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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Kyorge ex
Crystal Guardians
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2
Modified: 2
Limited: 3.7
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
My reviews
are ratings are for Modified only.
Kyogre ex CG
Modified (DX-on): 1/5 - Okay for casual play, but not for
serious play. Again 3 Energy Attack with 2 Energy discard is
almost certainly too slow. And if you have Energy Acclerators
such as Flygon d, then you can combine better that with much
better Pokemon than Kyogre ex CG.
Survivor |
Today we look at Kyogre EX from Crystal Guardians.
The Card: Kyogre EX has 100 HP. Most Basic EX Pokemons
have 100-110 HP. So Kyogre's HP is good, but maybe 110
HP would been better. Kyogre EX got 2 retreat cost. It's
not good, but most EX Pokemons have 2 retreat cost. No
Resistance is not good, but you can live without it.
Overall the card got good HP retreat cost.
The Attacks: First let's look at Kyogre's PokeBody,
Flotation. Flotation allows each of your Kyogre EX have
a 0 retreat cost if you have one energy or less attached
to it. This thing could help you if you have an active
Kyogre EX and an energyless benched one. It would let
your active Kyogre EX has o retreat cost. Not a bad
The other thing we have to look at is Kyogre's EX
attack, Hydro Shot. It takes a WWC and discarding two
energies attached to Kyogre to do 70 damage to one of
your opponent's Pokemon. It's a good snipping attack,
but unless you have a way to supply Kyogre EX with
energies fast, this attack is not worth it. There are
oter ways to attack your opponent's benched Pokemons.
Pokemons with Split Bomb can do the job without
discarding any energy.
Uses of the Card: For modified (DX-on), I think Meganium
EX would help this
card. With Meganium EX PokePower and Holon's Castform,
Kyogre EX may see some play. I don't know much about
Unlimited so I can't say anything.
Modified (DX-on): This card is not that good in this
format, but with Meganium EX, some people may try it.
Like my reviews? Hate them ? Contact me at
Computer Guy |
Kyorge ex from Crystal Guardians.
The Kyorge ex by itself isn't too good, however I do see
a couple of combos. The main one is use it with
Blastoise ex to get energy on it fast. The second one is
UFO Vaporeon, just use its first attack to attach a
second energy to Kyorge ex.
Unlimited: 4/5
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 3/5
DarkJake |
Kyogre ex
The beast of the sea. This guy will only be legal in the
next format, DX-on. This format ex will be graded
differently. Now Desert Ruins doesn't exist, and having
100 or less HP means Holon Mentor can get you out of the
deck, which is excellent. Kyogre is exactly at 100, very
good HP, being obtainable via Mentor is a huge plus. His
attack is nothing special… 70 to anything for [W][W][C]
has 3 problems with it…1 is discarding two energies, 2
is it only does 70 damage, and 3 it requires 2 colored
energies to execute. Although the 2 W required can be
achieved via Holon's Castoform/Magneton/Electrode. So
this guy goes pretty well in the 'new' (yeah right) LBS,
which has Meganium ex instead of Blastoise. Pretty
simple, have 2 Megs out, attach grass, play the castform,
and discard the castform to do 70 to anyone. Steelix ex
does this better, requiring another energy, but doing
100 to anyone you desire. The body is pretty neat, after
you did the attack, you get free retreat because you
have just one energy attached.
Unlimited: Uhh….requiring 2 colored energies to do
anything is bad news in this format. 1/5
Modified: I guess he has a promise in that Meganium ex
deck, but being beaten by Rayquaza * with one attack
isn't anything to brag about. 2/5
Limited: VERY good, the only card (besides Igglybuff)
that technically has free retreat in this format, and an
awesome attack in this format too, do 70 to ANYONE, then
retreat for free, rinse and repeat…NICE. 4.5/5