble/DRE/holon/etc attachment,
it only applies to active, and so many decks can just
retreat and get around him.
Unlimited: I suppose no DCE is somewhat hurtful, but
having Cleffa out and powering up the bench = win. 1/5
Modified: This deck can somewhat stop Exegguctor δ /
Raichu δ, although they can still play their metal
energy, zap a few times, and power up on the bench,
Nidoqueen, Rock-Lock, and pretty much anyone can do the
same. 2.5/5
Limited: Very good in this format, have him active and
he stops the attachment of Multi and DRE. Watch out for
the many fire Pokémon. 4/5
Computer Guy |
Today's COTD Review is Cacturne ex from EX: Emerald.
The HP is okay, the attacks are decent, the 1 retreat
cost is great. However this is a pokemon ex and its weak
to fire so that can pose some trouble. The power is
somewhat disruptive if used in the right deck.