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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Dusclops ex
EX Emerald
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2
Modified: 3.2
Limited: 4.3
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
My reviews
are ratings are for Modified only.
Dusclops ex
Modified 3/5 - This is one of the few stage 1 ex's with lots of
potential. Again, you can take advantage of Boost Energy. But
you need energy acceleration, such as Meganium ex, to maximize
its potential. I just think it's not anywhere close to being
game-breaking or dominating the format.
Computer Guy |
Today's COTD Review is Dusclops ex from Emerald.
Dusclops ex is one of my favorite ex's from Emerald and
the most fun. The HP is great, Resistance to 2 types is
superb, and the Poke-Power is awesome. The attack can
take people by suprise when you have 1 Psychic energy
and then attach a Boost Energy for 8 damage counters.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: 3.9/5
Limited: 4.5/5
DarkJake |
Dusclops ex
Probably the biggest problem with this guy is that he's
an ex. If he wasn't an ex, think of all the crazy things
you could put in here, like Scramble and DRE for
instance. His only attack says it puts 2 damage counters
for every energy attached on him, needing [P] to
initiate the attack. Now, since this is damage counters,
it cannot be prevented by Metal Energy on an opponent's
Pokémon, nor can it be reduced by your own DRE, sadly
that's just a dream…since this guy is an ex Pokémon, it
cannot utilize DRE nor Scramble, which would make him
REALLY good. You can play him with Metagross (DX), and
have two of them out, getting 10 counters from nowhere,
but this is very risky, because you waste your
attachment on the boost energy, and 100 damage isn't
difficult to do back to knock this Pokémon out, either
way, there are much better choices out there, such as
Deoxys ex (atk form), whom only needs 3 energy to do
worthwhile damage, and has a potential to do much more
for a smaller cost. The body is somewhat nice; have a
Dusc out and one on bench, and you have no weakness.
Unlimited: …Yeah right. 1/5
Modified: If it wasn't an ex…or had more HP, might be
someone worthwhile, but the ability to do 100 damage
isn't that hard, while
getting 5 energies on this guy…kinda is 2.5/5
Limited: There are no dark Pokémon in this set! With
this guy out, you pretty much mean the game! 4.9/5