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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Gyarados ex
Fire Red Leaf Green
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.2
Modified: 1.8
Limited: 2
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
My reviews
are ratings are for Modified only.
Gyarados ex
Modified 2/5 - I think this card is decent too. Both attacks are
at least above average - with Twister getting rid of energies
and Dragon Rage dealing 100 damage, potentially with Water,
Water, Boost. Nevertheless, starting with Magikarp is bad, and
Desert Ruins eats this ex-Pokemon alive. Not competitive enough
- sorry.

Joker Boi |
Gyarados Ex~
Every so often, well almost all the time they decide to
print crappy ex's many people may like not like this
"Like me" and others will play any crappy ex say if it
is "Their Favorite pokemon" or some other lame excuse.
Gyarados ex for example is one of those pokemon. First
of all Gyarados has 130 Hp which is nice for a stage 1
ex and since he came from the set FR-LG he will be rated
in the current modified format. So the 130 Hp will
subject it to desert ruins which can really hurt. He is
a water type which isnt to bad of a type to be now and
he is weak to electric which is a pretty popular type
right about now. Gyarados has two attacks The first
being Twister 2 for 40 is nice but if you roll two tails
(which can happen) you are pretty much screwed in having
a unsucessful attack and giving your opponent a attack.
His second is Dragon rage, Good Luck pulling this off
you need 5 energies! I know you are thinking well, you
can boost him but I would rather do that with Flygon ex
from Legend Maker. He has absoulutely NO body or power
which is pretty much bad in my opinion. And a 3 retreat
cost so if you manage to get the maximum 5 energies on
him you might not want to be retreating any time soon or
you might end up trying to win with a Twister. Overall
dont play this card it has no chemistry with any other
cards that well and is not T2 material I dont see a
point. And just because Gyarados is your favorite
pokemon does not give you an excuse for playing this
card in tournament play.
Modified: 1/5 Limited 4/5 Unlimited 1/5
Computer Guy |
Today's COTD Review is Gyrados ex from Fire Red/Leaf
Gyrados ex has some potential if used correctly. Good HP
and good attacks if you use Boost Energy with it. The
only real problem is Magikarp with its low HP.
Unlimited: 3.5/5
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 2/5

Muk Man |
Today's Card Of The Day is...Gyarados EX from Fire Red
Leaf Green.
This is an overlooked card, that still has potential.
the only draw back is having to play with magikarp. Turn
2 40 damage plus a chance to discard up to 2 energy is
an attack that I would risk (if you get 2 tails it does
nothing). Dragon Rage lets you do 100 damage with no
drawbacks, and because it is a Stage 1. its very
fast...but not faster than Electrode ex, which is why it
is so overlooked. Modified 3/5...I remember a T2 version
winning a states, or something last season. Limited
4/5...Once Powered up Hard to Kill. Current Ebay Value
$12 (plus or minus $2 dollars)
DarkJake |
Gyrados ex
Looks good on paper, but in reality... 130 HP, that's
excellent for a Stage 1 ex, no complaints here. Let's
look at the first attack: 40 damage for [W][C] is pretty
good, there is a 25% chance this attack will fail, but
two built in mini-Energy Removals makes up for it.
Now, the 2nd attack looks REALLY good, 100 damage for [W][W][C][C][C],
you only need 2 colored energies, therefore the attack
could be powered by boost…but then what? First off, a
weakness to electric means Dark Amphy and Zapdos can
OHKO this guy, which is bad… also, after doing his
ultimate attack, Gyra ex is left extremely susceptible
to a comeback attack from another Pokémon with scramble
attached, and even if you do have a Gyrados benched, you
already wasted all of your energy attachments, so that
one will be shortly knocked out as well.
A retreat cost of 3 is also rather heavy for a flying
type Pokémon.
Limited: It needs 5 energies to do anything useful… I
doubt it will ever have more than 2 attached in this
format. There are much better choices out there. 1/5
Modified: There is no simple way to power this guy up,
relying on boost energy isn't the best idea, because if
your active is knocked out, you pretty much lose because
there's no way you could have anything else powered up
on the bench. Magikarp is also a terrible Pokémon, so
any deck that can utilize bench damage will just do 30
to all of your Gyrados ex and use ATM:Rock to win the
game. 1.5/5
Limited: Pretty good here…if your Magikarp doesn't die
before you can fetch out the Gyrados and evolve. Also a
lot of electric Pokémon in this set. 2/5
Raichu88 |
My name is Gyarados
I’m Magikarps second stage
I deal 100 damage to you
With my Dragon Rage
Unlimited: Nope Magikarp could get OHKO.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Not even considerable it’s just weak. I mean
it’s weakness is bad (Mewtricks and MetaNite) and
starting with Magikarp is like Auch.
Rating : 1/5
Limited: As Second attacker maybe you still don’t want
to start with Magikarp. If you can set it up sure but I
rather leave it out.
Rating : 1/5