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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Aggron ex
Crystal Guardians
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2
Modified: 3.1
Limited: 2.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
My reviews
are ratings are for Modified only.
Aggron ex CG
Modified (DX-on): 2/5 - I think Mega Burn's drawback is
significant, and Split Bomb is good, but still not the same as
Dark TTar's Spinning Tail. With Dark TTar's Spinning Tail, you
can win by constantly doing 20 damage to everything in
consecutive turns, followed by ATM: [Rock]. You could certainly
use Split Bomb, and get One-Hit KOs, but I think you could run
into big ex Pokemon with more than 130 HP.
Its Poke-Body is okay - I don't think its Poke-Body is useful
enough in a format that is dominated by evolutions though.
Computer Guy |
Aggron ex from Crystal Guardians.
Aggron ex is a very powerful card. It has loads of HP,
stops basic pokemon from attacking, has an attack that
can hit the bench, and has an all out powerful attack.
Also has a resistance to grass. On the downside he has 2
weaknesses, 4 retreat cost and is a stage 2.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 1/5
Survivor |
We take a look today at one of my favorite Pokemons,
The card: Aggron EX got 150 HP. That's really nice.
Seeing that not too many
Pokemons have HP over 150. Also Aggron EX is a Metal
Pokemon. That mean it
can benefit from Metal Energy. That mean it will take
your opponent a hard
time to knock him out. Fire and Fighting weakness are
not a good thing.
Double weaknesses have never been good. You just have to
work around it. The retreat cist for Aggron EX is really
big. 4 reatreat cost? I don't think you
want to pay for that. We do have Switch and Warp Point
which will help you
retreat Aggron EX. A grass resistance is a nice thing.
It could help you
against these Meganium EX decks that be popular in the
next format.
The Attacks: first, let's look at Aggron EX Poke-Body,
Intimidating Armor.
It's really nice. Once you put Aggron EX active could
stop your opponent's
Basic Pokemons Poke-Power/Body and attacks. It really
could help you against
Mew EX. Also it will make you auto-win against Lunasol
Let's look now at Aggron EX attacks. It's first attack
is Split Bomb. It's a
good attack. For 3 Colorless energies you can do 30
damage to two of your
opponent's Pokemons. You could use this attack to do
heavy damage to your
opponent's benched Pokemons. With Aggron EX 150 HP, you
could Split Bomb for a long time.
Aggron EX second attack is Mega Burn. Even though the
attack takes two Metal energies to use, but with Holon's
Castform and Holon's Electrode, you have
no problem. 100 damage for 4 energis is nice, but the
problem is you can't
use the attack next turn. That's why you should be
careful when you use this attack.
Modified: This card is really good here. I don't think
it will break the
format, but it will see some play. If you have him, try
to use him. 4/5
Limited: I think it's hard to play this card, but if you
get all of his
evolution lines try to use him. His big HP will allow
you to SPlit Bomb for
a long time in Limited. 4/5
Contact me at yaseryousif@hotmail.com if you have
anything to say to me.